Split Q

Q: (Split) Breu Haha 40 Sharkbait 20

Warm Up
Imperial Walkers 25
Hill Billies 25
Abe Vigoda Slow 20
CooperHead Squat 20
Prison Cell Merkin Burpees PCMB’s 10 count
Annie Plank 10
3 Rounds
Pulse Row 20×3
On belly hands at sides lift hands up
Supermans 20×3
Hey Watch Iss
Burpees 10, Jump Squats 10, Jack Knifes 10, Copperhead Squats 40, Scissor Kicks 5
“Failure cannot cope with persistence.” – Napoleon Hill
It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.
One proud father here. Breu Haha led the extended 40 minute “Warm Up”. His brother was present for his 3rd F3 workout and requested an F3 shirt after. Fish on.
Sad news our brother Powder is off to Washington State August 10.
Light Pax as we had a 2nd F last night celebrating Priorities Birthday. Super fun especially watching those who had PreGamed (You Betcha).
Sharkbait Out.

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