Great times! For this time of year as PAX rotate out on vacations it was awesome to have 11 HIM drop the DRP and post for the Field of Dreams [delirium] workout. It wasn’t always this way, so its exciting to still see double digits when others are out. Plant, Grow, and Serve small workout groups of men for the invigoration of male community leadership–on mission!
So here’s the skinny, it went a lil’ something like this:
SSH’s – 18 IC
SwartzJack’s – 20 IC
Seal Jack’s – 18 IC
Plank Jacks – 18 IC
Merkins – 10 OYO
Crab Flippers – 18 IC
The Big Dice
Upon returning to the AO following a nice brisk 0.5 mile Patriot Run around the block, PAX divided into 2 teams. Teams took turns rolling the 3 dice until reaching the opposite end of the field.
ROUTINE: Roll dice, both teams Bear Crawl to dice, execute the corresponding number of Burpees rolled (teams were to remember total number rolled. Team with highest number determined the punishment of lower scoring team at the end of the field).
Team 1 rolled 4x – Roll dice, Bear Crawl, Burpees. Rinse & Repeat…
Team 2 rolled 3x – Roll dice, Bear Crawl, Burpees. Rinse & Repeat…
Team 1 Rolled the highest number, though neither team remembers the exact number due to burpee delirium. Guestimates are as low as 77, but it was more likely closer to 100.
Da MATH: Neither team rolled less than 11 (77 Burpees would be the bare minimum), but there were rolls of 16, 14, 13, and 12. I.e. just know that the PAX executed ALOT OF BURPEES!
Rolling the highest accumulated number, Team 1 determined they would do 15 Merkins, while Team 2 was assigned 30 Merkins.
PAX took the long Mosey back to the AO, taking turns swapping out holding the dice overhead. They’re not heavy but THAT did create a different dynamic for the mosey.
Meanwhile back at the AO: 3rdF Message…
(The following thoughts adapted from R. Kent Hughes in Disciplines of a Godly Man)
Harry Blymires, in (The Christian Mind) said, “The Christian mind has succumbed to the secular drift with a degree of weakness and nervelessness unmatched in Christian history.” He sees our generation as suffering from religious anorexia (anorexia religiosa), a loss of appetite for Christ.
The bottom line is: this comes from a declining willingness to properly program the amazing instruments God has given us. Christians leave their 12 billion cells unguarded and unthinking—and undisciplined. When we turn to God’s Word, we’re aware that the Biblical writers understood the problem in a less technical way. “Above all else, guard your heart,” says Proverbs, “for it is the wellspring of life” (4:23). “For as a man thinks within his heart, so is he” (Prov. 23:7). The Scriptures tell us rightly that INPUT DETERMINES OUTPUT — that our PROGRAMMING DETERMINES PRODUCTION.
The one thing that will always shape your life is the condition of your heart. The Apostle Paul told us in Philippians to think on explicitly positive things: The true. The noble. The right. The pure. The lovely. The admirable. This is more than the power of positive thinking. They all defy negative exposition. I.e. each is a matter of personal choice — and our choices make all the difference in the world. We all can CHOOSE a thought “program” which will produce a Christian mind.
#1 – I have great sympathy for those whose past has been a series of bad choices. I understand that if over the years one has chosen the impure and the illusory and the negative, it is very difficult to change. But as a biblical thinker I give no space to myself or to anyone else who rationalizes his present choices by the past. Brothers, as followers of Christ we are free to have a Christian mind/a biblical worldview. It IS within our reach, and it is our duty.
#2 – We should be aware of the wise warnings against using words like “all,” “every,” and “always” in what we say. Using absolutes is dangerous. But I’m going to do it anyway. Here it is: IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR ANY FOLLOWER OF CHRIST WHO SPENDS THE BULK OF HIS EVENINGS, MONTH AFTER MONTH, WEEK UPON WEEK, DAY IN AND DAY OUT WATCHING THE TV AND WATCHING VIDEOS TO HAVE A CHRISTIAN MIND. This is ALWAYS true of ALL Christians in EVERY situation. A biblical mental program cannot exist with worldly programming. Again, INPUT DETERMINES OUTPUT — PROGRAMMING DETERMINES PRODUCTION.
Where the Bible says “think about such things” (Phil 4:8), the word that is used is “logidzamai”, from which we get the mathematical computer-like word logarithm. It means a “deliberate and prolonged contemplation as if one is weighing a mathematical problem.” It’s like getting junk mail versus getting the new Shooters Magazine, Runners World, etc. Or like getting junk emails versus emails from F3 or GoRuck, etc. You throw out the junk after a brief scan, but you take deliberate and prolonged contemplation over the new items from your favorite sources.
Even more so, we are to think about the good and positive elements God wants us to put into our computers/minds. God calls HIM in His Word to a massive and positive discipline of the mind. You cannot be profoundly influenced by that which you do not know. I.e. INPUT DETERMINES OUTPUT — PROGRAMMING DETERMINES PRODUCTION.
“Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long. Your commands make me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever with me. I have more insight than all my teachers, For I meditate on Your statutes. I have more understanding than the elders, For I obey your precepts.” (Psalm 119:97-100)
Last but not least A Round of Mary:
Flutter Kicks – Courtesy of Chattahoochee
Box Cutters – Courtesy of Vanilla
Big Boys – Courtesy of Gump
LBC’s – Courtesy of Summit
American Hammers – Courtesy of Ying Ying
Announcements: Warm-Up VQ scheduled for Gump @ Primis. Be there!
Prayers: Chattahoochee, Bill Crouch, YHC, etc. Plus, as always prayers were lifted up for each PAX to be a HIM in his home, his workplace, and in his community in which he serves.
That’s a wrap. Lot’s of PAX on vacation but we still posted 11! Way cool to see the continued growth of this group and of each individual PAX getting stringer and better as they keep posting. YHC was once again honored to lead!
Started the morning of fresh with some bonus hill runs to get the adrenaline flowing SSH – 20 IC Sun gods – 10 IC (FWD/BACK) (SIDES/OVHEAD/FRONT) Transitioned immediately into Morrocan Night clubs – 20 IC
Ran down the La Mesa Hill Merkins – 20 IC LBC – 20 IC Ran up the La Mesa Hill
As per the flea gold standard, today was circuit-based, after the warmup we came back and utilized the complex timer app (link at bottom) each workout lasted one-minute with ten exercises back-to-back for a ten-minute set
1 min squat 1 min side squat 1 min low plank hold 1 min burpees 1 min SSD 1 min mountain climbers 1min leg raises 1 min Freddie Mercuries 1 min high knees 1 min gas pumps
2 Laps around Field REPEATO 2x
Upcoming Dates 24 August F3 Birthday Bash
05 October Tough Mudder (Link to info at bottom)
Messing with templates, kind of like this one and may stick with it.
DAFFODIL – The people-group each person was born to Serve.
Warm up. 20 SSH. 15 windmill. 15 cherry pickers. Butt kick around half the circle, high knees other half. Right shuffle around half circle, left shuffle other half. Right karaoke around half circle, left karaoke around other half.
Mosey to middle school.
Start at first sidewalk (five total). Bear crawl to second and do 25 super squats. Lt Dan to third sidewalk and do 25 switch kicks. Lt Dan to fourth sidewalk and do 25 windshield wipers. Bear crawl to fifth and do 25 leg bicep curls each side.
An set. 10 big boys. 20 leg raises. 30 reverse crunches. 40 long arm crunches.
Do the same workout above except backwards, so we nurred where we lt danned and we crawl beared where we crawl beared.
F3 LAX (crab vs bear soccer. Split into teams. And everyone on one designated side of field (offense or defense) did crabwalk and the other side did bear crawl, switch every goal. (15-20minute game). Ended 5-4 with a ruxpin game winning goal.
3rd F on how to pray and the Lord’s Prayer Vs our prayers.
Warm up – 30 SSH -15 Cherry Pickers – 15 Moroccan Night Clubs – Arm circles forward and reverse.
Its the All Star Break for MLB so we Mosied to the ball fields for the beat down .
The Thang : two teams broke off one team held plank while first team started the Workouts
Home Plate to 1ST base – walking lunges
1st Base -15 Squats with 3 second hold at the bottom.
1st base to 2nd Base – Bear Crawl.
2nd Base -15 Merkins.
2nd Base to 3rd Base – Walking high knees.
3rd Base – 15 E2KS each side.
3rd Base to Home Plate – Crawl Bears.
Home Plate – 10 Burpees
Repeat for two more rounds .
We broke for 3rd F Message:
I do not know who wrote the quote . But in my quick 3rd F fashion I hit on how this can impact us as Men. Ruxpin added to it since we all need a little more of a break lol . Thanks brother !!!
The Thang 2 :
We took a wosey to the Tennis Courts and pulled out the Corn Hole Boards broke off in to teams again. Throwing 6 bags each. if your bag landed on the board the team had ten merkins if you miss you owe 10 merkins. if the bag drops in the hole the team owes 20 merkins. we played this for the last 10 min of the workout .
WARMARAMA: 20 Moroccan Nightclubs IC , 20 SSH IC , 20 Copperhead Squats IC, 20 Cherry Pickers IC, 20 Mountain Climbers, 15 SSH IC
The Thang 1: Mosey to Shipbuilders Village and partnered off. Partner 1 runs to Spinnaker Lane and nurs back while partner 2 is doing merkins and then switch. Then Partner 1 runs to Genoa Ln and nurs back while partner 2 is doing side plank leg lifts switching sides at 10 counts. Then switch with partner.
Thang 2: Mosey to Post Office circle. Same partners. Partner 1 bearcrawls halfway around circle and crawlbears the second half of the circle while Partner 2 does 80/40/20 super toy soldier set. Then switch.
3rd F – First Watch Psalm 143:8 Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.
I have struggled all of my life with a shallow relationship with my heavenly father. I have tried since I was 15 years old to have a daily quiet time with him. I have had spurts of success, but never sustained. Some events in my life over this past year have caused me to reflect on that issue and I have made some major changes accordingly. I belong to a Christian business leaders group called C12 Group. About 5 years ago I was at a C12 conference in Orlando the founder, Buck Jacobs gave a stirring message about how important it is to have a consistent daily time in the Word of God and prayer. He said the best success for that time is the first hour of every day, no matter what you do. Make it non-negotiable. At the prompting of a very good friend of mine, Herb Troyer, whom I ironically introduced him to C12 4 years ago, he suggested I revisit that message. I did, and I have successfully adopted this routine into my life now 138 days straight (Buck is on day 10,000+-). I would encourage each of you to consider this to be part of your life, a non-negotiable start to your day. God will redeem your time and rest.
Apart from Christ, we are all creatures of our fleshly desires and habits. Even though He promises that our salvation is secure, our commitment to living under the Lordship of Christ must happen one day at a time as we react to the many challenges and temptations which come our way. Our ability to provide Godly leadership stems solely from our daily intimacy with Christ. Unless we abide in Him by routinely accessing His means of Grace (i.e., Bible, prayer, worship, fellowship, witnessing), it is easy for us to get off track and be compromised in our ability to be ambassadors and make disciples.
Start small, 10-15 mins everyday. Routines become habits, habits become part of us, good or bad. This will change your life, I promise you.
Psalm 119:11 Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
Ephesians 6:13 ..put on the whole armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
Warmup: SSH – 40 IC Imperial Walkers – 30 IC Daisy Pickers – 20 IC Merkins – 10
THE THANG We didn’t do a July 4th Holiday workout so I wanted to makeup for that! It was great to have Toolbelt from down range!
FIRST WORKOUT (MERICA!) One person ran a lap around the field while the other two performed the excercise! 50 – Merkins 50 – El Captains (in place) 50 – Rosalitas 50 – Imperial Walkers (4-count) 50 – Carolina Dry Docks 50 – Arm Circles
SECOND WORKOUT Mosied to the playground and performed a rotating set
Step-ups LBC’s Aussie Merkins – 30, performed as counter
Mosied back to flag and finished with 1min of plank for time
Ended with Number-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COT, Coffeteria
MOLESKIN Tough Mudder Some Sort of 2nd F to come QuickSilver planning eventually
LEXICON: Word of the day- DOWN RANGE– Out of town and unavailable to participate in a Workout or other Event. Abbr: DR.