The 100

Q Sharkbait 
Pax Jagger, Bruhaja, Burgundy, Cleveland Rocks & Flea

20 Side Straddle Hops
20 Imperial Walkers
20 Don Quixote 

15 Blades of Steel
Start in plank position with hands directly under shoulders, keeping arms as straight as possible. Slowly perform merkin with only your shoulders doing the movement, no bend in your elbows. At your lowest position your shoulder blades are close together, with elbows and back still straight. Slowly raise your body with only your shoulder blades pushing away from your spine. Your shoulder blades will be slightly rounded at top once complete. Suggested to move slow.

The Thang
100 SSH / Imperial Walkers 
90 High Knees
80 Dying Cockroaches 
70 Mountain Climbers
60 Groiners / 
50 Squats / Freddie Mercury’s 
40 Jump Lunges / Wide Arm Merkins
30 Butt Kickers
20 Burpees 
10 Merkins

100 ft Inch Worm
Start in a good form plank, inch hands forward as far possible, when you can’t extend any further, inch feet forward until you are back in a standard plank, and repeat. 

50 LBC’s 4 count


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Houghton, Hasselhoff & Cash

Nothing exciting to say today folks… just the facts:

Disclaimer Given, always.


All IC: Mountain Man Poopers (shout out to you, Hogs Breath… you are missed,) SSH, 1/2 jack, jumps, IW’s, Gorilla Humpers, Hairy Rockets (sotyHB!)

The Thang:

Squats with Inger Houghton

Till I say stop: Burpees but instead of Merkin do 3 plank jacks
Till I say stop: Jump Rope
Till I say stop: Reverse Crunch
Till I say stop: Mike Tysons

Jump in my Car: Burpee on “Jump into my Car” or “Get Outta my Car” lyrics, else SSH

Plankfest: 3min, rest, 2 min, rest, 1 min

Till I say stop: Run in Place

10 Start Jacks OYO

Till I say stop: Aussie Burpees
3 reps of 5 air presses, 5 merkins
Till I say stop: Gas Pumps

Hurt, Johnny Cash… Al gore on first 4 lines, plank on second 4, repeat every 4 lines.

Name-o-rama, COT

Can’t believe Flea made it out today. Congratulations on the new one!

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Full Body of Pain

13 Apr 2020

Q : Flea


-SSH 50
-Cherry Pickers – 20 IC
-Abe Vigoda – 20 IC
-Imperial Walker -20 IC
-Mosey lap around your house/field or block (your choice)The Thang
Ab round: The Bruce Lee
-American hammer (4 ct–20 reps)
-Flutter kicks (4 ct–20 reps)
-LBCs (4 ct–20 reps)
-Heel touches(4 ct–20 reps)
-Freddie Mercuries (4 ct – 20 reps)
-Crunchy frog (30 reps)
         Done in cadence, in a V-like sitting position, first wrap your legs with
your arms. Quickly open yourself up by moving your arms out to your
sides and extending your legs out in front of you. Bring them back in.

Sprint around your house/Field/Block
Leg round: The Conor McGregor
-Squat (50 ct)
-Lunge (40ct, per leg)
-Over-coupon/obstacle side hops (50 ct)
-Long Jumps (30 ct)
-Apollo Ohno (50 CT)
Speed Skater style side hops.

Sprint around your house/Field/Block
Arm round: The Muhammad Ali
-Burpees(15 ct)
-Carolina Drydock (30 ct)
-Merkins (20ct)
-Overhead Air Press (50 ct)
-Single leg Tricep dip (20 ct – ea leg)

Sprint around your house/Field/Block

If you have more than 5 minutes left repeat your favorite portion. If you have less than 5 minutes do a mosey lap around the block/field to cool down.  

TClap |

More than a Groiner

Our meeting room got hijacked and let’s just say I am glad the rest of the pax did not log in to the meeting ahead of me.

Other west coast Virtual AOs started up this week and took some of the down range pax from our Saturday virtual AO. While I missed them, I really enjoyed just seeing F3 Monterey PAX on the screen. It was like old times down at Carmel High.

Warm Up:

50 SSH, 30 IW, 50 MNC, 30 Shoulder Taps, 50 Squats

Plank fest: 3 min plank, 30 second rest, 2 min plank, 30 sec. rest, 1 min plank, 1 min. high knees

This is where it was like old times. I wanted to try this out and I think it worked well. Partner up (yes, virtual partner up) and:

Partner 1 Al Gores, Partner 2 runs 20′ away from camera and does 10 Merkins. All pax halts when first group reaches 100 Merkins together.

Repeat again: P1 does Seal Jacks while P2 runs and does 10 mtn. climbers. Halt at 100.

Repeat again: P1 does Sun Gods while P2 Crawl Bears and does 10 Mike Tysons. Halt at 100.

That was it for the partnering up. I think it worked really well. I will do it again next virtual AO that I Q.

Burpees to failure. We knew Sharkbait would be the last on this one!

20 Groiners OYO (paying tribute to the meeting hijackers, if you will.)

We stayed around and chatted a little. Great to catch up with the PAX.

YHC and Q – Cleveland Rocks

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Rockin’ to the beat

Well… maybe not rockin. I searched for some good 80’s songs to get us thru the hour. I came across a few that were way too motivating (picture really big guys in a gym lifting really big weights) so I obviously couldn’t use those. The ones I chose where classics – and they are ranked on many lists as being the worst songs of the 80s. Now that’s motivation!

The third virtual Monterey beatdown brought out the first east-coaster and all that east coast banter I have heard so much about, too! It was a treat for sure.

Edison’s 2.0s appeared and one completed the entire workout! Props to him! Bill-E-Goat from Phoenix joined in with an awesome chalk wall behind him! And thanks to those from Hanger1 & Quick Silver who have attended all three of Monterey’s virtual beatdowns.

Thank you to everyone that attended today. You are helping make us stronger.

Disclaimer given.

Warmup (All IC)
10 Cherry Pickers (Flea style)
20 IW
30 Moroccan Night Clubs
40 Copper Head Sqauts
50 SSH

The Thang
For the 80s songs we did 5 reps of two exercises adding 5 reps to each for the balance of the song. I thought we’d all finish (at 30 reps each) before the end of the songs but it turned out, to YHCs joy, we got to the end of the songs before the pax reached the 30 reps!

5 LBCs / 5 Shoulder Taps
Song Choice: Ricks Astly “Never Going to Give You Up”

1 min hopping Left / Right

5 Gas Pumps / 5 Hello Dollies
Song Choice: Billy Ocean “Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car”

Tabata style squats. Not an 80’s song but a great workout. Link to Tabata song / squat video Honestly one of my favorite things in life is coming out of the low squat to start another round. What does that say about me?

5 Merkins / 5 Seal Jacks
Song Choice: Men Without Hats “Safety Dance”

1 minute hopping front to back

5 flutter kicks / 5 plank jacks (YHC almost completed this one and was upset when the song ended.)
Song Choice: Nena
“99 Luftballoons”

1 minute monkey humpers

Now on to another non-80s song but a favorite of YHCs. Chumbawamba “Tubthumping” Burpee when they are singing “I get knocked down” and SSH otherwise. Honestly it was more brutal this go around than it has ever been before. I think staying in one place adds a new layer of brutality to this F3 thing. YHC likes to run around during his normal Qs.

1 min high / low plank (Or for those on concrete squats, arm raises, etc.)

5 Mountain Climbers / 5 Aussie Burpees
Song Choice: Stacey Q “Two of Hearts”

And to finish it up “Bring Sally Up” push up challenge. YHC impressed by the east coasters vigilance to complete Sally. YHC switched to squats and air presses. I have to check the F3 rule book… if you can’t do it, don’t Q it?

YHC and Q – Cleveland Rocks

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