- Pax: Beach, Cleveland Rocks, DPR, Kidogo, Potato Chip, Seafood, Shaffer, Sharkbait (Respect), Stone Cold
- Posted In: Monterey, CA

9 strong 💪 today for a modified F3 Chattanooga “Burph.” The snooze button was very poplar today as we started off with 5 and ended with 9. Weather was Monterey perfect – cool, overcast, foggy in the upper atmosphere (aka clouds) and a sprinkle of wetness as one ran.
Disclaimer Given
Warm Up
Michael Phelps
Grady Corn
T Pots
The Thang
To the track:
10 burpees
20 merkins
30 squats
Run lap… do for a total of 6 rounds & then pick up 6
Goal Line – bear crawl to 100….
Back to the track:
5 burpees
10 merkins
15 squats
Run lap… repeat 1 more time.
Circle up… 50 imperial walkers and some arm holds to end it.
Announcements: Closing down F3Monterey Slack workspace and moving to the nations Slack workspace. We have an F3Monterey channel on that page. Sign up here: https://f3nation.com/slack/
Signups for Concorso Italiano volunteer. See links in Slack channel to sign up or talk to Beach.
Save the date: September 4th for the 4 year F3 Monterey anniversary BBQ and other events. Events still being worked on.
YHC and Q = Cleveland Rocks