- Posted In: Monterey, CA
Q Sharkbait
PAX Priorities
Fun in the grass. Post Holiday Workout.
Imperial Walkers 20
Hill Billies 20
CooperHead Squat Lower 3 count up on 4
Abe Vigoda Slow Stretch Wind Mill 20
The Thing
3 Rounds
Mountain Climbers 10
Groiners 10
3 Rounds
Pulse Row IC 10
Supermans 5 Second Hold 10
Burpee Square Dance 8 Cones spaced every 30′ 10 Burpees at each Lunge Walk Between
3 Rounds
Russian Twist IC 10
Flutter Kick IC 10
3 Rounds
LBC’s IC 10
Appreciation for what we have and compassion for those without.
TClap |