Happy Mother’s Day weekend HIM! 14 HIM posted at Aegis for a M.O.T.H.E.R. of a Beatdown!
Warm-O Rama
20 Cherry Pickers IC
20 Goofballs IC
20 Windmills IC
Patriot Run to Woodstock’s Building (long route)
The Thang
Merkins (50 IC)
Overhead Press (50 OYO)
Toy Soldier Set (50 LBC, 25 E2K each side, 15 Big Boys)
Hip Slappers (20 OYO – 10 each side)
E2K (25 each side OYO)
Rock-Paper-Scissors (Pair up 10 Rounds-Low Plank winner does number of round of Merkins loser does number of round of Burpees tie both do 5 Merkins)
Mosey to Park by Presbyterian Church
Merkins (15 OYO)
Overhead Clap (15 OYO)
Toy Soldier Mini Set (15 LBC, 10 E2K each side, 5 Big Boys OYO)
Hip Circles (10 each direction OYO) side note, these are still gay!
E2K (15 each side OYO)
Rock-Paper-Scissors (Round 10 Only)
Mosey back to Circle for a round of Mary
Third F
Happy day before Mother’s Day! Ephesians 6:2-3 says 2 “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— 3 “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.” God does not tell us to honor our mothers when they are right, He says to honor our mothers, period. That means no matter what! Some of us have good mothers, some of us have not so good mothers. Regardless, we are to honor our mothers.
20 Arm Circles forward, 20 backwards, 20 seal claps, 20 overhead claps
Cherry Pickers 20 IC
Imperial Squat Walker 20 IC
Mountain Man Poopers 20 IC
Hairy Rockets 15 IC
Slow lateral stretch 10 IC
The Thang:
Mosey to Alley
Lt. Dan to stop sign
Mosey across street, jailbreak to corner
Mike Tysons 25 OYO
The People’s chair with overhead clap 25 OYO
The American Hammer 25 IC
Mosey to grassy park
Decline Merkins 25 OYO
Balance Lunges 15 each leg
Marionettes 30 total 10 each direction
Mosey to playground
Dips 50 OYO
Pendulum Squats 10 each leg IC
Toy Soldier Set
50 crunches
15 Pretzel Sticks each side
10 Big Boys
F3 Message Mark Munoz –
With determination and faith, you will eventually rise above, succeeding despite the odds. For God gives us life; the rest is up to us to accept His challenge. God created us to serve others with passion and presence.
Through wrestling, I learned the true meaning of life. My father said “If you join, you will wrestle the first day, the last day, and every day. You will not quit.” I lasted one practice, so after getting taken down, pummeled by cross faces, and turned in half nelsons and wings, I was ready to give up. Dad found me sitting at home the next day instead of at practice. I told him: “I don’t want to wrestle anymore.” Stoically, he reminded me of the commitment I had made. Leading me by the arm, he returned me to a place I would learn to love. Wrestling fostered a mentality of excellence whereby I was on honor roll all four years and made the National Honor Society. Although I rose to the second ranked MMA fighter in the world, I never forgot that God created us to serve and to love others more than ourselves. My Reign youth wrestling club is rooted in the belief that as God reigns, we must learn how to reign over our competition.
Champions are not defined by wins, but by how many times you pick yourself up after a loss. Rise above adversity. Embrace the grind. Love what you do and do what you love.
As a society, we must learn to love with one another with love and compassion. Truly listen to and know each other’s story. Hear how they grew up and what they had to overcome. Share with them that none of us is perfect; all we can do is live the best life. Live, learn, and get better. The process of learning is a lifelong journey. If you learn how to handle adversity, how to rise like a Phoenix from the ashes, you will succeed in getting through the most difficult moments in your life, with your heart full and your mind ready to confidently take on whatever life confronts you with next
Mosey to Masonic Building
Plyo Merkins 25 OYO
Iron Mikes 10 IC
Flutter Kicks 25 IC
Easter Day Prayer
Dear God,
We come before you on this special day, celebrating the resurrection of your son, Jesus Christ. We give thanks for the sacrifice that he made for us, and for the love that you have shown us through him. As we gather with friends and family, may we be reminded of the hope and joy that Easter brings.
We pray for those who are suffering or in need, that they may find comfort and peace in your love. May your blessings be upon us all as we go forth in faith, hope, and love.
Suicide Run while team does Merkins, Squats, SSHs, Crab Jacks, Plank Jacks, and LBCs.
Carolina Drill in circle both ways
3rd F
To invigorate is to fill with energy or a feeling of vitality, renewal, or refreshment.
Invigorate is especially used in the context of things that make people feel “alive” or renewed or refreshed physically, mentally, and emotionally. Such a state or feeling can be called vigor, which is at the root of invigorate. In other words, to invigorate is to fill with vigor. Someone who feels this way can be described with the adjective invigorated, as in I feel really invigorated after that long, restful weekend. Something that invigorates can be described with the adjective invigorating, as in I love an invigorating swim in the ocean. Sometimes, invigorate is applied to things other than people to mean something like stimulate or boost, as in These measures are meant to invigorate the economy.
There is one undeniable truth; Men need authentic relationships with other men who are working to be strong fathers, husbands and leaders. Isolation will destroy a man! We have the opportunity to change our community and the trajectory of our families. Getting in the best shape of your life is just a by-product. The workout is what draws most men like a magnet but the relationships, brotherhood and community keeps men coming back. An F3 workout helps us accomplish F3’s mission to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.
Call out each HIM and ask who brought and why they keep coming back.
Yeah we like to joke around and poke the bear, but we need to focus on the main thing stated above “Isolation will destroy a man”. It almost destroyed me when I was young.
Patriot to the Armory in Teams
Stair hops to top – 10 Burpees while others hold 6”, Hello Dolly’s, Flutter Kicks, Big Boys, and American Hammers.
Mosey back to the circle
Announcements – Memorial Day Beatdown is still on a Monday this year
Prayers – Quattro’s Feet, 2.0 hurt at F3 Houston Area, T-Rex Dad, All HIM needing that support these days to avoid temptation
HIM – T-Rex(Q), Yukon, Pick, Quattro, Looney Tunes, Whirlybird, Semi, Sherlock, Ruxpin, Fireplex, Probe, Wildwing, Bunt, Chattahoochee, Mr. Mom, Pooh, Hoss, and FNG(Gator) .
On 2/22/23 4 HIM beat the fartsack and came out to the GritMil. Focker, Ruxpin, Woodstock & MacDaddy.
Welcome to F3, if you weren’t here, where would you be. In the fartsack you say? No way, because this is a free peer led workout with no place to pee. Yes, it’s a poor man’s workout, we are not paid, we are not pros, but we are certainly bros. You are here on your own accord, no matter how tight that EH was. When the going gets tough, don’t quit, let’s keep it going, modify it. We never leave a man behind, but keep in mind, we broke, so you can’t sue me or F3. Now that this is said and done, we are ready to warm up with…. The Moroccan Night Club.
Warm Up
Moroccan Night Club x 15
Cherry Pickers X 15
Bolt 45
The Thang: Jailbird Beat-Down
Partner Up (One goes to jail, while the other bails him out).
Jailbird holds plank while Bailer pays 100 towel lateral pulls.
Partners switch & repeat.
Jailbird does Wall Sit/Hold the Wall, with towel elevated while Bailer pays 100 towel squats.
Partner switch & repeat.
Bench Lunges, single leg while partner runs 2 laps. Switch legs once partner completes 1st lap.
Partners switch & repeat.
3rd F The book of Revelation is the last book of the new testament, in the Greek it is called apokalypsis, meaning “unveiling” or “revelation”. This is the revelation of Jesus Christ. Jesus is speaking to John and offers comfort and encouragement to Christians of all ages that God is firmly in control. He also addresses that when the time is right, the forces of evil that seem to dominate our world will be utterly destroyed, and God’s eternal kingdom will come into its fulfillment. Jesus, described as the Lamb, the One like a Son of Man dictates seven messages for John to send to the seven churches in Asia Minor. Each message praises the church community for its strengths and urges community members to correct their weaknesses.
Revelation 3:14-22 reads,
“To the angel of the church in Laodicea write:
The Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Origin of the creation of God, says this:
‘I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of My mouth. Those whom I love, I rebuke and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me. The one who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat with My Father on His throne. The one who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’”
This was Jesus addressing the church in Laodicea because they were LukeWarm. They understood this analogy because their drinking water came through a channel from a spring six miles to the south, and when it arrived, it was disgustingly lukewarm. The water they received was not like the water at the hot springs where it originated, where people used to wash in etc.., nor was it cold for the purpose of drinking. Being hot and cold is useful, and will benefit the Kingdom of God. But, being LukeWarm is useless and benefits nothing. Jesus says to them, be zealous (passionate) and repent.
In 2013, a man created a fake company and sent fake invoices to Google, claiming Google owed an outstanding balance. Because the invoices were many and overwhelming, Google decided it was easier to pay the bills and not investigate the bills. The man swindled Google out of 100 million dollars. Later, the man was caught and he pled guilty to fraud. He was pretending to be someone who he was not, just like the Laodicean Church. They too were frauds.
If we are living a lukewarm life, then we are living in a “gray world”. We are simply existing with no purpose. We need to step up and be useful, we need to paint or get off the ladder. A life without God is not a life at all, it’s just us idling in time until we die. So, let’s get out of this gray area and step into a strong relationship with Christ and avoid being a man just “existing” in this world.
Let me leave you with this for us to examine ourselves: The signs of a lukewarm Christian is that:
· God is only a source to escape from the penalty of sin, but they still love living in their sin. · They attend church and worship God as a religious activity, but their actions do not show the fruits of a transformed life. · There is no evidence of fruit in their life. · They don’t enjoy praying or spending time in the presence of God and glorifying Him in everything they do. · They don’t share their faith, or have a burden for the lost. · Their eyes are set on the things of this world. · They don’t have much time for God, there’s always an excuse. · No one even knows that they are followers of Christ. · and so on…
Warm-a-Rama Side shuffle around circle, switch directions halfway 15 seal jacks i/c 10 screaming lunges per leg oyo 15 seal waves i/c 10 mountain man pooper i/c High knees around circle, switch to butt kickers halfway
3rd F Play The Man • Devotional
Will Power!
Mosey to field by the church
Ultimate frisbee 3 bombjacks for team with dropped disc Scored exercises were; Screaming lunges Diamond merkins Merkins Frog burpees Burpees Flutter kicks
Mosey back to the circle 25 gas pumpers i/c, slowed tempo from 15-20
We are just a group of men who lead others, there are no professionals here, you have to pay for them, this is free. If your sue happy spill your Dunkin coffee but don’t confuse them with me cause I and we don’t have anything and your being told you can’t sue any of us. If you can’t do something we are doing tailor it for yourself, but do something and get stronger
23 cherry pickers
23 fairy jacks
23 Moroccan night club
The thang
Snowflake plank 1 minute
23 mountain climbers
Snowman shuffle to the stairs, up the stairs, and down the stairs, and back around
23 merkins
23 LBB
Stairs Tour
23 squats
23 American hammers
Stairs Tour
Bear crawl (side lot) light poles and back
23 big boys
23 calf raises
3rd F
Proverbs 27:17 “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another”
We all come here daily, weekly, monthly or once upon a time, Specially this location has been once a week, as the iron has sharpened a mighty strong blade here it has allowed us to slice open the seems. This piece of iron has upheld the mission of F3, plant, serve, and grow. When this location was planted it only served a small group which has now grown and out grown our iron.
As it says in Proverbs 20:4, “Sluggards do not plow in season; so at harvest time they look but find nothing”
Clearly this group of HIM is not sluggards as harvest time has come here and there’s plentiful crop to carry into the next chapter…
Thank you to those who came, gritted it out, and have grown a bountiful crop of HIM
23 Freddy mercury
23 reverse crunches
Stairs Tour
23 dips
23 merkins
Stairs Tour
Ruxpin Homage Addition
Chappie Homage Addition
Sherlock Book reading Addition (Wall Sit 1:23 Seconds)
HIM performed 23 reps, as a remembrance of the year we left the library for our new site.
We are growing, check groupme for updates, but not TRex’s post
Prayers- Rosco’s Friend as he recovers from a medical issue.
YHC jumped in to fill the gap as requested by Bunt who was out of town. 23 PAX won #thatfirstbattle and posted for yet another multi-station workout, which YHC confesses may have had too many moving parts. Nonetheless, those who did the work got “gassed”–says Quattro. Several PAX dressed in red to honor Cardinal from F3Knoxville, who actually collapsed and died during his VQ just yesterday, 1/11. (Forgive Streudel’s laughter in Name-O-Rama, he wasn’t aware why the PAX next to him announced “Cardinal!“) Cardinal leaves behind his M, Andrea, and 2 young children, Clay and Evie. Our hearts go out to the family and F3 PAX who were with him when he died. There are no guarantees that we’ll have our next breath…let’s live like it! And let’s be prepared for eternity!
As mentioned, there may have been too many moving parts. Still, here’s how it all went down…
SSH – 51 IC
Imperial Squat Walker – 15 IC
Tempo Merkins – 10 IC
Italian Night Club – 51 IC
Cherry Pickers – 15 IC
>>>>>>Mosey to H.O.B.
PAIR UP for Stations: Run counter-clockwise aroun stations, stopping to do the workour (if bags are available)
CONE #1 • 40lb sandbags – 40 OH Presses, then go to next station; if there’s no sandbag, keep running all the way around…
CONE #2 • 40lb sandbags – 40 Sandbag Curls, go to next…
CONE #3 • Long Sit/Cross Legs – 30 reps, Single Count (Grab a card, do exercise, before moving on. KEEP YOUR CARDS!)
CONE #4 • 40lb GORUCK BAGS – 10 Sandbag Burpees (clean & toss), go to next…
CONE #5 • 20lb Medicine Balls – 10 OH Squat Thrust & Catch or Slams, go to next.
CONE #6 • X’s & O’s – 25 Single count (Grab a card, do exercise, before moving on. KEEP YOUR CARDS!)
CLOSING GAME OF WAR: 2 lines/2 teams: I. De. Clare. War! Winners: No exercise Losers: Exercise on winning card.
Move in Pairs
Spread out among 6 stations/directions are in chalk at each CONE.
GOAL: Keep moving! Rule: If you see a PAX walking you may Grab a card from the deck, charge them with it (they do exercise) AND you get to exchange it with and keep the highest card from their hand (no exercise charged to you!)
If there’s no bags at a station, rock on! (Keep running till you’re able come around and complete all stations.)
After each time at the ab stations (3&6), grab card from deck, do the exercise, but keep your cards to the end. Try to get 3 cards.
Once you’ve done a station you’ve completed that station. By-pass it if already done. DO NOT throw down actual sandbags!
Bonus: RETURN TO AO WITH ALL THE COUPONS, AND WITH WATER IN MOUTH (Spit it out/Swallow it no Burpees!) Due to time no Burpees were rewarded, however, several PAX did them after BOM. Growing success—most of the PAX succeeded at this crazy exercise invented by the Apache Indians (who ran great distances while holding water in their mouths)
Wait a second! 23 PAX/24 Waters…who didn’t drink up?
3rdF shared prior to the round of I Declare War:
Navy Seal, Admiral McRaven, told this training story during a commencement address:
He said, “Every day during training you were challenged with multiple physical events. Long runs. Long swims. Obstacles courses. Hours of calisthenics, something designed to test your mettle. Every event had standards, times you had to meet. If you failed to meet those times, those standards, your name was posted on a list. And at the end if the day those on the list were invited to a circus.
A circus was 2 hours of additional calisthenics, designed to wear you down, to break your spirit, and to force you to quit. No one wanted a circus. A circus meant for that day that you didn’t measure up. A circus meant more fatigue, and more fatigue meant that the following day would be more difficult, and more circuses were likely. But at some time during training everyone, everyone, made the circus list.
An interesting thing happened to those who were constantly on the list: Over time those students who did 2 hrs. of extra calisthenics got stronger and stronger; the pain of the circuses built inner strength and physical resiliency.
Life is filled with circuses. You will fail. You will likely fail often. It will be painful. It will be discouraging. At times it will test you to your very core. IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR WORLD—don’t be afraid of the circuses!”
In 1 Cor. 9:24-27 Paul used this kind of physical training as an illustration to tell of something of greater importance—living for Christ.
“Don’t you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such way that you may win. And everyone who competes in the games exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. (More important.) Therefore I run in such a way, as not without aim; I box in such a way, as not beating the air; but I beat my body [discipline] and make it my slave, lest possibly, after I have preached to others, I myself should be disqualified.”
The Bible gives this allegory to tell us that to cross the finish line effectively it’s going to take work. Not to earn it, but it just takes work AND because, like any athlete or any man, there will be times when we just don’t feel like putting in the work [out]. T.D. Jakes reminds us, “Your feelings will never cooperate with your dreams. Beat your feelings into captivity. Because when you beat your feelings into captivity, that is what discipline is!”
This sounds like Admiral McRaven, except that it stretches across the spectrum from physical training to the things we face in our everyday world… “Life is filled with circuses. You will fail. You will likely fail often. It will be painful. It will be discouraging. At times it will test you to your very core.” IF YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR HOME, YOUR WORKPLACE, YOUR COMMUNITY, AND YOUR WORLD—IF YOU WANT TO BE A H.I.M., don’t be afraid of the circuses!” [Anticipate and expect to do the extra work]
Name-O-RAMA – 23 PAX
Announcements: SLT Meeting tonight @ Tequila Real, 6:30 pm; Roving RuckF3st Friday stepping off at Georgetown Circle in the Gloom; Quattro need girls clothing and school supplies for trip to girls orphanage
Prayers: Quattro as he’s preparing for mission trip to El Salvador; Cardinal’s M and children and the PAX with Cardinal when he died during the workout.
Honored to stand in for Bunt in his absence, thankful for the opportunity to Q
Bolt 45’s IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down. 15 squats halfway to full down. 15 full squats.
Cherry Pickers – 15 IC
Hydraulic Squats – 10 (6 Count)
The Thang
Round #1 – Karaoke around the circle switching directions at halfway and complete 10 hand release merkins. Round #2 – Nur around the circle and complete 20 LBC’’s. Round #3 – ass kickers around the circle and complete Aiken legs – 10 squats, 10 box jumps, 10 lunges (5 each Leg), 10 Mike Tyson’s (5 each Leg). Round #4 – high knees around the circle and complete ATM’s – 10 alternating “merkin” shoulder taps, 10 tempo merkins, and 10 fast merkins. Round # 5 – Lieutenant Dan around the circle and complete 10 four count mountain climbers. Round #6 – Toy Soldier march around the circle and complete a set of 11’s. 1 big boy to 1 merkin, two big boys to 2 merkins ascending to 11 of each. Round #7 – mosey 10 laps around the circle and complete ascending Burp & Merks up to 10 merkins. The twist is we are going to repeat each of the previous exercises before starting the next lap around the circle.
F3 Message – 01/07/23
Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust. Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.
When I’m on the road and staying in a motel, I’m often leaving pretty early that day for the responsibilities I have. But by the time I return late that night, something amazing has happened. The bed is made and I didn’t make it! I’ve got new, clean towels! I didn’t find them. Everything’s straightened and neat. I even get these cool little soaps now that are in the bathroom! The Room Fairy has been there! Now, I know that not because I’ve seen the maid (actually I haven’t), but because I can see the results of her work all over the place. I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about “God All Over Your Day.” He is, you know. It’s not unlike that maid scenario. You may not see the one who made the difference, but you can sure see the difference that He made, if you’re looking for it. If you’ve ever been to one of those church meetings where they ask people to share their favorite verses, you’ve probably heard somebody mention our word for today from the Word of God. It’s a lot of people’s favorite verse. Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Notice what’s the opposite of trusting in the Lord with all your heart: trying to figure it out for yourself, doing what you think is best – leaning on your own understanding. Now comes a formula for finding out what God wants you to do in any given situation. Well, we need that. Verse 6 says, “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” Now, God says, “If you want to know My heart for you, acknowledge Me in every situation you’re in.” You know what acknowledge means. Have you ever been in a new place or a roomful of people and you’ve gone totally un-greeted, un-noticed? Well, you were saying to yourself, “Hey, I wish someone would acknowledge me. I wish someone would notice I’m here.” See, God knows that feeling. He shows up all through our day, and we often never notice Him. We don’t acknowledge Him. The other day I was really blessed in a place not normally associated with blessing-the dentist’s office. I was in the waiting room and I saw an old friend with his wife-they’re both in their 90’s. He’s working very hard to care for his wife because her health is deteriorating. Because it had been raining when they came in, my friend asked the dentist if he could help him get his wife out to the car. My dentist came back in, really touched by what had happened in those two minutes-so touched that he brought it up two more times. He said, “When I went out with George and his wife, it wasn’t raining. And George said, ‘Isn’t it great that the Lord stopped the rain long enough for us to get out to the car?’ Then he just looked heavenward and said, ‘Thanks, Father.'” Now that’s acknowledging Him. That’s noticing God’s working in the details of your day. And that’s where praise comes from, where joy comes from, where a victorious attitude comes from in the toughest of times. But you have to go into your day looking for God at work. If you don’t, you’ll miss God and you’ll miss the joy. But if you do train your heart to go on a daily God-hunt (God-sightings, you know), you’ll experience what the great preacher Charles Spurgeon talked about when he said, “He who looks for providences (or God-actions) will never lack a providence to observe.” If you haven’t been seeing God a lot lately, it’s because you haven’t been looking. You may have been focused on your circumstances, or other people, or yourself or what’s stressing you out. You’ve missed the fingerprints of God all over your day. The little mercies, the small miracles, the interventions, the protection, the encouraging surprises, the bad things that didn’t happen. I know there’s never a day where He doesn’t show up because the Bible says His “mercies are new every morning!” In those transformed motel rooms, I seldom see the maid, but I see the results of her work. In the little and big moments of your day, you may not see God, but you can see the results of His work on your behalf because you’re His much-loved child. You’ll see God all over your day if you’re looking for Him.
Warm-a-Rama 13 seal jacks i/c 20 mountain man pooper i/c 23 Moroccan night club i/c 13 seal waves i/c 10 hip circles oyo each direction 23 Windmill i/c
The Thang Every PAX grab 1 large coupon and 2 small coupons
Tabada 20 second on, 10 second off = 1 round 10 rounds of 6 excercises Curls – palms up, hammer Flys (shoulders on large coupon) – palms up, palms in Squats – 6″, wide Bench press (shoulders on large coupon) – elbows in, palms together Holding chair chest squeeze – extended, close Abs – gas pumpers, lbcs
3rd F
2023 is about discipline Decide what you want Write that down Make a plan Work on it EVERY SINGLE DAY Your competition isn’t other people Its YOUR PROCRASTINATION It’s the knowledge you neglect Compete against that Conquer yourself Master the universe within
Round 1 at each station: 40 reps each exercise (lap and glow stick swap)
Round 2: repeat with 30 reps (lap and stick)
Round 3: repeat with 20 reps(lap and stick)
Round 4: repeat with 30 reps (lap and stick)
3rd F:
While in Church last week, some guy talking up front made a profound statement that honestly made me feel a lot better about the Christmas season, and my thoughts concerning the gift of Jesus all together. He said something to the tune of… “Jesus is the light during this season, and throughout every other season.” Id been thinking about that same thought a lot leading up to Christmas and Id been making that connection a lot ever since our family committed ourselves to following Jesus during our baptism in August. To be honest, leading up to the baptism I had this sense of complacent calm that after we publicly pronounced our faith as a family… the commitment was openly made and the path with Jesus would just appear naturally, easily, and fluidly. While some of what I thought would happen was true, what took me by surprise was the overwhelming challenge that would hit me soon after. This path was going to be rewarding in so many ways, but it would not be without it’s hurdles, because the road bumps that I once ignored and dodged, or solved by taking the easy solution, now presented them selves as an obstacle that I had to handle in a way that He would be proud of. Take for example us… we’re all members of a society in which we’re trying to do the best we can. And with that, we have a huge responsibility to be a faithful role model. And to piggy back off whirlybird… your kids (and everybody else around you both old and young) do watch you. When you cuss when you smash a finger, when you lose your temper in traffic, when you tell your wife you love her and make her tea in the morning, when you own up to a mistake, and even when you think their eyes are closed with you during prayer… They’re always watching to see what they can learn from you. The big questions is, what are you showing them? From that knowledge I think it’s important that we own, accept, and embrace the challenge of not only knowing about the Lord, but truly walking so instep with Him so that anybody who’s watching knows exactly where you stand, and the sense of security and resolve that a Christ centered life gives you. Coupled with that incredible challenge is understanding and admitting that things aren’t always easy, we screw up… and we aren’t perfect. There’s an amazing path laid out in front of all of us that leads to forgiveness and salvation. That being said, the path that is laid out will lead you to challenges, tests worse than those in a 7th grade science class, and even some rejection and sadness that will test everything you stand for. The guidance and comfort that Jesus provides can give you what you need to conquer all of that. If it’s being a leader…. His words teach about that. If it’s guiding your children…. His lessons are perfect for that. If it’s being a better husband, there’s many important lessons to learn in the Bible, and if it’s commitment to a healthier life that serves as an example to our friends, family, and community (and possibly leads to a sweet patch) there’s wisdom about that too. So what stands in our way??? A commitment to taking that next step, embracing the challenge as one that YOU need to tackle, and walking with Him in order to meet your goal. Accept the challenge, own the challenge, embrace all of life’s hardships as a chance to learn and be blessed. Romans 8:18 reads “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” A new year is upon us, and if you happen to stumble on your path or fall into darkness in 2023, Get back up into the light and move forward even faster, because He’s got your back, and those who are watching you will follow.
Workout Continued…
Finish up as many reps at last station as possible with lap and stick swap in between.