Warm-a-Rama 20 semi wave. i/c 20 ssh. I/c Nur to opposite side of circle 20 plank Jack. i/c 20 seal Jacks. i/c Side shuffle to opposite side of circle 20 should taps. I/c 20 Windmill. I/c Side shuffle (opposite side) to opposite side of circle 20 mountain climbers i/c 20 Cherry pickers. I/c
Thang Mosey to church on Bradford street
10 swerkins 15 leg lifts on bench X 3
Mosey to wall on other side of the tracks
5 derkins, hop wall, 5 urkins X 5
Mosey to Domino’s
5 chicken merkin I/c 8 count
Mosey to parking lot by court house
Semi suicides Nur, side shuffle, jailbreak, bear crawl, lt Dan, crawl bear, mosey, and lt danger
The Thang- Mosey out west market street to the bank at 113 cut thru parking lots to possum point players.
15 diamond merkins 10 SSH
15 Ranger merkins 10 SSH
15 Finger tip meekins 10 SSH
15 wide arm merkins 10 SSH
15 Merkins 10 SSH
Mosey to steps on the east side of GMS for Aiken legs 20 Squats, 20 box jumps on steps, 20 Lunges each leg, 20 split Jack’s (4 count)
Mosey to Armory 25 Flutter kicks IC, Toy soldier set 35 LBC, 20 E2Ks each side, 20 box cutters.
Mosey to circle 20 forward arm circles, 10 backward arm circles, IC 20 seal claps, 20 overhead claps.
Every set back is a set back for a comeback God wants to bring you out better than you were before. Unfortunately failure and setbacks are a part of life. No way around it, gotta go through it. However just because folks are experiencing a personal setback whether it be an injury, illness, job loss, financial pitfalls or just hard times in general it does not mean you are forever doomed. It is important to remember that a setback is just where a person is right at the moment not where they will always be. With time, patience and trust in God it is possible for everyone to comeback one way or another both physically and mentally
Bolt 45’s –
15 squats to halfway down. 15 squats
halfway to full down. 15 full squats
Cherry Pickers – 15 IC
Chilcutt Plank Jacks – 15 IC
Windmills – 15 IC
Mosey .5 miles by way of the merkin
mile to the school. Each ¼ mile, all Pax
stopped to complete 25 merkins.
The Thang
Q brought a modified Super 21 beatdown for the hot and humid morning that Summit dubbed “a friendly 82” degrees at 7:00 a.m. 1 Merkin to 1 Big Boy Sit up. 2 Merkins to 2 Big Boy Situps. 3 Merkins to 3 Big Boy Situps, etc., etc., etc. Since we had excessive heat and humidity, Q elected to start at 21 in descending fashion. Each merkin/big boy set was followed by 21 prisoner squats. All Pax completed the round of 21 descending through the round of 16 before taking a break for the third F. After the message, Pax completed the Super 21 descending through the round of 10.
Mosey .5 miles back to Aegis. Pax stopped twice on the return mosey and completed 25 merkins at each stop to complete the merkin mile.
Back at the Aegis, Pax completed the modified Super 21 from the round of 9 descending to the round of 1.
Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust. Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayer.
F3 Message 07/20/19 – Q shared from Ron Hutchcraft Ministries in regards to how Jesus, the Cross, and the Bible is being systematically removed or “stolen” from our daily lives because it offends someone. As Christians, we must remain vigilant and defend the One who sacrificed all for us.
Who Stole the Cross? – #6479
Thursday, November 10, 2011
“Somebody stole the cross! Go figure.
Well, I mean that was a news story that got my attention a while back. The missing cross was a six-foot-tall metal structure that was embedded in rock and concrete, and it was perched high up on Sunrise Rock in the Mojave Desert. Veterans actually placed it there to honor those who’ve died fighting for their country. And wow! It’s been there for 75 years—no problem; suddenly—problem. People who didn’t want it there argued against it all the way to the Supreme Court. And for the time being, the Justices said that it could stay. But then somebody just went up there and stole the cross. It’s crazy.
Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You about “Who Stole the
soon as I heard the story, something much more troubling hit me. The cross has
gone missing a lot of places these days; places that matter a lot more to God
than some mountainside in the desert. I’ve listened to lots of sermons and
Christian radio programs, and sometimes I’ve heard little or nothing about
Jesus’ cross. I’ve heard lots of Christian talk about how to have a great
marriage, or how to raise your kids, how to manage your money, how to have a
good self-image, but somehow they never got to the cross.
heard some great Bible teaching that was deep and powerful, but the cross was
on the margins or not even on the page. We’ll talk a lot about important things
like justice for the oppressed, compassion for the poor, and help for families,
and God cares about all of them. But we never get to God’s game-changer for a
sin-broken planet, and that’s the cross of Christ.
I think of lost people I’ve known for a long time and talked to about a lot of
things, but somehow I’ve never told them about the cross where Jesus died for
them. I suspect I’m not alone. Too often, Christians talk a lot about their
church or their faith, but not much about their Savior. Oh, yeah, somebody
stole the cross…from our conversations, from our ministries, maybe even from
the center of our hearts.
I know who took it. The one Jesus called “…the thief who comes only to
steal, kill and destroy” (John 10:10). The devil hates the cross because as the Bible says,
“having disarmed the powers and authorities, (Jesus) made a public
spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross” (Colossians 2:15).
know, Satan’s death warrant is signed in the blood of Jesus. He knows the power
of that cross. The oft-quoted Charles Spurgeon called the cross God’s
“magnificent magnet.” And in our word for today from the Word of God
in John 12:32, Jesus said this about His cross: “When I am lifted up…I
will draw all men to Myself.” No wonder Satan says, “Hey, go ahead.
Talk about everything you want. Just don’t mention that cross.” Talk about
your church. Talk about your faith. Talk about your family values. Don’t
mention the cross! The enemy of our souls knows its power and does whatever it
takes to erase the cross from our view.
veterans are outraged that the cross was stolen from that hill. We should be
outraged! We’ve allowed Jesus’ cross to be stolen from the center of our
hearts, and our ministries, and our conversations. “The message of the
cross,” 1 Corinthians 1:18says, “is…the power of God.” I need to be as
passionate about elevating that cross as the world and the devil are about
eliminating it.
I have the unspeakable privilege of taking a lost friend by the hand and walking with them up a hill the Bible calls Skull Hill, and standing there at the foot of an old rugged cross, and sharing with them the greatest love in the universe. “What He did here, my friend, was for you.” Without that cross, there is no hope…no heaven.”
Warm up. 20 SSH. 15 windmill. 15 cherry pickers. Butt kick around half the circle, high knees other half. Right shuffle around half circle, left shuffle other half. Right karaoke around half circle, left karaoke around other half.
Mosey to middle school.
Start at first sidewalk (five total). Bear crawl to second and do 25 super squats. Lt Dan to third sidewalk and do 25 switch kicks. Lt Dan to fourth sidewalk and do 25 windshield wipers. Bear crawl to fifth and do 25 leg bicep curls each side.
An set. 10 big boys. 20 leg raises. 30 reverse crunches. 40 long arm crunches.
Do the same workout above except backwards, so we nurred where we lt danned and we crawl beared where we crawl beared.
F3 LAX (crab vs bear soccer. Split into teams. And everyone on one designated side of field (offense or defense) did crabwalk and the other side did bear crawl, switch every goal. (15-20minute game). Ended 5-4 with a ruxpin game winning goal.
3rd F on how to pray and the Lord’s Prayer Vs our prayers.
It was great to once again have a Cousin Eddie with us. We had 2 PAX from different regions in SC last week and today we extended a warm (very warm!), humid, and sandy welcome to JAX FL, Gecko. Nothing like getting that F3 Passport stamped! That made it a 12-pack for the beatdown.
This Gloom’s “gameful employment” brought to you by Nugget’s influence. Our brother has a reputation for bringing games into his Q’s, so YHC, looking for a fresh Q idea, decided to throw-down with a man-sized game of sandbag Tic-Tac-Toe. a.k.a. Tic-Tac-Gohhh! Of course, we started with the warmup…
SSH – 18 IC
Swartz Jacks – 20 IC (just pay attention Leatherman, you’ll get ’em figured out)
Imperial Walkers – 20 IC
Hill Billy Walkers – 18 IC
Crab Flippers (a.k.a. Cherry Pickers) – 20 IC
Flying Squirrels – 10 OYO
Mosey down N. Bedford Street to the field on North Bedford Street Park, where PAX would find what pre-ruck rucker Ruxpin caught YHC red-handed setting up prior to the workout: A man-sized Tic-Tac-Toe painted on the field (shout-out to sprayable sidewalk chalk!) YHC should’ve taken a pic because, you have to admit, it did have a cool F3 symbol painted in the middle square.
PAX counted-off by 2’s…well, some of us did. Uh, hem, Doubtfire! It took a couple tries but we got it figured out. Nonetheless, 12 PAX beat the Fartsack to post for this highly excellent game! 12 PAX equals 2 teams of six. Y’all started your Saturday with 2 Six PAX! Here’s how it all went down:
Teams were set up EXACTLY 100′ feet apart. Team X, with 5 40lb sandbags stacked at their cone marked with X’s. Team O, with 5 40lb sandbags stacked at their cone marked with O’s. On the count of 3, 2, 1 Gohhh! PAX took turns and had to carry a sandbag and carefully place it (like a baby, per Q’s instructions) into the tic-tac-toe design in the middle of the field trying to get 3-in-a-row-tic-tac-toe! Teams played to win the best of 7 rounds.
Round 1: O’s win! (wouldn’t you like to hear THAT more??)
Winners, Plank.
Losers, 25 Sandbag Squat Swings
(Yes kids, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose!)
Round 2: O’s win! (yep, you heard it here first, folks! O’s won 2 straight!)
Winners, Plank.
Losers, 25 Sandbag Squat Curls
Round 3: X’s win! O’s 2 – X’s 1
Winners, Plank
Losers, 25 OH Shoulder Press
Round 4: X’s win! O’s 2 – X’s 2
Winners, Plank
Losers, 25 Bulgarian Ball Busters
Round 5: X’s win! O’s 2 – X’s 3
Winners, Plank
Losers, 25 Sandbag Pulls (vertical…sack to your Bombjacks!)
Round 6: O’s win! O’s 3 – X’s 3
Winners, Plank
Losers, 25 Plank Pulls
CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND, Round 7: Teams compete with their best line-up
Jack Wins! SOG…Son Ofa Gun!
Losers, 18 Burpees (both teams)
Great competition, great fun! We all got stronger, so yep, it looks like everyone actually did win. Hmm…
3rd F Breather: YHC shared a rinse and repeat of a 3rd Word he shared from a life experience which really drove home the Word of God:
Exodus 33:13-15. Moses said to the Lord, “You have been telling me, ‘Lead these people,’ but You have not let me know whom you will send with me. you have said, ‘I know you by name and you have found favor with Me.’ If you are pleased with me, teach me Your ways so I may know You and continue to find favor with You. Remember that this nation is Your people.” The Lord replied, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest. Verse 15 reads: Then Moses said to Him, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not lead us up [to the Promised Land] from here.“
As leaders, what’s one thing we CANNOT do without? God’s presence!
Earlier in verse 2 it says that an angel would go with them, but NOT God’s presence.
In verse 3, going into the Promised Land, victory was promised
BUT…God’s presence WOULD NOT go with them. Before Moses pleaded with God later in the chapter, we read that God had planned to withhold His presence from His people.
Have you ever thought about why? This used to confound me until I was walking a trail in the woods across the parking lot from my church years ago, with 2 of my 3 boys. After playing with every stick (guns/swords) and every rock (grenades) it was time to start heading down through the woods, across the field and parking lot toward home. But the boys would not stay with me! After repeated urgings for them to stay with me, without their corresponding response to do so, I, slightly ahead of them on the trail just simply stepped behind a large tree. I literally hid or withheld my presence. I’m their father, so I didn’t do it to be mean or even to make them suffer. I didn’t go home and cruelly leave them in the woods to fend for their 2-yr-old and 3-yr-old selves. I stepped behind the tree to hide my presence for one reason: To hear the words “Daddy, where are you?” They cried out almost immediately and I responded almost immediately. That’s when it hit me! When God hides His presence from us it’s not because He’s mean, wants us to suffer, and it’s not that He is cruel. He simply wants us to recognize His absence and to call out to Him and say, Daddy, where are you? I need your presence in my life, my leadership! I need you God. That’s what Moses cried out on behalf of himself and the nation. And God answered and said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
As men, husbands, fathers, and leaders what’s one thing we cannot do without in order to be HIM? God’s presence! When you notice His absence, repent (turn) and cry out to Him.
The Thang 2:
10 Swerkins, run (kinda) across field – 20 Carolina Drydocks
10 Swerkins, run (kinda) across field – 15 Split Jacks (15 each leg)
10 Swerkins, run (kinda) across field – 10 Mtn. Man Poopers
10 Swerkins, run (kinda) across field – 05 Nipple Scraper Merkins
Prayers: Chappie’s teens; Gecko’s teens; Chattahoochee; etc. Thanx for taking the hand-off Vanilla!
Thanks for the opportunity to lead HIM! Thanks for your ear at Coffeeteria, Gecko. What are the odds that you show up in DE and post at exactly the same time we’re working through almost identical issues with sons? Perhaps Soul-Q might’ve had a hand in our schedules.
Bearcrawl 1-2-3. Partner. Pax 1 bear craws then crawl bears while partner to is doing exercises. Both must complete 100 merkins. 200 lbcs. 300 squats.
7 of diamonds. Rep increases by 7 each time around bases. 7 burpees. 14 4ct flutter kicks. 21 merkins.
3rd F. Message on genealogy of Jesus. How he came from a lineage of people with some skeletons in their closet. But he uses everyone from all walks of life.
Blue Falcon. Split into teams. Each team has 30 seconds to come up with a 2 minute workout. They tell each other their workouts. Then hey do theirs and switch and do the other teams workout. First team to complete both workouts win!
More great numbers for a Saturday, 11 PAX posted for a beatdown at the Aegis–including 1 FNG. Welcome shout out to Ox! Again, brother, remember it doesn’t get easier but you get better/stronger/faster. Keep posting. A few PAX got in some pre-ruck action: Shout out to Ruxpin, Leatherman, & Summit (bought a ruck, so he’s neck-deep now! 😉 )
Most of what was done and most of what YHC shared was captured in screenshots, so after the warmup info, those items will simply be posted. So here goes…
SSH – 30 IC
Seal Jacks – 30 IC
Crab Flippers – 30 IC (a.k.a. Cherry Pickers)
Windmill – 15 IC
Sebif – 15 IC (Something Else But I Forgot)
All warmup repetitions were either 30-count or combined to be a 30-count, as esplained by YHC in recognition of his grandfather’s unit — the 508th PIR — which jumped into Normandy and subsequently fought for the next 33 days til getting a reprieve and being sent back to England to prep for their next mission. This day marked day 3 since jumping in…so the countdown was on at 30 reps.
508th PIR – “Red Devils”
PAX were informed through commo channels to bring a ruck if they owned one. A few extras were on hand, but 40# sandbags sufficed otherwise. The Thang, courtesy of GORUCK, would commence at Georgetown’s WWII Memorial since this past Thursday was the 75th Anniversary of D-Day.
The Skinny:
Ruck Q courtesy of GORUCK
PAX rucked 1 Mile to the field at the corner of W. North & Pleasant Streets, completed the above workout following YHC’s 3rdF, then rucked 1 Mile to return to the WWII Memorial at the Georgetown Circle. The excellent pace was set by the PAX doing a 30-steps shuffle during the ruck to and fro.
1 mile 2x
Here’s the 3rdF shared for a breather:
YHC took the PAX into a little OT, but no one’s feelings were hurt…at least he doesn’t think so.
Number-Rama: 11!
Name-O-Rama: Not sure what happened but Bovine got really confused; he thought he was Doubtfire! 🙂 FNG named Ox. Welcome to the tribe!
A few met up for coffeeteria at what America runs on, and had some great 2ndF.
Grateful for the opportunity to Q at the Aegis…more grateful for the opportunity to share about my Pappap and the 508th…and ever grateful for that greatest generation! Aye! Thanks for your ear, men! Awesome push by all.
Bolt 45’s IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to
halfway down. 15 squats halfway to full
down. 15 full squats.
Mountain Climbers – 15 IC
Windmills – 15 IC
Dips – 15 IC
The Thang
Mosey to County Building Steps. Each PAX crosses the steps without skipping
any steps.
Mosey to Armory steps and completes Aiken legs – 20 squats, 20 box jumps, 20 lunges (10 each Leg), 20 split Jacks (10 each Leg). The twist is that each PAX will take each step up and each step down at the Armory before performing each exercise. Rinse and Repeat.
Mosey to Library and complete the Burp & Merk – Burpee with ascending merkins up to 10. Each PAX will Bear Crawl to each parking space line (parallel parking spaces) and complete a Burpee with a hand release merkin. Bear Crawl to the next space and complete a Burpee with two hand release merkins. Bear Crawl to the next space and complete a Burpee with three hand release merkins. You see the pattern now….:)…..Continue until completing a Burpee with ten hand release merkins over the course of 10 parallel parking spaces. @250 ft.
Mosey to School and complete the bottom feeder/deconstructed toy soldier set exercise. Crab walk to first sidewalk and complete 50 LBC’s. Crab walk to second sidewalk and complete 15 E2K’s each side. Crab walk to third sidewalk and complete 15 E2K’s each side. Crab walk to fourth sidewalk and complete 20 big boy sit-ups. The overall length of the exercise area was approx. 435 ft.
F3 Message – See below
Mosey back to Aegis. PAX completed @.9 mile mosey excluding the pain stations.
Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, Naming of FNG (Welcome Kaisy !!) and the Circle of Trust. Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayer.
F3 Message 06/01/19
Ron Hutchcraft Ministries
IT AIN’T OVER! – #2581 “Well, some of us had to wait almost 20 years for it – but the 1996 New York Yankees finally won the World Series. Now they had to be the champs to do it – the Atlanta Braves. And after the first two games of the best-of-seven series, I thought the Yankees had gone into a coma – they got creamed. Ah, but that’s when it got exciting – they came back to win next two games. The series was tied at two games apiece, of course – and the then Yankees appeared to doze off again in Game Five – they were behind 6-0! Speaking of dozing off, that’s what at least one Yankee fan did – including the guy I heard buying a newspaper the next day. He saw the headline announcing that the Yankees had come back and won that game 8-6! He grabbed that newspaper, saw the outcome of the game, and then said some things I can’t quote – after which he said, “I can’t believe it! I gave up on them in the seventh inning and went to sleep!” He missed a great victory.
I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about “It
Ain’t Over!”
word for today from the Word of God is a verse we need at least several times a
year, I think. Maybe this is one of your days for it and God knew that. Galatians 6:9 – “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the
proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
is challenging the mistake we make so often that costs us His best – we give up
too soon. Like that sleeping Yankees fan. He looked at the way the game seemed
to be going, decided it was as good as over, and he missed a great victory.
Well, God doesn’t want you to make that same mistake with something you’ve been
hoping for – something that looks like it just isn’t going to happen. You’re
tempted to give up. But God is flagging you down to say, “Don’t become
weary in doing good – the harvest you’ve hoped for is coming.” Like Yogi
Berra said, “It ain’t over ’til it’s over.”
problem is we look at the score right now and lose hope. But on God’s
scoreboard, it’s only the third inning, or maybe the sixth or the seventh. But,
you may be saying, “There just isn’t enough time for it to happen
now,” or “I can’t see any way it could happen now” – be careful.
You’re underestimating your all-powerful God – the One who delivered an entire
nation from Egypt in one night!
we tend to assume what the final score will be based on the score in the middle
of the game. And that’s when we give up and start taking God’s will detours –
we panic, we put together some patchwork solution of our own, we start leaning
on our own understanding instead of trusting in the Lord with all our heart, or
we just stop hoping, or praying, or working for it.
leads me to that wonderful challenge I heard years ago from a seasoned old
saint – “Never doubt in the darkness what God has told you in the
Or, don’t give up in the middle of the game, or don’t give up even if it’s near the end of the game. You can’t tell what God is going to do for a wonderful finish to this game. God has a way of hitting a bases loaded, grand slam home run in the bottom of the ninth with two outs – if you don’t give up before that harvest comes! I just hope you don’t miss that grand finish because you gave up on the game too soon!” From Ron Hutchcraft Ministries #2581″
Dawn and I were blessed with the opportunity to share an incredible blessing with a terminally ill seven year old. He had an inoperable brain tumor. We attended a Phillies game through a great organization where Dawn coordinated the efforts on the families behalf. The young man and his family are huge Phillies fans. The game we attended happened to be the ring ceremony for 2008 World Series champions, but the 2009 Phillies had yet to win. Down 10 – 3 in the seventh the Phillies put together an improbable rally that included four walked in runs by the Atlanta Braves. I’ve coached little league teams that haven’t matched that feat. I’m not convinced that God is a Phillies fan, but I choose to believe that he may have answered a very sick little boys prayers on that day. We were blessed to have been a part of that special game, and to share in comforting that very brave young man before the Lord took him home.
Warmup: 15 Flying Phelps, Butt Kickers around the fountain, 15 SSH, 15 Cherry Pickers, 15 Windmills
The Thang: Mosey to Little League Fields for Ace of Bases. Bear Crawl to each base and do 10 Bobby Hurley Burpees, Then Crawl Bear to each base and do 20 Merkins
3rd F Paul Tripp: The grand illusion of every act of sin is that we can be disloyal to God and everything will work out in the end.
We all do it sometimes and in some ways. In little and not so little moments of disloyalty to God, we work to excuse ourselves and convince ourselves that it will all be okay in the end. In private moments of moral self-conversation we say: “I can handle this, it will be okay.”, “I’ll only do it this once.”, “I really didn’t have much of a choice.”, “It’s not really such a big deal.”, “Other people do it all the time.”, “It’s not really clearly forbidden by the Bible.”, “What else could I do?”, “I just chose the lesser of two evils.”, “God is good, he’ll forgive me.”, “It’s not like I do this all the time.”, “Doesn’t God want me to be happy?”
Each statement is designed to relieve the burden of conviction. Each is meant to mask the reality that we have chosen to be disloyal to God, rebellious to his authority, and resistant to his call. Each is meant to cover the true allegiance of our hearts. Each is designed to enable us to feel okay about what God clearly says is not okay. Each is meant to make sin look not so sinful after all. Each is meant to ease our fear that sin really is destructive and that it rally does lead to death.
These are moments when we are all tempted to give in to the delusional logic of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. In the mundane moments of our daily lives, we buy into the fallacy that we can step over God’s loving and wise moral boundaries without consequences.. In myriad little moments, we’re morally disloyal to the One who is our wisdom, righteousness, and hope. And what’s important about this is that the character of a life isn’t set in three or four big moments of life, but in ten thousand little, virtually unnoticed moments. These acts of disloyalty expose the war that still rages for the rulership of our hearts and the depth of our ongoing need for rescuing and forgiving grace. Isn’t it good to know that that grace is ours in Christ Jesus!
Mosey to JOP for Dorrice Burns: PAX in plank position in circle facing inward. Rotate to adjacent PAX position after each exercise while remaining in plank position in clockwise manner after each exercise. 1st position – plank for 30 count, 2nd position – 10 merkins IC, 3rd position – 10 angle grinders IC, 4th position – 30 count plank, 5th position – 10 groiners IC, 6th position – 10 zebra butt kickers IC.
Mosey back to AO for Mary: 20 flutter kicks, 20 LBC’s, 20 American Hammers
Name o rama, COT, Welcome FNG (Zach Hayes AKA Bovine) Total 2.67 miles, Coffeteria Memorial day pre plan at Starbucks