Clip those Coupons

Extra Credit: 2 PAX for Murph Prep – powered through our full 45 mins…had to double-time back to the AO to stay on time.

QIC: Red Ryder

PAX: Link, Golden Pinky, Newton, Red Ryder


10 Willie Mays Hayes
20 Hillbillies IC

Mosey to pick up coupons (pick 10’s or 25’s)

Lap with weights
20 merkins IC
Lap with weights
30 squats w weights
Lap with weights
20 Biceps curls w weights
Lap with weights

Repeat the above circuit

Bone the Fish (5x)
10 Merkins (left side of lot)
5 Burpees (right side of lot)

15 crunchy frogs
15 Flutter Kicks
Plank center 5 count, right arm up 5 count, left arm up 5 count and repeat

Super solid Q from the Red Ryder had each of us digging deep. It was fun to hear the mubblechatter decrease as we dug into the weights. Everyone was pushing hard. I think we are all feeling this one today. Nice job Red Ryder.


The NATX Murph will take place on Memorial Day (May 27) at 0430 @ the Robin’s Hood AO… in 14 days. We want to encourage all PAX to post even if you haven’t been prepping. We will be there to spot and assist for this worthwhile remembrance event.

Keep EH’ing and we look forward to seeing our other regulars return to the gloom. We are missing you guys.

TClap |

Lucky 7’s: COP

QIC: Red Ryder

PAX: Link, Newton, Red Ryder

GLOOM FACTOR: Partly Cloudy, 67ºF

SSH IC x 7
Little Baby Arm Circles Forward and Reverse IC x 7
Mountain Climbers IC x 7
Motivators IC x 7-1
Mosey around the Parking lot and to the starting point.

2 points 60 feet apart. Mosey between the points after each
The Pax all started at the same side and performed the following:

Round #1: 7 Burpees OYO at each side
Round #2 14 Mountain Climbers OYO at each side
Round #3 21 Merkins OYO at each side
Round #4 28 Shoulder Taps OYO at each side
Round #5 Perform 35 LBCs OYO at each side
Round #6 Perform 42 Squats OYO at each side
Round #7 Perform 49 SSH OYO at each side

Lap around the lot and mosey to the pull-up area.
7-1 circuit: pull-ups, dips and inverted rows.
Mosey back to lot for Mary

21 WW IIs
21 Flutter Kicks
21 LBCs

Golden Pinky was smartsacking after some vacation travel so we look forward to his return on Wednesday. Red Ryder proceeded to provide a very solid Q this morning.


The NATX Murph will take place on Memorial Day (May 27)… 21 days away!

TClap |

Bone the Fish

Extra Credit: 2 PAX Murph’d it up: 1 mile, 50 Pull-ups, 100 Merkins, 150 Squats, and another 0.75 miles.

QIC: Red Ryder

PAX: Globetrotter, Golden Pinky, Link (FNG), Newton, Photo Op, WikiLeaks

GLOOM FACTOR: Dark, Cloudy, 65ºF

30 Side Straddle Hop IC
20 Wille Mays Hayes (Silent Count)
30 Bean Pickers IC
Mosey to the hill


  • Bear Crawl to top of stairs with Merkin x 10 first platform, Squats x10 on second and LBCs on top.
  • Rotate: Dips x 20, Derkin x 20, Squats x 20 and repeat once.
  • Bear Crawl down stairs, Merkin x 10 first platform, LBC x 10 on second and Burpee x 10 on last.
  • Mosey to the parking lot.
  • Modified Bone The Fish:
    • Run to parking line
    • Side shimmy to the end
    • 10 Merkins each line to end of parking spaces
    • Repeat backwards with 10 Burpees on return for each line.
  • Slow Mosey to pull-ups. Took count of max pull-ups which gave 7 average. Rotate 7 pull-ups, 14 Merkins and 21 Squats. Slow Mosey back to

Luge x 20
LBCs x 20
15 James Bond’s (front, right and left)
10 Freddie Mercury’s.

As we went around the COT today, Newton (Respect!) and Platinum Pinky (Double Respect!) was given their due recognition and YHC was reminded just how respect-full the PAX was today!


  • The official launch of our Saturday AO – Robin’s Hood – is planned for next Saturday, March 30. Make plans to come out, bring a friend or two, and celebrate the launch of NATX’s
  • NATX shirts are on sale now until March 27 (2 days left)! Get yours at
  • April NATX Challenge: April Headlocks Bring Friendly New Guys
  • F3 NATX March Madness is here–check out how F3 does March Madness!
  • The NATX Murph will take place on Memorial Day (May 27)… 63 days away!
TClap |

Two Steps Forward

Extra Credit: The plan was a little Murph Challenge training, however Murph Challenge training did not occur in the gloom this AM.

QIC: Golden Pinky

PAX: Red Ryder

GLOOM FACTOR: Full moon, chilly, 48ºF

10 Merkins SC
10 Willie Mays Hayes IC
9 Merkins SC
8 Merkins SC
7 Merkins SC
10 Hillbillies
6 Merkins SC
10 Cherry Pickers IC
5 Merkins SC
10 Imperial Walkers
4 Merkins SC
10-Count Leg Stretches
6 Merkins SC

Fellowship Lap around entire MoH parking lot.
Bear Crawl Paula Abduls: BC forward 2 spaces, 1 Merkins, CB back 1 space, 1 Merkin until PAX got to the other side.
Lunge Walk Paula Abduls: LW forward 2 spaces, 1 Squat, WL back 1 space, 1 Squat until PAX got to the other side.

Fellowship Lap #2.
YHC then flipped everything around…
Crawl Bear Paula Abduls: CB back 2 spaces, 1 Merkin, BC forward 1 space, 1 Merkin until PAX got to the other side.
Walk Lunge Paula Abduls: WL back 2 space, 1 Squat, LW forward 1 space, 1 Squat until PAX got to the other side.

One more Fellowship Lap.

20 Flutter Kicks IC
20 LBCs IC
20 Freddie Mercury’s IC

Our Paula Abduls today reminded me about the journey I have been on working to plant the shovel flag in North Austin, TX and expand our incredible group. There are so many instances where our group has taken two steps forward: FNGs, 2nd F’s, GoRuck/Murph training, etc. There are other times, however, where it feels like the group takes one step back–usually in the form of PAX numbers dipping at a workout.

Yet, even in those instances, I am encouraged by the PAX that show up and, together, we continue to push this group forward. I’m so thrilled Red Ryder made it out for his 3rd workout already and I always enjoy getting to know my F3 brothers a little better as we suffer during the beatdown. So, let’s continue to push each other to take 2 steps forward and don’t let those 1 step back moments get you down, as you have a group of brothers here for you and ready to help you take your next 2 steps forward!


  • NATX shirts are on sale now until March 27 (9 days left)! Get yours at
  • Coming soon… April Headlocks Bring Friendly New Guys
  • F3 NATX March Madness is here–check out how F3 does March Madness!
  • The NATX Murph will take place on Memorial Day (May 27)… 70 days away!
TClap |

Tour de MoH

QIC: Golden Pinky

PAX: Cable Guy, WikiLeaks, Newton, Red Ryder (FNG)

GLOOM FACTOR: Dark, Slight Breeze, 57ºF

12 Cherry Pickers IC
5 Burpees OYO
10 Imperial Walkers IC
10 Hillbillies IC
10 Merkins OYO
10 Squats SC

With the arrival of our latest FNG, it was only proper to give him and the rest of the PAX a tour of our beautiful AO at Mettle of Honor. We started at the center point of MoH and marked the start of our tour with 5 Burpees OYO.

1st Stop on the Tour: Memorial Hill
Bear Crawl up the steps, stopping at each flat for 10 Merkins (x3).
20 Dips SC
Bear Crawl down the steps, stopping at each flat for 10 Mountain Climbers (x4)
AYG Run up the steps (touch each step)
20 Dips SC
AYG Run down the steps (touch each step)
Mosey to center point for 10 Burpees OYO

2nd Stop on the Tour: Amphitheater
Hold BTTW while each PAX performs 10 Merkins (x5)
Hold People’s Chair while each PAX performs 20 LBCs (x5)
Mosey to center point for 10 Burpees OYO

3rd Stop on the Tour: MoH Entrance
AYG Sprint to MoH entrance
10 Body Weight Squats SC (led by WikiLeaks)
Bernie Sanders back to center point for 5 Burpees OYO

4th Stop on the Tour: Pull-Up Bars
YHC asked each PAX to think of the most reasonable number of Pull-Ups they could perform at that time. YHC then asked the PAX to shout those numbers out: (12 + 10 + 5 + 3) = (30 Pull-Ups ÷ 5 PAX) = 6 Pull-Ups each.
In a rotating fashion, the PAX would perform:
– 6 Pull-Ups
– 12 Merkins
– 18 Squats
– Take a turn on spot
Mosey to Shovel Flag

A Q never forgets… 5 Burpees OYO

Then, YHC asked the PAX to think about their favorite Mary exercises. One-by-one, the PAX called out their favorites and led the rest of the PAX through the exercise:
Newton – Superman (3 rounds, ~20 seconds/round)
WikiLeaks – 10 WWIIs SC
Cable Guy – 10 American Hammers IC
Red Ryder – 10 Freddie Mercury’s IC
YHC (favorite #1) – 10 Flutter Kicks IC
YHC (favorite #2) – 10 Crunchy Frogs IC

The arrival of another awesome FNG always reminds me about my first post at an F3 workout and the first time someone told me that the workouts don’t get easier, but that I’ll get stronger. This adage has personally been proven true many times over in F3 for myself and I can only assume for the other PAX that have stuck with F3 from their first post. This group is about men helping other men get better and become leaders–first in fitness, but then also in our marriages, our parenting, our workplace, and our communities. I think the same adage can be applied to all of these aspects of our life… marriage doesn’t get easier, parenting doesn’t get easier, work doesn’t get easier, but if you stick with it, you will get stronger and become the leaders we are continually striving to become.


  • WikiLeaks is the Austin, TX Chapter President for the National Marine Corps Business Network and is looking for any Marines the PAX might know to get connected into the network.
  • NATX logo is finalized! Shirt types are being chosen now and pre-orders will open up by early next week.
    • There will be a 2-week window for pre-orders, so get your orders in early and often! Shirts will be shipped 10 days after the pre-order window closes.
  • We are now in the perfect window to recruit FNGs – the winter weather should be behind us and the brutal summer weather is not here yet… EH with anyone and everyone you can so we can bring in more FNGs and help give them the same thing F3 gives us!
  • The NATX Murph will take place on Memorial Day (May 27)… 77 days away!
TClap |

Mustard Seed Planted at Mettle of Honor

It was about 25 degrees out there and working out in the gloom with some wind gusts wasn’t easy at all. So special thanks to the fellow F3 members for showing and supporting my 4th Q. I thought of doing some weights so I request Newton to bring his gear (bricks/blocks) but I changed the day’s theme to track and stack to keep ourselves warm.

QIC: Globetrotter

PAX: Photo Op, Newton, Golden Pinky

GLOOM FACTOR: Dark, Windy, 28ºF

Theme – Track and stack. The PAX starts with a jog, stops for an exercise of 10 reps and starts to jogs again. For every new stop we add a new exercise with 10 reps and stack 10 more reps for every exercise we did in prior stop.

Here is the order of exercises listed along with a total count of reps by end of day:

  • LBC (150)
  • Merkins (100)
  • High knees (60)
  • Balls to the walls (Bonus, one time only, single count 40)
  • Mountain climbers (30)
  • Crawl bear up the stairs (Bonus, one time only)
  • Squats (10)
  • Pull ups and Dips (Bonus, one time only, single count 10 set of 4)

No time for Mary today.


  • NATX Mustard Seed page is now live!
  • Photo Op has the Q this Wednesday, March 6 at #thegreyhound

TClap |