Why: Why not? You’ll regret not being there if you miss it.
Q: How much does it cost?
A: Not a dime. But each PAX/M is asked to bring a pasta dish of your choice, salad, & dessert (just bring something to share)
A: Drinks will be provided. But booze…I think is BYOB. Check with Ruxpin
Q: When should I RSVP?
A: Yesterday. Since you can’t do that hit up Ruxpin on the GroupMe or DM him so that he and Shawna can start to get a headcount.
Q: What if I have any additional questions not covered here?
A: Reach out to Ruxpin or Chappie in the Gloom or on F# First State FB or IG.
Thanks ahead of time to Ruxpin and his M, Shawna, for hosting this always-a-fun-time event. Let’s get together, celebrate Christmas and another year of F3, and enjoy some 2ndF beyond a morning workout (i.e. lets introduce our families to each other…)
Bolt 45’s IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to
halfway down. 15 squats halfway to full
down. 15 full squats.
Cherry Pickers – 15 IC
Mosey .48 miles to Food Lion Shopping
The Thang
performed a quick Mike Tyson set of 7’s in the alley between Walgreens and
Dollar Tree utilizing a bear crawl to traverse the distance between the walls. Once complete Pax went right at a set of
Doracides which is identified in the Exicon as follows: Two Pax worked together to reach exercise reps of 100, 200,
300, & 400 of 4 different exercises.
One Pax worked on the exercises while the second Pax completed suicides
to three designated waypoints. The extra
twist is at the waypoint of each suicide run; the Pax completed 1 burpee, then
2 burpees, and finally 3 burpees before returning to the starting point. Once all three suicide sprints were
completed, the Pax switched stations until all reps of each exercise were
completed. The exercises completed are
as follows: 100 American Hammers, 200
Merkins, 300 LBC’s, & 400 squats.
Mosey .48 miles back to CHOP
F3 Message
Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust. Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers. Specific prayers were lifted up for Lisa, Doubtfire, Briggs Family, and Aaron.
“I only had 24 hours in Athens, Greece. Well, what am I going to do? Well, I knew what I wanted to see – the Acropolis, and there it is. It’s on this hill that dominates the city, and it’s there that the ancient Greeks built this incredible temple to their goddess Athena. Even after 20 centuries, I have to tell you, it’s still an impressive, imposing structure and it still dominates the city. The Acropolis was the most sacred, most protected, most honored place in all of Athens. In fact, it was a serious crime to violate that temple, as it was in many ancient cultures. Hey, everybody knew the temple got first class treatment because the gods live there.
I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A
Word With You today about “Temple Treasure.”
Now, those ancient worshippers had the wrong
God, but in a way they had the right idea about His temple. It was in the time
of those temples and ancient deities that Paul wrote our word for today from
the Word of God in 1 Corinthians 6:19- 20.
Here’s what he says, “Do you not know that
your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received
from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God
with your body.” Now Paul is presenting here one of Christianity’s most
revolutionary and most shocking ideas. If you belong to Jesus Christ, you are
the building God lives in!
And even pagan people knew that the way you take
care of your god’s dwelling place tells a lot about how you feel about your
god. If you know Christ, you are God’s two-legged temple! You don’t have to go
to Greece to see a temple – all you have to do is look in the mirror! So
everything you do with that body of yours, God is part of. Everything you do to
that body, in a sense, you do to God.
So the question is: Are you treating your body
like the temple treasure that it is? If you really care about the God you say
you love, you won’t let His temple run down, get overweight, get abused by an
eating disorder, or get all out of shape. Ancient pagans knew you had to keep
the temple in good condition because your temple advertises what your god is
like. That’s what you and I do with the body that His Holy Spirit has come to
live in. Maybe you’re devaluing that temple God lives in with the junk you put
in it, or by playing around sexually, using His temple to satisfy your glands
or your curiosity. Do you know who lives in the body you’re doing that with?
The Holy Spirit of God.
It isn’t smart to junk up God’s temple. It isn’t
smart to misuse God’s temple. That’s what the moneychangers found out when they
were abusing God’s temple in Jesus’ day – when His temple was a building. It’s
one of the few places in the Bible where Jesus is really angry. He physically,
angrily goes after those who have messed up the place that is God’s dwelling.
Today, that’s your body, and Jesus doesn’t like it when you junk up His temple.
It matters what you do with His temple; what you put into it, how you treat it. The reason it matters to Jesus so much – what you do with that body of yours – with that temple of yours – is that He paid for you with His blood. You were, remember, “bought at a price.” And that price was Jesus’ life. He has a right to expect that the body His Spirit has moved into will be kept very special for Him.”
Respectfully Submitted,
MUPPET LEGS – Compliments of Bolt 45’s, Mike Tyson’s, & Doracides !
The Thang, nice friendly mosey to the fro t yard of Georgetown middle school and started off there with a round of BLIMPS
5 burpees (handrelease)
10 lunges each leg
15 imperial walkers (4 count)
20 Merkins
25plank Jack’s
30 squats
Then we near crawled to the first sidewalk for a super toy soldier set
50LBCs, 30E2Ks each side, 20 big boys
Lt. Dan to next sidewalk for 30 hand release merkins.
Crab walk to next sidewalk for 20 Bobby hurleys.
Mosey back to beginnings for a few capt thors 1:4 ratio big boys to american hammers only went to 5/20. After this we took a short break for a little 3rd F followed by another Mosey to Georgetown Armory steps for a round of Aiken legs 20 Squats, 20 box jumps, 20 lunges each leg, 20 split Jack’s, followed by another set of Capt. thor. Same as the last one followed up by by rinse and repeat on the Aiken Legs. From there we took a mosey to the front pad of Georgetown fire company for a round of Howling monkeys each Pax held their own ankles while we went around circle individually 10 monkey jumpers while all pax held start position. Since we were in front of camera fireplex requested something manly so we added 20 merkins in cadence. Then the one last mosey around the block just in time for 8 mins of mary. To old to remember what all that consisted of but we did get thru 7 pax each adding their own little bit to the ending of the beat down.
Finished up with count-o-rama, name-o-rama and COT.
Pulled the 3rd of from Q source
A man’s right relationship with himself, his fitness begins with his body because it is his most fundamental piece of physical equipment. A man must get it and keep it in the normal upright position at all times if he wants to be effective. In fact because preparedness requires him to be ready for the unexpected. ( not just to get ready for the expected) the him is focused on gradually but consistently accelerating his fitness level rather than merely staying in shape. Staying in shape is what amateurs try to do. These fragile bodies of ours are what we are given to house our souls. Life the thing so precious to each person that he will fight tooth and nail to preserve it. Is contained within this bag of muscle, flesh and bones we call the body. How can the soul prepare if the body withers and wither it will if we dont put it in motion against continually steeper hills and heavier rock. The body is made to be used. Let it fallow and it will not produce a good crop. But if it is well plowed and carefully tended the result will be a bounty of preparedness.
Those who stayed cozy got lapped! Especially those new young guys. What the what? Get upppp! Sorry, not sorry! Nonetheless a dirty dozen HIM started the week by winning THAT FIRST BATTLE and posting for an ad hoc beatdown by YHC. Doubtfire had to back out of his scheduled Q due to his back being tied in knots. Here’s to a recovery day for our brother and a quick return to the rotation. We have so many on the Q rotation that it sometimes feels like you don’t get to Q enough; that’s a good problem to have. YHC was excited to step in.
Never really JUST a standby, YHC went to the Exicon toolbox, pulled out the Bearmuda Triangle, and used it on the PAX. It lived up to its name…we mysteriously lost a PAX along the way (oh, wait, that was only a modification?). Here’s the skinny on the workout:
SSH – 18 IC
Crab Flippers (Cherry Pickers on Delmarva) – 18 IC
Swartz Jacks – 18 IC (Uno, dos, tres, QUATTRO!)
Moroccan Night Clubs – 18 IC
Merkins – 18 IC
Patriot Run around the block – nice pace!
3rdF Message shared here – Content posted below
The Thang:
THE Bearmuda Triangle – 3 cones set up in a triangle pattern, 90 feet apart. PAX Bearcrawl from cone to cone, adding 1 Burpee at each cone. 3x around the cone triangle = 45 total Burpees
Two 10-counts later, PAX found themselves on the side wall of the church:
People’s Chair – 10 Count
5 Mexican Jumping Beans, OYO
BTTW – 10 Count
10 Mexican Jumping Beans
People’s Chair – 10 Count, 2x
15 Mexican Jumping Beans
The Jack Webb Finale: (Always a crowd pleaser)
Ratio: 1 Merkin/4 OH Claps all the way up to 10 Merkins/40 OH Claps
Though Leatherman tried to stop us, and stop the pain, we went…a WHOLE 30 secs over :-)’ Nice try brother, nice try!
Announcements: Nuh’in (at least not that YHC remembers)
Prayers: For family of Fireplex’s friend who passed from ALS, Chappie’s nephew (Aaron) who is deployed, for our bro Doubtfire on several different fronts
That was about it. Again, honored by the opportunity to lead. Always enjoy Q’ing. Humbled by it all. Get back soon, Doubtfire.
~Chappie, out!
Scars – 3rdF Content:
The theme of SCARS seems to keep coming up an awful lot in the last few weeks. Scars are often a kind of credential. Each of them has a story.
Kyle Carpenter (MOH recipient) bears some serious scars for jumping on a grenade to save the life of a fellow Marine. He devoted an entire chapter of his book YOU ARE WORTH IT to scars (cf. Ch.13, Don’t Hide Your Scars). In it, he wrote that “scars are a kind of credential”(210). Kyle added this story: “There is a greeter at my local Walmart, an elderly gentleman who always has a cheerful hello for everyone who comes through the door. One day, as I was walking in, he spotted me, flashed his huge grin, and then did finger pistols at me as he playfully asked, ‘Motorcycle wreck?'” I did finger pistols right back at him and replied, ‘Taliban!'”
Later he continued, “I would never encourage anyone to share something they aren’t comfortable sharing. But there are some scars that are so obvious, so apparent, that it is impossible to hide or ignore them. Instead of being ashamed of them, I think there is power in embracing these ‘stories’ that leave their marks on our bodies and souls” (211).
Scars are a kind of credential. They have tremendous power for creating bonds. “Wear them proudly. Wear them for yourself, to honor what you’ve been through. And wear them for others, to connect with them and inspire them to keep on fighting. They reassure others they’re not alone. They give hope that someday, their wounds will become nothing but scars, too” (215).
In 2 Cor. 11, the Apostle Paul shared quite a list of experiences which undoubtedly left him with serious scars. The context of the list was that he was facing off with false teachers who were trying to lead the Corinthians away from the truth. Paul shared the list not to brag about personal experiences, but to express that his heaviest burden of all was for the churches. The best scars are always the ones left from a cause that is bigger than we are! Listen to these verses from 2 Cor. 11:22-29…
22 Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Israelites? So am I. Are they descendants of Abraham? So am I. 23 Are they servants of Christ?—I speak as if insane—I more so; in far more labors, in far more imprisonments, beaten times without number, often in danger of death. 24 Five times I received from the Jews thirty-nine lashes. 25 Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, a night and a day I have spent in the deep. 26 I have been on frequent journeys, in dangers from rivers, dangers from robbers, dangers from my countrymen, dangers from the Gentiles, dangers in the city, dangers in the wilderness, dangers on the sea, dangers among false brethren; 27 I have been in labor and hardship, through many sleepless nights, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure. 28 Apart from such external things, there is the daily pressure on me of concern for all the churches. 29 Who is weak without my being weak? Who is led into sin without my intense concern?
Had Paul NOT been a true follower of Christ, had he NOT been truly concerned for the church, he would not have experienced (willingly endured) those trials — he would not have borne the scars which those trials inevitably produced — especially the 39 lashes x5! (Btw…that’s 195!).
Scars are a kind of credential. The nail-scarred hands of our Savior are credentials of His unconditional love. Proof that He paid our penalty in the cross. They are further proof that He is alive! Add to that, sometimes some else’s scars remind us we’re living, we’re ALIVE!
This past week you heard about the death of Toby Mac’s (and his wife, Amanda’s) oldest son, Truett, age 21. Toby Mac’s Facebook post was nothing short of phenomenal. In the midst of feeling exceptional pain that will leave exceptional scars, he and his wife, Amanda, were able to inspire others. Here’s how/why: (This is the last paragraph of their post)
Scars in the lives of HIM are a kind of credential. They’re credentials that we ARE unquestionably ALL IN, whether it be in relationship with God, in our families, our churches, our workplaces, or the communities in which we serve. Scars heal and tell a story BECAUSE YOU ARE ALIVE; scars mark you as resilient, tough, and as a survivor! They mark you as a HIM!
Walking lunge to light post then mosey to Shipbuilders
20 Mountain Climber Twists IC
25 Big Boys
10 Pendulum Lunges each leg
Mosey to MES
30 Panther Shoulder Taps IC
20 Xs and Os IC
25 Bobby Hurleys
Mosey to HOB entrance
High knees, butt kickers, karaoke down driveway then return
with mosey prison break light post to light post
Mosey to Waters Edge
20 Hand release merkins
Not so Lazy Lazyboys
8 Iron Mikes IC
Mosey to AO
F3 Message
“This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be
glad in it.”
Psalm 118:24
Does a Good Day Look Like?
Waking up to a new day is the start
of a good day. For many of us, a good day includes having some alone time with
God during our day, getting our families ready for school and work, and then
doing whatever we need to do. Having a fulfilling day at work, being able to
help others, and knowing that our kids and spouses have had a good day at work
and school makes for a great day. Finally, spending time with your kids is a
common and great way to end your day. However, the most important (and best
part) of a good day is knowing that no matter what life throws at us, the Lord
is there for us.
Warm-a-Rama 20 semi wave. i/c 20 ssh. I/c Nur around circle 20 plank Jack. i/c 20 seal Jacks. i/c Side shuffle around circle 20 should taps. I/c 20 Windmill. I/c Side shuffle (opposite side) around circle 20 mountain climbers i/c 20 Cherry pickers. I/c
Thang Mosey to church on Bradford street
10 swerkins, 30 lbcs 10 swerkins, 20 e2k 10 swerkins, 10 big boys
Mosey to Ruxpin’s distillery
Pax planks while one HIM goes up steps does 3 burpees on top then back in line. X2
Mosey to Domino’s
10 chicken peckers i/c 20 flutter kicks i/c
Wosey to parking lot by court house
Semi suicides Nur, side shuffle, jailbreak, bear crawl, lt Dan, crawl bear, mosey, and lt danger
15 per side Curb/bumper merkin (one hand on bumper/curb)
Mosey to circle
Toy soldier set 50 lbcs 30 e2k 20 big boys
9 HIM showed today: semi, summit, Chappie, doubtfire, quarto, toy soldier, bovine, Ruxpin, Vanilla
The THANG- mosey down to food lion to the grass lot behind the former donut shop. 343 firefighters lost there lives on sept. 11th 18yrs ago due to the terrorist attacks on the WTC. To honor that sacrifice we will started the beatdown with different exercises that will equal up to 343 reps
50 squats
50 alternating lunges
50 alternating shoulder taps from the plank position.
50 american Hammers
50 merkins
20 Bobby hurley’s
23 burpees
After the 343 there happened to be a nice lonely wall right beside us all pax had a seat on the wall will each pax individually done 15 overhead hand claps 1 at a time
Followed this up with a toy soldier set.
30 LBCs/20 E2ks each leg/15 big boys
Then we took a nice mosey back to the AO for a short round of mary.
Finished up with count=0=rama, name=0=rama and giving the FNG his F3 nickname finally ending with COT.
Warm up. 20 SSH, windmill, cherry pickers… high knees, butt kicks, L & R karaoke.
mosey to alley. Mike Tyson set of 7’s with a bear crawl in-between.
mosey to ballfields. 1st game. race around the bases. split into teams. at home do 10 burpees, than bear crawl to first and do 20 big boys, run to second and do 30 merkins, nur to 3rd and do 40 alternating lunge squats jumps then crawl bear to home. first team with 2 PAX to finish win.
2nd game. keep away. one team starts inside the grass baseball diamond with a football and try to keep away from other team that all starts at the pitchers mound then goes after the team with the ball to either tag the person with the ball or intercept/block a pass which stops the time. winning team after 3 rounds using their best time does 5 burpees and losing does 10 burpees.
3rd game. ultimate football. to score you have to pass the ball up the field, once you have the ball you can only take 3 steps. when the possession changes the team that just lost possession needs to do an up-down before they play defense.
mosey to circle for COT! good times fellas, thanks for being HIM!
3rd F on the song reckless love by Cory Asbury and how we have a Father, a heavenly Father that loves us. But although there is a heavenly Father that loves everyone of us, we need to be the best earthly fathers for our families and an example for our family friends and the community because like my wife and I there is an epidemic of people who grow up without dads. I am learning that I want to be a role model for them, but one of those most important jobs in that role is to be a doorway to their heavenly Father. And to help them grow a relationship with Him.
One round of 20 reps OYO: Bench dips, Derkins, single leg lunges.
Mosie around the block to the low wall (try not to push it over)!!!
Round One: PAX holds a chair against the wall as one at a time we jump out for 5 Mike Tyson’s
Round Two: PAX holding chair lifts right leg for a single leg chair as one at a time we jump out for 3 Mike Tyson’s.
Round Three: PAX holding chair lifts left leg for a single leg chair as one at a time we jump out for 3 Mike Tyson’s.
Mosie to the church park.
One round of Wilt Chamberlains: 100 LBC – 25 yard mosie – 100 Squats – 25 yard mosie – 100 Flutters – 25 mosie – 100 Lunges (50 each leg). Take a Mosie around the park.
Third F Message (see below)
WMD Crawl: 5 Werkins – 10 wide arm bear crawl step – 5 Merkins – 10 regular Bear Crawl steps – 5 Diamond Merkins – 10 close hand Bear Crawl steps. Repeat this pattern for 25 yards.
Whole Lotta Rosie: “42-39-56 you could says she’s got it all”! 2 rounds: 30 mtn climbers – 42 LBC, 30 mtn climbers – 39 right side double tap crunch, 30 mtn climbers – 56 Flutter kicks. For the second round we omitted the mtn climbers for time sake and did 39 Left side double tap crunches to balance the love hands out.
Mosie back to the circle
Number-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COT.
Third F: I shared with the PAX my FEELINGS. The M and I have been going through some home dynamics changes in a very short period of time. Empty Nesting BIG TIME!! Our two oldest 2.0s have been engaged. They both just bought their first houses with their Fiancés. Seeing the empty room at our house has been bitter sweet. These are steps we prepared them for as best we could; but I don’t think we prepared ourselves. It’s been a crazy emotion month for my M and I. A lot of laughs, memories, tears………I’ve been staying strong for the family. I’ve been that shoulder a HIM needs to be for his M and 2.0s. But it hasn’t allowed me to release emotion that I’ve had bottled. Saturday PAX was that outlet for me and I thank you!!!!!