Sand Bear, Sand Bear, What Do You See?

DATE: 12/10/19

QIC: Chappie

A dirty dozen PAX won THAT FIRST BATTLE, gave their fartsack a beatdown, and posted for the first beatdown of the week on an amazing 63 degree day in December!

If you can’t figure out the beatdown from the title, then read on. If you have children at home, you get the reference. If you were 1 of the 12 HIM who posted, then you know…


  • Disclaimer given
  • SSH – 18 IC (Because many men are 18″ from life eternal)
  • Swartzjacks – 10 IC (Because, well, it’s the 10th of December)
  • Sealjacks – 10 IC
  • Crab Flippers – 10 IC…Nice and slow for full effect
  • Patty Cake Merkins – 10 OYO (w/partner)
  • Bolt 45 – No complaint breaks in between – Squats: 15 – Top to half, 15 – Half to bottom, 15 – Top to bottom


PAX stayed paired up, each pair retrieved a 40# sandbag and lined up at the edge of the Grace Church field. Approximately 150 yards in length, PAX alternated between doing 10 Burpees & the Sand Bear Drag (planked over the sandbag, PAX Bearcrawled and pulled the sandbag forward) while advancing the entire length of the field. “Sand Bear, Sand Bear, what do you see? I see the opposite end of the field looking at me.”

  • Partner 1: 10 Burpees
  • Partner 2: Sand Bear Drag
    • Swap, rinse & repeat as necessary

To return from opposite end of the field, PAX swapped out from 10 Apollo Ohno’s to Burpees while advancing the length of the field in return. “Sand Bear, Sand Bear, what do you see? I see the opposite end of the field looking at me.”

  • Partner 1: 10 Apollo Ohno’s
  • Partner 2: Sand Bear Drag
    • Swap, rinse & repeat as necessary


Back in the AO parking lot, PAX circled up for the day’s 3rd F Message:

(Source: Adapted from F3 Nation QSource Nov. 20)

COMMITMENT – Unwavering Loyalty To The Group And Unflinching Determination To Accomplish It’s Mission

Loyalty requires abandonment of self

How important is commitment to you?

Are you someone who values loyalty and follow-through? When things get tough, are you in the habit of standing firm? Or do you have a tendency to compromise your level of commitment or even quit? More specifically, how committed are you to your team? Is your support solid? Is your dedication undeniable?

WAYS to improve your level of commitment . . .

Because your values and your ability to fulfill your commitments are closely related, take some time to reflect on them.

First, make a list of your personal and professional commitments. Then try to articulate your core values.

Once you have both lists, compare them. You will probably find that you have commitments unrelated to your values. Reevaluate them. You will also find that you have values that you are not living out. Commit yourself to them.

Being committed involves risk. You may fail. Your teammates may let you down. You may discover that fulfilling your goals doesn’t give you the results you desire. But take the risk of committing anyway. George Halas, former owner of the NFL Chicago Bears, asserted, “Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it.”

If you find it difficult to commit in particular relationships and you cannot find a reason for it in yourself, consider this: you cannot make a commitment to uncommitted people and expect to receive a commitment from them (Emphasis added). Examine the relationship(s), team, group to see whether YOU are reluctant because the potential recipient is uncommitted (maybe even untrustworthy).

Loyalty is firm, and constant support and allegiance manifested, through the subordination of one’s own well-being to the Prosperity of the Group. A Loyal person puts the interest of his Group and the needs of its Members before his own. In his decision making, he is concerned first with the impact a course of action will have on the Group and only secondarily upon himself. His relationship with his Group and its Members is that of a fiduciary, in that he is charged with a special duty of Trust that obligates him to safeguard the groups Prosperity in everything he does.


Psalm 37:5
Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will act.

Proverbs 16:3
Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.

1 Kings 8:61
Let your heart therefore be wholly true to the Lord our God, walking in his statutes and keeping his commandments, as at this day

Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men


Next PAX circled up with sandbags & bricks: 1 PAX on Sandbag, 1 PAX on a brick, sandbag, brick, sandbag, brick, etc. (you get the idea). PAX rotated counter-clockwise around the circle alternating between Sandbags & Bricks:

  • Sandbags = 10 Sandbag Squats
  • Bricks = 10 Merkins (touch chest to the brick to work on full form)
  • Final stops of bags & bricks = 20 reps each
  • Total = 70 reps Sandbag Squats, 70 reps Merkins

One final COP: Al Gore for a couple of 10 Counts

With that, it was a wrap! Sand Bear, Sand Bear, what do you see? I see the end of the workout looking at me!


  • Announcements: Plan B has been activated for this year’s F3 first State Christmas Party – We’re moving to Irish Eyes, Friday, Dec. 13 @ 7 pm. Come one, come all. Thanks to Chairman for taking the lead on making the reservations call! Dec. 21-22 Crossroad Christmas (See Quattro for the skinny on the times)
  • Prayers: Streudel’s M, Lisa, biopsy today. Danielle, continued prayers thru her battle. Aaron, Chappie’s nephew deployed. Vanilla, continued prayers for health for entire family recovering from colds and flu. Prayers for all PAX to check their commitment levels.

Always an honor and painful pleasure to Q. Shout out to the Dirty Dozen who posted, and, as Chattahoochee’s shirt said, “Embrace the Suck.” Way to embrace it men!

~Chappie, out!

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Aegiss Donkey wall

Warm o Rama

  • 12 SSH
  • 25 Windmills
  • Bolt 45
  • 12 Cherry Pickers/ hairy chiggers
  • 25 Smurf Jax

The Thang!

  • Mosey to Georgetown FIre company and put Backs to wall
  • 5 donkey kicks hold last kick until 6 was in and do 5 count
  • Hold peoples chair whild PAX takes turns doing 10 merkins
  • 10 donkey kicks, hold last kick until 6 was in than do 10 count
  • Hold peoples chair while PAX takes turns doing 10 burpees
  • 15 Donkey kicks, hold last kick until 6 was in than do 15 count
  • Hold peoples chair while PAX takes turns doing 10 LBC
  • 20 Donkey kicks, hold last kick until 6 was in than do 20 count
  • Mosey 1/2 mile to local school
  • On front lawn of School we completed the Sheldon Cooper
  • First we did 10 burpees, 10 merkins, 10 BBSU, 10 squats do 1 lap
  • 9 burpees, 9 merkins, 9 BBSU, 9 squats do 1 lap all the way down to 1 (Most of the HIM completed!! way to go guys Great push!!)
  • Mosey aprox 1/2 mile back to the AO
  • COT, name o Rama, Prayer requests, please keep Vanillas family lifted up in prayer they are going thru the sick season. Please keep all our families lifted up during this season. Also for our brother Doubtfire and his wife please keep them lifted during every prayer, Briggs family, Faith and Sue, Aaron(Chappies nephew) and please keep our brother Chappie lifted up in prayer also, he is facing possibly having a hernia, and we all know how much our brother loves being out in the Gloom.

F3 message Leadership

The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office.”

– General Dwight D. Eisenhower

Let nothing be  done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.

Philippians 2:3-4

When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.

Proverbs 29:2

He also chose David His servant, And took him from the sheepfolds; From following the ewes that had young He brought him, To shepherd Jacob His people, And Israel His inheritance. So he shepherded them according to the integrity of his heart, And guided them by the skillfulness of his hands.

Psalms 78:70-72.

  • Words can be powerful, but only if you follow up their inspiration with action. Remember, a great leader requires more than a title — you need drive, creativity, and a willingness to learn. In any case being a leader requires great patience, an ability to learn, and the ability to stand firm on your decisions. A great leader accepts responsibility, is accountable.A great leader studies The Word of God and conciders it highly in His daily life. He is strong and courageous. Just like a Joshua Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
    Joshua 1:9
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Pre-Blast F3 First State Christmas Party

First State Christmas Party

  • When: Friday 12/13/19
  • Time: 7 p.m.
  • QIC: Ruxpin & Shawna

Who: PAX, M’s, & 2.0’s of F3 First State

What: Annual Christmas Party

When: Friday, December 13th — 7 pm…until we get kicked out

Where: Teddy McNamara’s (Ruxpin) — 20306 Applewood Drive | Lincoln, DE 19960

Why: Why not? You’ll regret not being there if you miss it.


Q: How much does it cost?

A: Not a dime. But each PAX/M is asked to bring a pasta dish of your choice, salad, & dessert (just bring something to share)


A: Drinks will be provided. But booze…I think is BYOB. Check with Ruxpin

Q: When should I RSVP?

A: Yesterday. Since you can’t do that hit up Ruxpin on the GroupMe or DM him so that he and Shawna can start to get a headcount.

Q: What if I have any additional questions not covered here?

A: Reach out to Ruxpin or Chappie in the Gloom or on F# First State FB or IG.

Thanks ahead of time to Ruxpin and his M, Shawna, for hosting this always-a-fun-time event. Let’s get together, celebrate Christmas and another year of F3, and enjoy some 2ndF beyond a morning workout (i.e. lets introduce our families to each other…)

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Dos abs

QIC: Semi


20 All i/c
Seal jack
Plank jack
Seal wave
Cherry picker


Mosey to intersection of front str. and walnut str.

10 mike Tyson’s
Nur to top of hill

Mosey to playground behind Milford church of God

3 rounds of 20
Hanging knee raises
big boys

Mosey back to library

Side plank for 20 count each side

2 HIM showed today; semi, Chappie

Number Rama
Name rama

Difference Makers Devotional Plan • Devotional

TClap |

Go to Hill – Again

Date: 11/12/19

AO: CHOP, Milton DE.

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 20 IC

Imperial Walkers – 20 IC

Bolt 45’s IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down.  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

Mosey .5 miles to that darn hill again….:)…

The Thang

Q revisited the beatdown that could not be completed on last Q opportunity.  We started with the exercises originally slated for the descending evolutions of the hill climbing portion of the beatdown….but we decided to start back at 10 instead of 5 where we had left off last time….:)……PAX completed 10 Burpees, 10 Squats, 10 Merkins & 10 Big Boys.  Nur up the hill and mosey down and complete 9 Burpees, 9 Squats, 9 Merkins, & 9 Big Boys.  Dragon Crawl up & mosey down and complete 8 Burpees, 8 Squats, 8 Merkins, & 8 Big Boys.  Nur up the hill and mosey down and complete 7 Burpees, 7 Squats, 7 Merkins, & 7 Big Boys.  Boo Boo Bear Crawl up the hill and mosey down and complete 6 Burpees, 6 Squats, 6 Merkins & 6 Big Boys.  Nur up the hill and mosey down and complete 5 Burpees, 5 Squats, 5 Merkins, & 5 Big Boys.

Mosey .5 miles back to CHOP

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.

F3 Message 11/12/19

They’re usually some of the most exciting moments in sports: the touchdown or field goal that wins the game with no time left on the clock, that game-winning basket as the final buzzer sounds, or the game-winning home run with two out in the bottom of the ninth inning. Whatever the sport, there is nothing like a sudden victory when victory seems out of reach. It makes the fans go ballistic.

It can be really nerve-wracking when you’re behind and time is running out, but it’s really thrilling when a hero pulls it out at the last minute. The longer someone walks with God, the more they come to appreciate Him as the God of the last-second victory, the God of the eleventh hour.

The Bible reveals many names by which God wants us to know Him. One that has meant so much to so many for so long is the name Jehovah-jireh. It means, “The Lord will provide.” You may be facing a need or situation right now where that is literally your only hope – that the Lord will provide. Maybe it’s a job, a friend, the funds, the person, the answer, the house, the healing, or the breakthrough you need.

There is a rock-solid promise in Philippians 4:19 that “God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” God’s supply has nothing to do with what’s happening in the economy, in the news, at work, or in what your resources can do. It’s all about His unlimited “Jesus-account” in heaven, which transcends every limitation earth has.

God sometimes waits a while to meet that need. That’s when we tend to panic, to come up with some desperate way to meet the need on our own, or to abandon our trust in God because we think He’s taking too long. That takes us right out of the will of God and aborts what God was going to do.

It’s in Genesis 22 that God is known as Jehovah-jireh for the very first time. We can learn a lot from how He worked that day for Abraham. Abraham had, by faith, obeyed God’s direction to take the son God had once promised to him, climb Mt. Moriah with him, and sacrifice his son – as God Himself would do one day when Jesus died on the cross.

Believing that God will somehow provide something Abraham can’t imagine, Abraham promises his servants that both he and his son Isaac will return from the mountain. Genesis 22:10 says his faith and obedience went so far that “he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son.” At the very last moment, God stopped him and showed Abraham a ram, stuck in a thicket, who would be sacrificed instead of his son. The Bible says, “So Abraham called that place, ‘The Lord Will Provide.'” Jehovah-jireh made His move when there was no time left.

Now, about your need. God loves to come through for us when there is absolutely no place else that answer could come from, and there is no time left on the clock. It’s 11:59 and the buzzer is about to sound. God shows up with His provision at a time and in a way that will blow you away, that will give Him all the glory, that will show the people around you the greatness of God, and that will take you to a whole new level of faith and worship.

Have faith in God. God’s last-minute victories are some of the most awesome moments of your life. The greater the need and the later the hour, the more amazing God’s work on your behalf is going to be. Hang in there until the end of the game, because that is when God really does His stuff!

Respectfully Submitted,


TClap |

Into the Void

Date: 13 Nov 2019

QIC: Chappie

Seven PAX broke the Fartsack chains and won THAT FIRST BATTLE to brave the polar vortex, which brought a 30 degree temp drop since yesterday’s workout. Those who took on today’s Gloom repeatedly jumped “into the void” for an ab beatdown at the hands of YHC.

The plan was to stay put on the AO’s home court, however, the stiff winds not only moved us during the warmup, but also the workout. During the warmup PAX were moved to behind the screens on the tennis courts…


  • SSH – 18 IC
  • SwartzJacks – 18 IC
  • Crab-flippers – 10 IC
  • Imperial Walkers – 18 IC
  • Prison Squats – 18 IC

The stiff wind, along with 24 degree temps, forced us to take a short mosey downtown to a beatdown sheltered by surrounding buildings, so off we went…


PAX were circled up where the following beatdown instructions were received: The middle of the circle will be called “The Void,” 1 PAX would be in the void, executing 10 Burpees, while PAX on the outside of the circle would execute, IC, AMRAP Ab exercise pulled on the card. PAX would rotate strictly voluntarily to jump into the void. PAX executed the following random ab exercises as written on the cards:

  • Crab Cakes
  • Box Cutters
  • Gas Pumpers
  • American Hammers
  • E2K’s
  • Freddie Mercury
  • Protractor (10-Counts)
  • Big Boys (Feet interlocked)
  • Half Pumpers
  • Side Planks (10-Counts)
  • Not-So-Lazy-Boys (10 Counts)
  • Dying Cockroaches
  • Heel Touches
  • X’s & O’s
  • Flutter Kicks – lots of extras here, read below

After first round thru with each PAX rotating into the void for Burpees, the following 3rdF was shared:


We’ve all come across those in life who stand and watch. But we are not those; we know we cannot afford to be. No man can. Instead we’re leaders, we’re those who have jumped into the void (or are prepared to do so at a moments notice, at first call) we’re those who are HIM! And HIM, by definition, jump into the void.


In the Bible, when the Lord said to Joshua, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go,” he was calling Joshua to the enormous, overwhelming, fear-inducing task of leading Israel into the Promised Land. He called Joshua to jump into the void, into the arena! In that very moment Joshua had to make the decision, as Kyle Carpenter writes, “On behalf of Future You (actually in his case future Israel, my emphasis). You know that Present You is probably going to have to deal with a little more discomfort or inconvenience right now, but long-term, you will be grateful for the choices you made today. You don’t want merely to hope for better days ahead, you want to take the steps necessary to ensure them.” (You Are Worth It, 229)

Our workouts are preparation, a small microcosm of this, an incubator, if you will, but it applies to all of life. You may be “nudging, creeping, or stumbling forward because it’s the only option you have: forward or backward,” but you’ve jumped into the void, you’re in the arena getting sweaty, marred, and bloodied—but YOU’RE STRIVING, not standing and watching!

“Even when there’s no reason in the world to continue, you’re making decisions that take away your own excuses to quit (every one of them) because you know how it would affect the way you carried yourself afterward. And once you make those kinds of choices to continue, you find it easier to make them again and again.” (Adapted: Ibid. 231, 261, 262)

So, what’s God calling you to do? How might this bare out personally? In the very least, refuse to align with being a cold and timid soul:  Be a HIM in your home, in your workplace, and in the communities in which you serve! Maybe God’s even calling you to something additional, seemingly enormous, like Joshua? Whatever it is, dare greatly and jump into the void, because “HE WHO JUMPS INTO THE VOID OWES NO EXPLANATION TO THOSE WHO STAND AND WATCH”!

PAX returned to the COP for Round 2: Instead of Burpees, this time the PAX who jumped into the void would either Plank or Chilcutt for 1 minute (timed). PAX outside the void cycled through the same Ab cards. Only detour taken was an extra long set of Flutter Kicks at the hands of Leatherman (and the finicky timer on YHC’s phone).

Mosey return to the home court




  • Announcements: F3 First State Christmas Gathering location up for grabs, somebody act quickly so we can plan. Wanna host? Contact Chappie
  • Prayers: Aaron (Chappie’s nephew deployed), Danielle Briggs (facing cancer), Denny (Chairman’s dad, praise for good test results), Doubtfire, etc.

What a brisk morning it was, lots of work but no sweat–to cold to sweat. Honored to have the privilege to bring the beatdown at the Primis AO and to be able to share a 3rd Word with the PAX. A principle tested is a principle proven (F3 workouts are always outdoors, rain or shine, hot or cold). YHC appreciates all the PAX who braved the elements prove the principle on this very cold and very windy gloom! Aye!

~Chappie out!

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Bring Sally Up the Bridge

Location: Primis, Lewes, DE

PAX: Chairman(Q), Chappie, Chattahoochee, Fireplex, Gump, Leatherman, Quatro, Semi, Vanilla, Wild Wing & Special Guest: Ryan Mavity (Cape Gazette)

Warmups: All In Cadence 18 SSH 20 Moroccan Night Clubs 18 Windmills 18 shell pickers

The Thang: Bring Sally Up Merkin Challenge (lots of complaining and grunting!).

Mosey to drawbridge. Toy Soldier Set: 35 LBCs 20 E2Ks 15 Big Boys.

Bear Bridge: Crawl bear up bridge incline, Ltnt Dan across deck, Bear Crawl down bridge. 10 count. Nur up bridge incline, Ltnt Dan across deck, crab walk down bridge. 10 count.

Mosey back to Primis. F3 Message:

The Thang 2: Abbreviated version of William Wallace. Pax in 4 Corners of BBall Court: 3 in 2 corners & 2 in 2 corners (Thanks Chattahoochee!). Half Pax run to middle and do 10 Burpees while other half plank. Pax in middle run back when done and switch. All Pax to middle for 25 American Hammers IC.

Number-O-Rama and Name-O-Rama.

COT prayers for Chappie nephew Aaron overseas, Danielle Briggs and family as she battles cancer, Vanilla & Summit brother-in-law Jay (pancreatitis), Chairman’s Dads upcoming tests.

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HOB Playground

QIC: Semi


20 All i/c
Seal jack
Plank jack
Seal wave
Cherry picker


Mosey to HOB entrance

Bear crawl to first light pole
Nur to next light pole
Lt. Dan to next light pole
Dragon crawl to next light pole

Mosey to playground

Split into groups
3 rounds of 15
Hanging knee raises
Sumo squats
Step ups – each leg
Bulgarian split squats – each leg

20 big boys

Mosey back to CHOP

14 HIM showed today; semi, Chappie, summit, Vanilla, Chairman, Gump, Ruxpin, Waterfall, bovine, toad, Chattahoochee, Fireplex, quattro, FNG gore

Number Rama
Name rama

Difference Makers Devotional Plan • Devotional

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Frosty beatdown

QIC- Chattahoochee

8 HIM braved the cool frosty weather this morning and posted at the circle for a little fun

Warmup- 25 SSH, 25 Windmills, 15 smurfjacks, 15 cherry pickers, 15 seal jacks, 15 MNC,

The Thang, nice friendly mosey to the fro t yard of Georgetown middle school and started off there with a round of BLIMPS

5 burpees (handrelease)

10 lunges each leg

15 imperial walkers (4 count)

20 Merkins

25plank Jack’s

30 squats

Then we near crawled to the first sidewalk for a super toy soldier set

50LBCs, 30E2Ks each side, 20 big boys

Lt. Dan to next sidewalk for 30 hand release merkins.

Crab walk to next sidewalk for 20 Bobby hurleys.

Mosey back to beginnings for a few capt thors 1:4 ratio big boys to american hammers only went to 5/20. After this we took a short break for a little 3rd F followed by another Mosey to Georgetown Armory steps for a round of Aiken legs 20 Squats, 20 box jumps, 20 lunges each leg, 20 split Jack’s, followed by another set of Capt. thor. Same as the last one followed up by by rinse and repeat on the Aiken Legs. From there we took a mosey to the front pad of Georgetown fire company for a round of Howling monkeys each Pax held their own ankles while we went around circle individually 10 monkey jumpers while all pax held start position. Since we were in front of camera fireplex requested something manly so we added 20 merkins in cadence. Then the one last mosey around the block just in time for 8 mins of mary. To old to remember what all that consisted of but we did get thru 7 pax each adding their own little bit to the ending of the beat down.

Finished up with count-o-rama, name-o-rama and COT.

Pulled the 3rd of from Q source

A man’s right relationship with himself, his fitness begins with his body because it is his most fundamental piece of physical equipment. A man must get it and keep it in the normal upright position at all times if he wants to be effective. In fact because preparedness requires him to be ready for the unexpected. ( not just to get ready for the expected) the him is focused on gradually but consistently accelerating his fitness level rather than merely staying in shape. Staying in shape is what amateurs try to do. These fragile bodies of ours are what we are given to house our souls. Life the thing so precious to each person that he will fight tooth and nail to preserve it. Is contained within this bag of muscle, flesh and bones we call the body. How can the soul prepare if the body withers and wither it will if we dont put it in motion against continually steeper hills and heavier rock. The body is made to be used. Let it fallow and it will not produce a good crop. But if it is well plowed and carefully tended the result will be a bounty of preparedness.

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The Hill You Say

Date: 10/24/19

AO: CHOP, Milton, DE

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 25 IC

Cherry Pickers – 15 IC

Bolt 45’s IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down.  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

Windmills – 15 IC

Mosey .5 miles to “Holy Freaking Hill”

The Thang

The Super Sheldon Cooper on a “freaking hill” with a few of my friendly animals – Complete 10 Burpees, 10 Squats, 10 Merkins & 10 Big Boys.  Nur up the hill and mosey down and complete 9 Burpees, 9 Squats, 9 Merkins, & 9 Big Boys.  Crawl Bear up & mosey down and complete 8 Burpees, 8 Squats, 8 Merkins, & 8 Big Boys.  Nur up the hill and mosey down and complete 7 Burpees, 7 Squats, 7 Merkins, & 7 Big Boys.  Inch worm up the hill and mosey down and complete 6 Burpees, 6 Squats, 6 Merkins & 6 Big Boys.  Nur up the hill and mosey down and complete 5 Burpees, 5 Squats, 5 Merkins, & 5 Big Boys.

Time did not allow us to finish, but below are the remaining evolutions as planned.

Dragon Crawl up the hill and mosey down and complete 4 Burpees, 4 Squats, 4 Merkins, & 4 Big Boys.  Nur up the hill and mosey down and complete 3 Burpees, 3 Squats, 3 Merkins, & 3 Big Boys.  Boo Boo Bear Crawl up the hill and mosey down and complete 2 Burpees, 2 Squats, 2 Merkins, & 2 Big Boys.  Nur up the hill and mosey down and complete 1 Burpee, 1 Squat, 1 Merkin, & 1 Big Boy.

Mosey .5 miles back to CHOP

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust. Welcome to FNG Thomas Bunting a.k.a. Radar.  Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.  

F3 Message 10/24/19 / Beyond Today / Climb Every Mountain

Climb Every Mountain

Posted on Jan 2, 2006 by Robert H Berendt

Robert H Berendt

Pastor, United Church of God

Ambassador grad 1970. Pastor in Canada and Germany retired in 2017. On the Council of UCG-Canada and COE of UCGIA. Wife Valerie is British. Four adult children, 14 grandchildren and 7 great.

Give me mountains to climb and the strength to climb them” was a line I once read. I grew up in the mountains, and although we did not climb in the technical sense of using ropes, pins and other devices, we did spend many hours walking the hills and mountains. The majesty of the peaks makes clear the concept of the grandeur of God the Creator. It is humbling.

Climbing produces many benefits that I’ve found to be helpful: strong legs, building confidence in tackling heights, considering where to place your foot for each step. They are all lessons of good planning and enable the body to become stronger and more physically fit. The sheer exuberance of completing the task makes one want to stand on top of the peak and shout with all of your might.

One of the most important benefits of hiking is pushing yourself beyond what you think are your limits.

In the past, I have taken teenagers and young children for longer hikes in the mountains. I find resistance comes when they get tired and weary. That is normal. One of the most important benefits of hiking is pushing yourself beyond what you think are your limits. Human beings are able to go beyond what they think they can do. The body may be putting a great deal of pressure on the mind to stop, but the mind is able to override the complaints of the body and complete the task. There are lessons learned and character built that will keep you in good stead for a lifetime. One lesson you can learn is knowing when to rest or pause and when to proceed.

The safest place for a ship is a harbor, but ships were not designed for staying in a harbor. You do not become a great sailor by staying in quiet waters. Great sailors learn to be great by facing and conquering the most severe storms and conditions that the sea can give. No one would advocate that a sea captain start his career in the most severe storm. Usually, a person starts out as a helper and assistant. He gains experience during smaller storms and slowly develops the qualities needed to tackle problems with expertise and competence. The same applies to the mountains that we climb in life—whether they are real mountains or the challenges of daily life, physical struggles, emotional or spiritual issues.

A hard trail

Almighty God is very careful about inviting humans to become part of the first fruits and first resurrection. We read in John 6:44 that only God the Father decides whose mind to open. It is not the great of the world that He chooses (1 Corinthians 1:26-27), but those chosen definitely must be able to embark on a hard trail. It is surprising how some seemingly unlikely people have great inner strength. Those chosen will have great rewards that will make the struggle worth every difficult step. It will take all the strength, determination and effort that they are able to put forth along with God’s help to reach the summit. God is a strong helper during all of the struggles, and Jesus Christ intercedes on our behalf.

People who are new to the mountains do not always appreciate the dangers hidden there. They will learn through experience that there is a proper way to climb a mountain.

In Matthew11:12 we are told that forceful men lay hold of the kingdom God offers. Jesus called them “overcomers” in several places in Scripture. The obvious conclusion is that a person will have to look forward and glimpse the wonderful future with such conviction that nothing will deter them from achieving the goal. Hebrews 11 records the suffering of many. In Hebrews 12:3-9 Paul explains that we need to endure hardship as discipline; God is treating us as sons. Hardships are the mountains God has given us to climb. We need to rely on God’s Holy Spirit and use our minds and concentration skills for this daunting task. God will supply what we need, with His only request being that we appreciate what is happening and learn to love His ways. Age and physical abilities are not factors in this spiritual expedition.

Luke 14:28-33 reveals the need to count the cost before embarking on an adventure. We need to know we are able to complete the task. It is certain that no person, by themselves can accomplish this task. They neither know the way nor have the strength. God gives us what we need.

It’s worth the climb

Mountains are climbed one step at a time. There are periods of rest, traversing and planning. Our spiritual mountain gives us similar challenges. In 1 Corinthians 10:13 Paul stated that God only gives us that which we can bear and helps when temptations or hardship come. It is comforting to realize that we are not alone and have a thoughtful Creator who will lift us up.

People who are new to the mountains do not always appreciate the dangers hidden there. They will learn through experience that there is a proper way to climb a mountain. They will find out that the view from the top is breathtaking. This spiritual climb is the only way that leads to eternal life, and it is worth every ounce of expended energy.

It is probably true that most people would rather avoid the strenuous and demanding task of climbing mountains (real or spiritual). Most people avoid pain and suffering. The way God chose for His people is a difficult and narrow path. Jesus Christ felt the loss of many disciples when the way was too difficult (John 6:66). Even His close followers fled in panic when they saw that Jesus was not resisting arrest and torture (Matthew 26:56).

In the end, the reward will be more than worth the struggle. This life is short and full of troubles, whether we choose to follow Jesus Christ or not. This life is physical and temporary. The life we hope for, pray for and suffer for is eternal. God places this hope into the hearts of all people.

Climbing mountains is a great source of joy and satisfaction. How much greater and joyful are God’s mountains when He walks at our side. So then we can pray, “Give me mountains to climb and the strength to climb them.”

Respectfully Submitted,


October 24, 2019
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