Critters Abound

Date: 02/25/19

AO: CHOP, Milton , DE.

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

Seal Jacks – 25 IC

Smurf Jacks – 25 IC

Crab Jacks – 25 IC

Monkey Humpers – 25 IC

Jimmy Crickets – 10 OYO

The Thang

Black Snake run ½ mile to “Oh Hill No”.  PAX split into teams of two.  One PAX dragon crawls up the hill and crab walks down while the PAX at the base of the hill performs crab cakes OYO AMRAP.  One PAX crawl bears up the hill and bear crawls down while the PAX at the bottom performs the Dancing Bear OYO AMRAP.   One PAX boo-boo Bear crawls up the hill and duck walk down while the PAX at the bottom performs Gorilla Humpers OYO AMRAP.

F3 Message: See Below

Mosey back Black Snake style 1/2 mile to the AO. 

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Prayers were offered for multiple needs within the attending PAX, but please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.   

F3 Message 02/25/19 – Excerpts from the Ashes to Beauty Blog By Lily from California. June 13, 2014

To keep in theme of the beat-down using the animals or critters found in the exicon, Q found a teaching from a blog site from a young lady just identified as Lily that calls her blog “Ashes to Beauty”. She identified 10 different animals that we can learn spiritual lessons from….

  1. Deer – sure footed, graceful and beautiful. Sure-footedness comes from the firm foundation of God in our lives, and the simplicity of God’s way. Gracefulness and beauty comes when we walk in the Spirit.   Our ‘spiritual’ feet like become like the feet of a deer; confident, able to gracefully make it through the obstacles of life.
    32 It is God who arms me with strength
        and keeps my way secure.
    33 He makes my feet like the feet of a deer;
        he causes me to stand on the heights. Psalms 18:32-33 (NIV)”
  2. Eagle – Soaring, faithful and unafraid of storms. 31 but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)”
  3. Ants – Hardworking, purposeful, cooperative, foresightful.
    Go to the ant, you sluggard;
        consider its ways and be wise! Proverb 6:6 (NIV)”
  4. Lamb and Sheep – Innocent, relational, knows the Shepherd’s voice.
    27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27 (NIV)”
  5. Camel – Persevering, steady pace, sojourner.
    14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14 (NIV)”
  6. Locusts – Powerful when unified, initiative.
    27 locusts have no king,
        yet they advance together in ranks; Proverbs 30:27 (NIV)”
  7. Dove – Innocent, Harmless, symbolic of peace.
    16 “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. Matthew 10:16 (NIV)”
  8. Sparrow – Trusting, Joyful.
    25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[a]? Matthew 6:25-27 (NIV)”
  9. Ox – Patient, servant’as heart, knows his Master.
    The ox knows its master,
        the donkey its owner’s manger,
    but Israel does not know,
        my people do not understand.” Isaiah 1:3 (NIV)”
  10. Lion – Strong. bold, fearless, confident. One of Jesus’ titles is the Lion of Judah. The lion denotes great strength, power, majesty, the King of all! Lions are strong, powerful, fearless, bold and confident – qualities that are universally admired, and worthy of emulating. Jesus, is both the Lion and the Lamb. It is an interesting paradox, but it shows the perfect balance between Jesus’ power and authority, as the conquering King – yet at the same time His sacrificial love, goodness, kindness and compassion. Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.” Revelation 5:5 (NIV)”

Respectfully Submitted,


TClap |

Cover Q

QIC: Chappie

Date: 2/27/19

YHC had the honor of taking a cover Q since Leatherman’s work schedule was taking him upstate and preventing him from bringing the beatdown. He put it out there early…apologies from all the PAX for taking so long to respond. But, you know we got you covered. Summit had to be elbowed out of the way to get in the front of the line (thanks Summit!), but YHC was honored to step in and cover for Leatherman! YHC had been planning some ideas for the Primis AO for awhile, which prompted the step up. The hospital parking garage was centered in his sights for a serious ab beatdown (its been a long time since we had one), but a modified Weinke was in order to allow Ruxpin (on IR) to participate. The plan: lay off the heels (so, no mosey) and limit the foot action (abs are par for the course, then).


  • SSH – 20 IC
  • Calf Raises – 30 in, 30 out OYO
  • Cherry Picker (bc cherries fall on the ground) – 20 IC
  • Merkin – 18 IC
  • LBC’s – 50 IC (lot’s of ’em)
  • Imperial Walkers – 18 IC
  • Mosey park path toward public restrooms, up the steps and back around to AO tennis courts.

The Thang:

1 round of “Ferkins” (so named by Chairman) – instead of ring of fire, exercise was executed on a fire line — lined up, feet on top of tennis net, 10 reps each PAX.

Routine: YHC lifted the Ab Deck from home, and it all went down like this:

  • Draw a card (each card marked with specific Ab exercises), do the ab exercise. Several of the ab sets (lower numbered cards) were followed by “20 seconds of insanity” – extending the time, doing LBC’s as fast and as furious as possible for 20 secs.
  • Transition around the tennis courts between each deal – Karaoke, Nur, Fiddler Crab (halfway), Dragon Crawl (halfway). Never made it to the Paver Squats, Lindsey Vonn’s, and Apollo Ono’s.
  • RUCK Modifier designed for Ruxpin (instead of transitioning around the tennis courts): Overhead Hold/OH Press/1-arm Squats/Crab Plank/Ruck Swing/Alternating Ruck Merkin). Look what you missed Ruxpin!!

Took the 3rd F Breather here:

We talk about leadership, especially in men’s circles and in circles where we speak of “iron sharpening iron” (Prov. 27:17), we often borrow ideas, thoughts, & principles that express values which are prevalent in the military, where leadership is developed around potentially life/death situations.

After having served nearly 12 yrs in the ARNG I’ve seen some of the best leaders–men I’d follow anywhere. But I’ve also seen some of the absolute worst (those familiar with Band of Brothers, think of LT Sobel). Personally, I’ve been both—a good leader and a failed leader. I can say that even those failed experiences sharpened my ability to lead. It’s crucial that we continually learn from those experiences, from those who failed to lead well, and most importantly from those who did lead us well. We should not only borrow from their examples and teaching, but strive to live out the good examples.

Some of greatest military leaders come from the special operations realm. They have the most grueling assessments, evaluations, and training just to be picked to join their ranks. Then the real training begins. There’s alot of leadership training, and it’s the mental toughness that seems to count the most. When my nephew was going through Ranger School I told him a few times to “never give up what he wanted most (becoming a Ranger) for what he wanted in the moment (rest, relief, relaxation, food, etc.). We ALL do that too easily, too often! In fact, it’s the easy road!

Here’s four of the most important and valuable lessons one operator shared from his training and experiences in special ops that I think all leaders should adopt/develop:

1) ADAPTABILITY: Readiness for change. That’s why we’re “disrupters” as F3 HIM. We’ve declared in varied ways that we’ll not settle for the status quo. We’re following the lead of others who’ve brought about change, we’re following after an amazing servant-leader Savior who disrupted the religious status quo and brought about change in our understanding of how to have a relationship with Sky-Q (Soul Q, I say). And we’re each striving to be leaders who do the same. In order to do that, we must first train ourselves to be adaptable. Status quo kills! Jesus spoke of this when He said you can’t put new wine into old wineskins (Mt. 9:14-17)

2) EMOTIONAL STABILITY: This involves being able to make good decisions under pressure. Proverbs is chocked full of wisdom to help us develop the capacity to stay objective and deliver the same level of performance regardless of what we’re feeling. Important to us? Yes! But crucial to gaining, earning, keeping, and honoring the respect of those we lead! Proverbs 16:32 says, “He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit, than he who captures a city.”

3) PERSPECTIVE: Leaders have to be able to carry on when the world seems to have turned against them. We have to keep our troubles in PROPER perspective so that we do not lose sight of what needs to be accomplished. In a world full of lone rangers, keep in mind that “in an abundance of counselors there is victory” (Prov. 11:14b). And “Without consultation, plans are frustrated” (Prov. 15:22). We’ve got to train our perspective, and often other eyes/wisdom/counsel is crucial to helping us see properly.

4) TENACITY: This goes well with the acronym we’ve heard a lot lately – DFQ! What defines tenacity is never giving up! ILLUST.: In the 1912 Olympics, Jim Thorpe, an American Indian from OK represented the U.S. in track & field. On the morning of his competitions, his shoes were stolen. Jim ended up finding two shoes in the garbage. Those are the shoes he wore — one was too big, so he had to wear an extra pair of socks (different shoes and different socks!). Wearing those shoes Jim won 2 Gold Medals that day. A perfect reminder of tenacity and that you don’t have to resign to the excuses that have held you back.

So, these are 4 valuable tools every leader should develop consistently they lend to being HIM:


Let’s be the HIM we’re called to and develop these valuable & powerful tools in our own lives.

YHC hade more for the workout but how in the world did it get to be 05:59? While YHC’s Weinke was blowing away and being promptly rescued by Wildwing, the 18 Burpees Joker card was pulled from the deck for a finale: 18 Burpees OYO. Time ran out so we circled up.


  • Announcements: It’s still FebNG, bring your FNG’s. Burpees are due next Tuesday 3/5. Don’t Fartsack because you’ll still owe them anyway!
  • Prayers: Denny & Branda Hughes (Chairman’s parents); Bob Cate member of Chappie’s church at Beebe); Leo (Chattahoochee’s brother)

As always, honored to lead. Appreciate the 6 PAX who overcame the Fartsack and won that first battle to post at “O-Gawd-Thirty” in the Gloom. Its a tough battle for many, but no one’s ever regretted posting. Aye?

Chappie, out!

TClap |

99 problems… and then some.

warm up

20 ssh. 15 windmills. 15 cherry pickers. butt kicks. high knees. L & R shuffle.

mosey to alley to do 11’s (almost) of Mike Tyson’s w/ a bear crawl in-between sets.

Mosey to Pine st. and do patriot run with last pax doing a burp before he sprints to front of line, all the way to the middle school.

3rd F. on scheduling/planning/calendar. Luke 14:28 For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?

99’s- in front of middle school with sets of sidewalks, run to 1st side walk do 33 pike press, nur to start. run to second sidewalk do 33 bicep curls(each arm), nur to start. run to 3rd do 33 merkins, nur to start. new round, same format but do 33 leg raises, 33 reverse crunches and 33 big boys.

mosey to AO for COT.

good push HIM!

TClap |

Hey, easy on the Heel!

QIC: Ruxpin

Date: 2/19/2019

Nursing a bruised left heel the past week. With that in mind, we went for a lower impact version to the norm.


Imperial Walker – 20 IC Cherry Pickers – 20 IC Wind Mill – 20 IC Shoulder Taps – 20 IC

The Thang:

In Lew of a Mosey; I opted for 20 Side Shuffles to Bobby Hurlys (OYO) back and forth across half the CHOP parking lot.

Crawl Bear 1-2-3 Team up in pairs. While HIM (1) Crawl Bears then Bear Crawls to the center line and back; HIM (2) is hitting (100) Merkins, (200) LBC, stopping for Message.

3rd F Message: “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” ~ Teddy Roosevelt ~

Back to the Crawl Bear 1-2-3!!! Picking up where we left off; (300) Squats; and finished with 20 Big Boys (OYO).

Circled up for Abs: Hold 6″ for a S-L-O-W 10 count, to Flutter Kicks 20 IC, to Hello Dollies 20 IC, to Leg raise and lower 10 IC (8 count).

Short round of Mary to finish time: High Plank LHand/RFoot in the air for a 10 count, then switch for another 10. Wildwing led us in a Proud Marry fast feet to kiss the pavement with his dun-du-du-dun singing voice. American Hammers, 20 E2Ks each side…….I may have missed one.

Number-O Rama: 10 PAX (Bo Derek)



TClap |

3 Years. 3 Stops. 500 Reps.

QIC: Chappie

Date: 2/16/19

When YHC chimed in to volunteer to Q on this date, he had a couple things in mind. 1) That it would be near his 3-year manniversary, and 2) It would also be near the Daytona 500. With that he had to adjust after realizing it was a Saturday workout, not a Thursday as he initially thought. (The plan was to use the traffic circle at H.O.B. in Milton as a mock track for our own sort of “Daytona 500.”)

Enough said, the PAX met in Georgetown at the Aegis AO for a Saturday workout celebrating YHC’s 3-Year Manniversary. Thanks to all the HIM who posted and a special welcome to FNG Mrs. Doubtfire. Great to have a new brother among us! And, yes, we’ll drop the “Mrs.” Reeeelaaax! In honor of FebNG and assuming the credit for bringing the FNG, Vanilla executed 2 Burpees as we circled up.

Here’s how the rest of 3 years, 3 stops. And 500 reps went down:


  • SSH – 18 IC
  • Imperial Walker – 10 IC
  • Smurf Jack – 15 IC (No, YHC cannot start Smurf Jacks in the Seal Jack position.)
  • Calf Raises – 30 (TI), 30 (TO) OYO (plantar fasciitis prevention?)
  • Cherry Picker, Crab Flipper, Hairy Chigger – 15 IC
  • PC Merkins – 10 OYO

The Thang:

PAX were gathered at the edge of the traffic circle. Each man ran a timed lap of the circle for “Pole Position.” Tclaps to Vanilla for winning the pole at 29 secs. The Pole Winner would be the first to run steps at our 3 COP’s (Circle Of Pain) along the workout route. Plus, each man was supposed recall his own pole time at the end of the workout and execute the corresponding number of Burpees. YHC conveniently forgot about that by end of workout. There’s always tomorrow.


Mosey to 1st Stop — Steps on backside of County Bank

Pole Sitter (Vanilla) commences to run up steps & back down while other PAX did Seal Jacks, switch out with next PAX. Rinse & repeat until an accumulated 500 Seal Jacks are completed. Oh, come on! It was only approximately 72 Reps/PAX

YHC shared 1st portion of 3rdF Message:

3rd MANNIVERSARY: Three years ago this weekend I went to my first F3 workout after my buddy Wade (Nunchuk) put the EH on me to check it out. I want to share a few things I’ve gained from F3–things that kept me coming back: FITNESS – This is the “why” for any man who comes to an F3 workout. This one speaks for itself, but here’s where I came from: Spent just short of 12 years in the ARNG, and always stayed in great shape. I had that carrot (APFT) to motivate me. But I got out in April 2001. That’s 15 years with only a few short bursts of exercise BUT NO FITNESS. F2L (Freed to Lead) notes the difference: F3 “…is about fitness, not exercise…we’re far more focused on staying in shape. Getting in shape is a sprint fueled by the enthusiasm of a change for the better, but staying in shape is a marathon sustained by discipline and near-maximum effort virtually every day of a man’s life” (36). “Train yourself…”


Mosey to 2nd Stop — Steps on front of ARNG Armory

*Pit Stop: Dragon Crawl, NAPA parking lot

2 PAX at a time, Vanilla & Nugget got us started running up, then back down the steps to switch out with PAX doing Merkins. Rinse & repeat until an accumulate 500 Merkins is completed.

YHC shared the 2nd portion of his 3rdF Message:

FELLOWSHIP – This is “why” any man keeps coming back. At the first (and every subsequent) workout all the other men kept encouraging me; they kept encouraging one another! In a matter of terms, each was saying, “Brother, you’re the reason why we’re here” (F2L 20). Afterward we all went to coffeeteria, and I knew I’d found something I’d been longing for–the camaraderie experienced that day. I’d found a group of men serious about locking shields and serious about going steel-on-steel like Prov. 27:17: “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Through F3 I’ve gained deep friends in SC, here, and deep bonds in a lot of other places. The common problem that F3 solves (and why men keep coming back) is that men “forgot how to make friends.” “We could make friends when we were boys. We watch our sons do it now. Somehow, by the time we’re adults, we lose our grasp on that elemental skill” (F2L 50). To be honest, it’s an even greater challenge for me as a pastor, so I found F3 to be the perfect solution for curing the embarrassing problem of loneliness. Again, this is the common problem among men–not just among pastors. It’s also the reason we need to PROTECT and PROMOTE the 2ndF more. “Because the fellowship acts as the glue for F3, protecting and promoting the 2ndF is critical. Erode the fellowship and the PAX will come unstuck from the workout” (F2L 25). In another portion of F2L you read this: “ all a mountainside that you either climb up or slide down, a little bit every day…F3 may be a better way for you to keep climbing. The plateau thing? That’s a myth” (F2L 38). Personally, F3 has helped me to keep climbing!


Mosey to 3rd Stop – Steps on Side of County Admin Building:

*Pit Stop: Lt. Dan from power pole to power pole

Pole Sitter commenced to Bear Crawling up, then Crawl Bear down the steps, then switching with next PAX. Rinse & Repeat until an accumulated 500 Squats are completed.

YHC shared the 3rd portion of his 3rdF Message:

FAITH – Some of you may think the 3rdF (the way we do it) is BECAUSE I’m a pastor. But I want to tell you the ratio is significantly offset between the number of PAX who are pastors and those who are not. Many of the AO’s out there operate just like ours. The faith YHC personally expresses is NOT part of my life because I’m a pastor. I’m a Christian man first (God just happened to call me as a pastor) and my contribution to the 3rdF’s we have, gives me (each of us) an opportunity to share where true and lasting strength and leadership comes from. As far as the overall mission of F3, “To plant, grow, and serve small workout groups of men for the invigoration of male community leadership,” I keep coming back because I’m NOT a born leader. Leadership is a skill developed by learning and exercising leadership. I’ve continue to gain so much from others’ (yours) thoughts, insights, AND exercise of leadership. F3 has sharpened and invigorated me personally as a leader. And I hope to be able to say I’ve offered you the same in return, so that we’re all better leaders in our homes, workplaces, and communities in which we serve. For 3 years now different aspects of the Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith have taught me that “despite our easy lives, we need something hard to do, something to reach for” and so this incubator of leadership has trained me and been a catalyst for pushing through hard stuff in life. But where it counts most, I’ve learned to be a better husband and father. THAT’S WHY I KEEP COMING BACK!


Mosey return to AO at the traffic circle

2 Minute Abs to wrap up the workout – 20 secs each non-stop (AMRAP) :

  • Knee to Elbow Crunches
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Scissor Kicks
  • Dying Cock Roaches
  • Gas Pumpers
  • American Hammers

That’s the deal. 3 years. 3 stops. and 500 reps (in honor of Sunday’s Daytona). Honored to Q and glad to be able to keep at it after jumping in as an FNG 3 years ago. Here’s to another 3, at least! Appreciate all the PAX posting and making the workout worthwhile. Appreciate all you guys.

Number-Rama – 7 PAX including FNG, Doubtfire



  • Announcements: Crayons & FNG’s, bring ’em. Crayons accepted until Friday 2/22 when we’ll ruck them to Milton PD to contributed to Faryn Adams’ collection to give to child patients at AI and other local hospitals. Remember, crayons are worth 1 Burpee/box and FNG’s are worth 2. Time is ticking, let’s get those crayon’s
  • Prayers: Chairman’s mom, Brenda; other requests concerning some HIM in PAX’s lives who are facing health battles

Chappie, out!


TClap |

Diego and his Crazy Cousins

Thursday 14 2019

QIC- Leatherman

PAX- Waterfall, Chattahoochee, Chappie, Summit, Fireplex, Chairman, Wildwing , Semi

Warm Up-

15 SSH

15 Moroccan Night Clubs

15 Cherry Pickers

15 Squats

Capri Lap

The Thang

Partner up for a little Diego Doracide with Cindy

partner 1 suicide across parking lot

Partner 2 does exercises. Switch off till Rep amount is completed

100 Merkins – 150 Overhead Press with Cindy – 200 LBCs –

250 Curls with Cindy – 300 Squats with Cindy

We stopped half way through for the message

Perseverance – Persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

” Perseverance is a positive, active characteristic. It is not idly, passively waiting and hoping for some good thing to happen. It gives us hope by helping us realize that the righteous suffer no failure except in giving up and no longer trying. We must never give up, regardless of temptations, frustrations, disappointments, or discouragements” – Joseph P. Wirthlin

That Quote speaks to all who post never give up always finish strong regardless of the temptation to quit.

We finished with a failed attempt at partner squats and owing burpees lol.

so we moved onto a 9 min round of MARY.

Name-o-rama and COT to finish out a great morning.

TClap |

Baba O’Riley


QIC: Chairman

Warmup: 30 SSH 15 Cherry Pickers 15 15 Moroccan Night Clubs 15 Windmills 25 Washboards All IC.

The Thang 1: Mosey to Union Street to Tobin Drive to lot in front of Shipbuilders. Super Toy Soldier 50 LVCs 35 E2Ks 20 Big Boys. Mosey back to Union Street and back to AO.
Ascending Testicles 15 degree, 45 degree, & BTW 10 derkins each
Clowney: 4 jump lunges IC 4 Merkins 7x
London Bridge Plank: head to wall 1 hand to wall then other then 1 hand to ground then other. Bear crawl under bridge 1 PAX at time.

F3 Message about Hope: We all need hope in our lives whether famil, work, etc. and most of us turn to God for hope when needed. Bible verses about hope:

Psalm 46:1-3 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.

Proverbs 18:10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.

Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Exodus 15:2 The Lord is my strength and my song; he has given me victory. This is my God, and I will praise him—  my father’s God, and I will exalt him!

Psalm 34:10b Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.

The Thang 2:

Monkey Drill: Sideways Lunges palms to ground as extend.  1 each direction.

20 Merkins 20 Diamond Merkins 20 Hand Release Merkins

Baba O’Riley: Imperial Walkers for entire 5 min 4 sec. song increasing tempo for last 30 seconds.

Count-O-Rama & Name-O-Rama

TClap |

Modified mini cooper

8 HIM posted on this glorious Feburary morning to partake in a slight Chattahoochee beatdown starting off with a little warmup at the AO then a mosey downtown

Warmup- 22 SSH, 20 seal jacks, 15 windmills, 15 MNC, 15 Merkins all in cadence

The Thang– Mosey down union street to the firehouse for a round of Howling Monkees Pax in a circle all pax grab ankles in the monkey humper position first pack does 10 monkey jumpers while all pax hold ankles until all pax do 10

Mosey across footbridge to the park for a modified mini cooper.

10 pullups, 10 squats, 10 Merkins, 10 War Hammers then mosey a lap around gazebo rinse and repeat taking of 1 rep of each excersise until 1 rep per exercise finished up with a mosey back to the AO .

3rd F pulled from the Q source:

TEAM DEVELOPMENT = Dynamic teams are essential to both communities and organizations. If a task can be performed by one man than there is no reason to form a team, but when it is to complicated or difficult for a single person acting alone then people must combine to see it through and as soon as they do then BOOM a team is formed whether they realize it or not. For a team is nothing more than a proximate combination of 2 or more people formed to perform a specific mission for the benefit of a community or organization or both.

F3 uses the acronym TEAM

T- is for trust reliance between team members builds a leaders trust.

E- is Equipping a leader ensures his team has what it needs

A is Accountability setting and maintaining high standards within a team

M is for missionality prioritizing team accomplishments

TClap |


Warm up

20 Seal jacks
15 Cherry picker
20 Seal wave
15 Windmill
20 Ssh


Mosey to pavilion

X 2
20 American hammers – single count
20 shoulder taps – single count

Mosey to parking lot near bridge

Start at bridge end of parking lot, exercise to curb at far end, complete exercise and exercise back to start

Side shuffle
6 barfys
6 barfys
6 burpees

Mosey back to AO

3rd F
Thanked the HIM for showing up consistently. Talked about how I joined F3 and why.

9 flutter kicks
6″ hold with 10 count around Pax
A round of Mary – 4 count Freddies, big boys, e2ks, hello dollies w/ 2 burpees, and monkey drills

6 HIM showed – semi, Chappie, Chairman, Wildwing, Ruxpin, leatherman

Number Rama

Name Rama


TClap |

Holy Hill

Date: 01/29/19

AO: CHOP, Milton, De.

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 20 IC

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

Windmills – 20 IC

Bolt 45’s – 15 squats full up to half way down, 15 squats half way down to full down, & 15 squats full motion.  All completed IC as a 4 count.

Mosey approx. 1/2 mile to “Oh, Hill No”

The Thang 

The Modified Slugger & Toy Soldier Routine.  Crawl Bear up the Hill and Bear Crawl down and complete 20 Diamond Merkins, 20 wide armed merkins and 20 Hand Release Merkins.  Crawl Bear up the hill and Bear Crawl down and complete a Toy Soldier Set 50 LBC’s, 30 E2K’s each side and 20 Big Boys.  Rinse & Repeat as time allows. F

Mosey back 1/2 mile to the AO. 

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Prayers were offered for multiple needs within the attending PAX and their families, but please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.

F3 Message

Q spoke about waiting on the Lord and sometimes that requires that we be still and rein things in a bit. In regards to the beat-down, we completed one evolution of the Holy Hill Thang, but concentrated on quality of the exercises and not the quantity. Of course the crawl bears up the hill caused “Holy Hill” to erupt from the participating PAX…:)…

Q went on to paraphrase and quote a segment on how to exercise your faith and three ways to build your spiritual muscles as written by wife and mother Elana Anthony who holds a certification as a group fitness instructor among many other academic achievements. Ms. Anthony states the first way to build spiritual muscles is to Wait on God. In other words, be still and allow God to work. Be patient and wait on God’s perfect timing. Please read excerpts below from he 2014 posting.

Exercise your faith: 3 ways to build spiritual muscles–Part 1

By Elana Anthony, June 9, 2014 at 10:58 am

“1. Wait on God. It may be hard. It may seem as if nothing is happening. And every part of your flesh wants to DO SOMETHING, because we don’t equate waiting with doing, and yet, that is exactly what we should do, for waiting is an exercise that builds our spiritual muscles. Waiting gives us strength. A popular Scripture that teaches us this can be found in Isaiah 40: 31 which says, “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”

“2. Draw your strength from God and not on your own self-reliance. Don’t take matters in your own hands. Usually while waiting, we get frustrated and antsy, and again, want to DO SOMETHING. In times like these, don’t rely on your strength. Ephesians 6: 10 tells us to “…be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” It’s His strength that sustains, not our own. Now this doesn’t mean that there aren’t positive things we can do to keep ourselves busy so as to not go crazy during periods of silence. What was the other exercise I did to build my spiritual muscles and make it through the wilderness? I saturated my mind with the Word of God. I focused exclusively on His promises. This leads me to my last point to exercise your faith.”

“3. Focus exclusively on God. Not the doctor’s report. Not the Dow Jones. Not the news. Not the latest business reports. Not career updates. Not the latest on the economic rise or plunge. Not on the health prognosis. And especially not on the blessings of others. To exercise your faith and build spiritual muscles, you must “fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith” (Heb 12: 2).

“So if we’re waiting, we are gaining power.”

“When we’re reliant on God, then we are strengthened by His power.”

“And if we are focused exclusively on Him, our faith is being made perfect. We are becoming like Paul. God is teaching us contentment so that we can be happy and assured no matter what happens. Whether we have a job or not, we can be content. No matter what the doctor reports finding, we can know that we are covered by the blood of Jesus and healed by His stripes. No matter if we have a steady income or periods of drought, we can know with complete assurance that the Lord is a provider and is right there with us. We are not alone”.

“Exercise your faith. Build your spiritual muscles. And be blessed!”

Respectfully Submitted,


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