Warmup: All in Cadence 35 SSH 18 Shell Pickers 18 Moroccan Night Clubs 18 Windmill 18 Mountain Climbers 18 Shoulder Taps; Super Toy Soldier Set 50 LBCs 35 E2Ks 20 Big Boys. Wosey to Pilottown Rd.
TheThang: Mosey to New Road (approx. 0.5 miles). 38 Merkins. Mosey to LL Park (approx 1 mile total run). 7 of Diamonds: Sprint base to base each round. 7 Burpees (28 total) 14 Flutter Kicks double count (56 total) 21 Merkins (82 total) 28 prison squats (112 total) 21 Merkins (82 total).
Wosey back to Primis with F3 message about faith. Q spoke about the last year how his family has had to keep faith in God with loss of grandmother and parents health issues. Have keep faith in God and his plan.
Number-O-Rama & Name -O-Rama. Circle of Trust. Prayers for Bob from Grace Church who had mass removed from bladder. Prayers for Q’s parents.
Another damp morning at the georgetown circle but that didn’t slow us from hitting double digits for the first time at the AEGIS! Great push by all men!
Merkins IC
Arm circles forwards / backwards
SSH ICCherry Picker IC
Windmill IC
Moroccan NC IC
Mountain Climbers IC
The Thang-
Mosey to church lot for Abs
Super Toy Soldier Set -In Cadence
25- lbc, 10 e2k, 10 Big boys
Flutter kicks 15 IC
American Hammers – 25 IC
Mosey back to Circle
Mosey to Masonic Lodge parking lot.
Aiken legs set
20 squats
20 wall jumps
20 lunges (forward, 10 each leg)
20 split jacks
Wrap up with each pax runs up 2 flights of stairs and back down
Mosey back to circle
Break for 3rdF- ‘Say Not’
Mosey to opposite side of Fire Hall
Partner up -one partner holds plank while other partner does merkins. Switch for each set of 20.
20 reg
20 wide
20 hand release
20 ranger
20 reg
Mosey back to circle.
Mosey to M&T bank lot –
Partner up one partner does dips while other partner does merkins. Switch for each set of 10 Merkins-
10 reg
10 wide
10 hand release
10 ranger
10 reg
Mini Aiken legs
10 squats
10 curb jumps
10 lunges (forward, 10 each leg)
10 split jacks
Mosey back to circle.
Wrap up with toy soldier set
30 lbc. 15 e2k, 10 big boy
3rdF- ‘ Say Not’ from Mark Battersons book ‘Play the Man’ The hardest part of the body to subdue is the tongue. So, let’s issue a gentleman’s challenge. What we refer to as locker room talk, the Bible calls sin. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk of course joking, which are out of place. Here’s a simple rule of thumb: don’t say something about someone that you wouldn’t say if they were standing here. And above all, honor your wife with your words. If you’re going tot all about her behind her back, make sure you are bragging! There is a powerful little phrase repeated in Scripture: “ say not” Whatever you verbalize, you give power to. When you voice negative thoughts, you’re reinforcing what’s wrong. Over time, it often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead of verbalizing negativity, speak words of faith. Instead of verbalizing complaints, speak words of praise. When God called Jeremiah to be a prophet, Jeremiah felt overwhelmed and under qualified. He used inexperience as an excuse, and God rebuked his excuse. Say not, I am a child. So Quit making excuses!I’m too old. I’m too young. I had bad parents. I’ve made too many mistakes. I don’t have the education. I don’t have the experience. SAY NOT! What needs to go on your “say not” list? You can start with obscenities, foolish talk and course joking. While you are at it, add gossiping and lying. And to top it off, quit insulting others or bragging about yourself. If we can subdue our tongues, there is no part of our bodies we cannot control. James likened the tongue to the rudder of a boat— it turns the whole ship. “ When we put bits in the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts.”Say not!
Captain Therkins at CHOP – 1 big Boy to 4 American Hammers; 5 Merkins . 2 Big Boys to 8 American Hammers; 5 Merkins….You see the pattern…. complete in ratio up to 10:40 with 5 Merkins for each cycle.
The Sheldon Cooper Routine (Big Bang Beatdown) at the CHOP. 10 Burpees, 10 Squats, 10 Merkins, 10 Big Boys. A lap around the block @.25 miles. 9 Burpees, 9 squats, 9 merkins, 9 big boys. A lap around the block @.25 miles. PAX worked the descending routine until all HIM completed the round of 6 of each exercise.
F3 Message – See Below
Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust. Prayers were offered for multiple needs within the attending PAX including healing prayers for Waterfall’s Grandfather and Chairman’s Mom and Dad. Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.
Q provided the F3 Message from the internet as copied and utilized from the Ron Hutchcraft Ministries Website. Q was on call for the past two weeks for jury duty in the Superior Court of Delaware and was able to find a strong word from Mr. Hutchcraft. Q tried to tie it all together as it pertains to having a Savior that paid for our sins when we are all guilty and not worthy of the gift of eternal salvation that Jesus provided for us by way of the Cross. All we have to do is accept, receive and trust Him as our Lord and Savior and live a life that keeps him in the center of all we do.
NOT GUILTY by Ron Hutchcraft Ministries
“There are verdicts given in court rooms all over the country every day, but most of them don’t affect you. One verdict that really does affect you is the one that determines where you’ll spend eternity.
It’s God’s verdict. You ask: “Was I good
enough? Will I make it to heaven when I die? Was I guilty or not guilty with
God?” The verdict is not in a sealed envelope. It’s in an open book, and
you don’t have to wait to find your verdict from God.
The Word of God in Romans 3:19 says, “Every mouth will be silenced. The whole
world held accountable to God. No one will be declared righteous in His sight
by observing the law…” That means doing good things. Chapter 3:10 says,
“There is no one righteous, not even one…” Everyone is guilty.
Verses 22-23 say, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of
God.” ( Romans 3)
The verdict is in on each of us – Guilty before
God. We have broken His laws over and over. We’ve hijacked the life our Creator
gave us and run it ourselves. We’ve been our own god. Not only is the verdict
in, the sentence has been pronounced. In Romans 6:23 it says, “The wages of sin is death.” Some
are going to try to plead the good they have done. It’s not enough. No one is
righteous, not even one.
A death penalty cannot be paid by doing good.
Someone has to die. Our sin leaves us condemned in the court room of God. Our
sentence is described in one word – hell. This reading of the verdict is
followed by an amazing offer of a pardon. It says in the next verses that we
are justified freely by God’s grace through the redemption that came by Christ
Jesus through faith in His blood. In other words, someone has come to pay your
death penalty – God’s own Son.
Our only hope of ever being right with God, of ever going to heaven, is placing all our hope in Jesus Christ, the One who died as our substitute. If you think that your religion or your goodness is going to satisfy God’s verdict, the Bible says it won’t. Jesus died so He could forgive your sin and erase it from God’s book, and trade the death penalty you deserve for the eternal life you don’t deserve. You just have to put your total trust in Him to be your Savior. If you never have, if you’re not sure you have, don’t risk another day without Him. The bad news is that you’re guilty before God. We all are, and the sentence is death. If you belong to Jesus Christ, because you have put your trust in Him, you can have the Son of God as your defense attorney before His Father, and a guaranteed verdict of “Not Guilty” – free to go home to the heaven He has prepared for you.”
9 HIM posted on a brisk tuesday morning for a nice little workout launching from.the CHOP
Warm up- 20 SSH, 20 Smurfjacks, 20 Windmills, 20 MNC, 20 Merkins all IC
The Thang– Mosey over to the sign shop upon arrival to the sign shop started of with a toy soldier set 35 lbc, 25 e2ks, 15 big boys we then followed that up with walls of Jericho 7 exercises, 7 reps, 7 laps.
7 merkins, 7 diamonds,7 rangers ,7 wide arm,7 derkins, 7 hand release, 7 burgers each followed by a lap around the shop.
Finished up walls of Jericho and a little 3rd F time to hit the Abs. 20 flutter kicks, 15 Hello dollies, 10 Rosalitas all IC with no rest in between after that it was time to mosey back to the AO here we finished up with a round of Mary to old and been to long to remember who done what . After the beatdown time to pay the bank of Chappie with owed burpees from Febng and the crayon drive some HIM still owe.
3rd F A pastor once said in church if you can trust a puzzle company to make sure every piece is in the box to complete the puzzle then why cant you trust that every piece of your life is there for a reason.
Trust in the lord with all your heart and on your own understanding.
Black Snake run ½ mile to “Oh Hill No”. PAX split into teams of two. One PAX dragon crawls up the hill and crab walks down while the PAX at the base of the hill performs crab cakes OYO AMRAP. One PAX crawl bears up the hill and bear crawls down while the PAX at the bottom performs the Dancing Bear OYO AMRAP. One PAX boo-boo Bear crawls up the hill and duck walk down while the PAX at the bottom performs Gorilla Humpers OYO AMRAP.
F3 Message: See Below
Mosey back Black Snake style 1/2 mile
to the AO.
Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust. Prayers were offered for multiple needs within the attending PAX, but please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.
F3 Message 02/25/19 – Excerpts from the Ashes to Beauty Blog By Lily from California. June 13, 2014
To keep in theme of the beat-down using the animals or critters found in the exicon, Q found a teaching from a blog site from a young lady just identified as Lily that calls her blog “Ashes to Beauty”. She identified 10 different animals that we can learn spiritual lessons from….
“Deer – sure footed, graceful and beautiful. Sure-footedness comes from the firm foundation of God in our lives, and the simplicity of God’s way. Gracefulness and beauty comes when we walk in the Spirit. Our ‘spiritual’ feet like become like the feet of a deer; confident, able to gracefully make it through the obstacles of life. 32 It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure. 33 He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he causes me to stand on the heights. Psalms 18:32-33 (NIV)”
“Eagle – Soaring, faithful and unafraid of storms. 31 but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)”
“Ants – Hardworking, purposeful, cooperative, foresightful. 6 Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! Proverb 6:6 (NIV)”
“Lamb and Sheep – Innocent, relational, knows the Shepherd’s voice. 27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27 (NIV)”
“Camel – Persevering, steady pace, sojourner. 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14 (NIV)”
“Locusts – Powerful when unified, initiative. 27 locusts have no king, yet they advance together in ranks; Proverbs 30:27 (NIV)”
“Dove – Innocent, Harmless, symbolic of peace. 16 “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. Matthew 10:16 (NIV)”
“Sparrow – Trusting, Joyful. 25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[a]? Matthew 6:25-27 (NIV)”
“Ox – Patient, servant’as heart, knows his Master. 3 The ox knows its master, the donkey its owner’s manger, but Israel does not know, my people do not understand.” Isaiah 1:3 (NIV)”
“Lion – Strong. bold, fearless, confident. One of Jesus’ titles is the Lion of Judah. The lion denotes great strength, power, majesty, the King of all! Lions are strong, powerful, fearless, bold and confident – qualities that are universally admired, and worthy of emulating. Jesus, is both the Lion and the Lamb. It is an interesting paradox, but it shows the perfect balance between Jesus’ power and authority, as the conquering King – yet at the same time His sacrificial love, goodness, kindness and compassion. 5 Then one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.” Revelation 5:5 (NIV)”
Ten HIM won that first battle this morning to post in the Gloom, only to wait for the 11th man—our missing Q. Semi? Semi, hello? You there? Guess not. And after all that sandbag chatter? Well, hang tough brother. Sometimes things happen that side-track us, keep us up all night, or whatever. We had your back and Bo Derek (10 of us) went right to work and put together what turned out to be a seriously great baton-pass beatdown. Keep the Weinke you had prepared, sounds like you had a good one planned! (BTW…we bust your chops because we love ya bro!)
YHC is not going to even going to come close to remembering all the pieces of the puzzle, but here’s most of the skinny:
PAX circled up and took turns bringing some heat to get us limbered up and going. No, Chairman, you DID NOT forget your Q (though we should’ve just run with that and had some fun at your expense). Let’s see, we did… SSH, Windmill, Cherry Picker, Merkins, and Moroccan Night Clubs—all IC (log in and enter missed warm-up exercises here: _______________________)
The Thang:
PAX went to the wall and suffered some beatdown there at the hands of Waterfall, Leatherman, Chattahoochee, & who else?
Vanilla took it from there and mosey’d us short way around the block with a complement of Lt. Dan to first power pole and Bearcrawl from second power pole to Union St. Fireplex threw in the beloved Dragoncrawl to Chiropractor’s Sign then a semi-inverted Toy Soldier set on Chappie’s front lawn before bringing us back around. (YHC will have to invest in some no trespassing signs!) No recollection of what we did from there to the Grace Church sign? But from there Wildwing put a good pace on the mosey to continue around the block to the corners of Tobin & Mulberry Streets where PAX circled up again.
At Tobin & Mulberry we had a short 3rd Word from Doubtfire, sharing how God has been meeting him in some life circumstances through Psalm 46:10: “Be still and know that I am God.” (NASB) “Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at Me, your High God.” (The Message). Supremely great counsel from the Word of God! “Sit down and shut up.” (The Doubtfire Paraphrase Version)
Wildwing added to the discussion by asking PAX to name what it is they do as soon as they get out of bed in the morning. Responses were—as any could imagine in a circle of men—interesting! But our brother brought us back around to the advice shared by Admiral William McRaven: “If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed. If you make you bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the day.” Check out the full video here:
Fireplex, again, jumped into action to get us swigging from his legendary bottle of Bolt 45 before we realized we were down to 5 mike mikes. Get back Jack! Mosey return to the AO, traffic stops and all.
Announcements: Last day for FebNG (Thanks for the reminder, fellas!); 12th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade & 5k – Milton on 3/1
Prayers: Chairman’s 2.0
YHC is sure to have missed someone or something (he can’t even remember what he added to the beatdown), but it was an awesome exhibition of Sua sponte leadership at work in the absence of today’s Q (Cf. Lexicon). Every PAX took ownership of the situation and it turned out to be a pretty doggone good burner!
What’s missing? Look closely, you might come up with a Semi-good idea? Ha, ha! Q’sacking iss vaddy, vaddy bahd!
YHC had the honor of taking a cover Q since Leatherman’s work schedule was taking him upstate and preventing him from bringing the beatdown. He put it out there early…apologies from all the PAX for taking so long to respond. But, you know we got you covered. Summit had to be elbowed out of the way to get in the front of the line (thanks Summit!), but YHC was honored to step in and cover for Leatherman! YHC had been planning some ideas for the Primis AO for awhile, which prompted the step up. The hospital parking garage was centered in his sights for a serious ab beatdown (its been a long time since we had one), but a modified Weinke was in order to allow Ruxpin (on IR) to participate. The plan: lay off the heels (so, no mosey) and limit the foot action (abs are par for the course, then).
SSH – 20 IC
Calf Raises – 30 in, 30 out OYO
Cherry Picker (bc cherries fall on the ground) – 20 IC
Merkin – 18 IC
LBC’s – 50 IC (lot’s of ’em)
Imperial Walkers – 18 IC
Mosey park path toward public restrooms, up the steps and back around to AO tennis courts.
The Thang:
1 round of “Ferkins” (so named by Chairman) – instead of ring of fire, exercise was executed on a fire line — lined up, feet on top of tennis net, 10 reps each PAX.
Routine: YHC lifted the Ab Deck from home, and it all went down like this:
Draw a card (each card marked with specific Ab exercises), do the ab exercise. Several of the ab sets (lower numbered cards) were followed by “20 seconds of insanity” – extending the time, doing LBC’s as fast and as furious as possible for 20 secs.
Transition around the tennis courts between each deal – Karaoke, Nur, Fiddler Crab (halfway), Dragon Crawl (halfway). Never made it to the Paver Squats, Lindsey Vonn’s, and Apollo Ono’s.
RUCK Modifier designed for Ruxpin (instead of transitioning around the tennis courts): Overhead Hold/OH Press/1-arm Squats/Crab Plank/Ruck Swing/Alternating Ruck Merkin). Look what you missed Ruxpin!!
Took the 3rd F Breather here:
We talk about leadership, especially in men’s circles and in circles where we speak of “iron sharpening iron” (Prov. 27:17), we often borrow ideas, thoughts, & principles that express values which are prevalent in the military, where leadership is developed around potentially life/death situations.
After having served nearly 12 yrs in the ARNG I’ve seen some of the best leaders–men I’d follow anywhere. But I’ve also seen some of the absolute worst (those familiar with Band of Brothers, think of LT Sobel). Personally, I’ve been both—a good leader and a failed leader. I can say that even those failed experiences sharpened my ability to lead. It’s crucial that we continually learn from those experiences, from those who failed to lead well, and most importantly from those who did lead us well. We should not only borrow from their examples and teaching, but strive to live out the good examples.
Some of greatest military leaders come from the special operations realm. They have the most grueling assessments, evaluations, and training just to be picked to join their ranks. Then the real training begins. There’s alot of leadership training, and it’s the mental toughness that seems to count the most. When my nephew was going through Ranger School I told him a few times to “never give up what he wanted most (becoming a Ranger) for what he wanted in the moment (rest, relief, relaxation, food, etc.). We ALL do that too easily, too often! In fact, it’s the easy road!
Here’s four of the most important and valuable lessons one operator shared from his training and experiences in special ops that I think all leaders should adopt/develop:
1) ADAPTABILITY: Readiness for change. That’s why we’re “disrupters” as F3 HIM. We’ve declared in varied ways that we’ll not settle for the status quo. We’re following the lead of others who’ve brought about change, we’re following after an amazing servant-leader Savior who disrupted the religious status quo and brought about change in our understanding of how to have a relationship with Sky-Q (Soul Q, I say). And we’re each striving to be leaders who do the same. In order to do that, we must first train ourselves to be adaptable. Status quo kills! Jesus spoke of this when He said you can’t put new wine into old wineskins (Mt. 9:14-17)
2) EMOTIONAL STABILITY: This involves being able to make good decisions under pressure. Proverbs is chocked full of wisdom to help us develop the capacity to stay objective and deliver the same level of performance regardless of what we’re feeling. Important to us? Yes! But crucial to gaining, earning, keeping, and honoring the respect of those we lead! Proverbs 16:32 says, “He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit, than he who captures a city.”
3) PERSPECTIVE: Leaders have to be able to carry on when the world seems to have turned against them. We have to keep our troubles in PROPER perspective so that we do not lose sight of what needs to be accomplished. In a world full of lone rangers, keep in mind that “in an abundance of counselors there is victory” (Prov. 11:14b). And “Without consultation, plans are frustrated” (Prov. 15:22). We’ve got to train our perspective, and often other eyes/wisdom/counsel is crucial to helping us see properly.
4) TENACITY: This goes well with the acronym we’ve heard a lot lately – DFQ! What defines tenacity is never giving up! ILLUST.: In the 1912 Olympics, Jim Thorpe, an American Indian from OK represented the U.S. in track & field. On the morning of his competitions, his shoes were stolen. Jim ended up finding two shoes in the garbage. Those are the shoes he wore — one was too big, so he had to wear an extra pair of socks (different shoes and different socks!). Wearing those shoes Jim won 2 Gold Medals that day. A perfect reminder of tenacity and that you don’t have to resign to the excuses that have held you back.
So, these are 4 valuable tools every leader should develop consistently they lend to being HIM:
Let’s be the HIM we’re called to and develop these valuable & powerful tools in our own lives.
YHC hade more for the workout but how in the world did it get to be 05:59? While YHC’s Weinke was blowing away and being promptly rescued by Wildwing, the 18 Burpees Joker card was pulled from the deck for a finale: 18 Burpees OYO. Time ran out so we circled up.
Announcements: It’s still FebNG, bring your FNG’s. Burpees are due next Tuesday 3/5. Don’t Fartsack because you’ll still owe them anyway!
Prayers: Denny & Branda Hughes (Chairman’s parents); Bob Cate member of Chappie’s church at Beebe); Leo (Chattahoochee’s brother)
As always, honored to lead. Appreciate the 6 PAX who overcame the Fartsack and won that first battle to post at “O-Gawd-Thirty” in the Gloom. Its a tough battle for many, but no one’s ever regretted posting. Aye?
20 ssh. 15 windmills. 15 cherry pickers. butt kicks. high knees. L & R shuffle.
mosey to alley to do 11’s (almost) of Mike Tyson’s w/ a bear crawl in-between sets.
Mosey to Pine st. and do patriot run with last pax doing a burp before he sprints to front of line, all the way to the middle school.
3rd F. on scheduling/planning/calendar. Luke 14:28 For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?
99’s- in front of middle school with sets of sidewalks, run to 1st side walk do 33 pike press, nur to start. run to second sidewalk do 33 bicep curls(each arm), nur to start. run to 3rd do 33 merkins, nur to start. new round, same format but do 33 leg raises, 33 reverse crunches and 33 big boys.
Warmup: 25 SSH IC, 18 Clam Pickers IC, 18 Moroccan Night Cubs IC, 18 Windmill IC, 18 Mountain Climbers IC
The Thang: Mosey to parking lot by Savannah along Canal. Toy Soldier Set 50 LBCs 35 E2K 20 Big Boys. Wosey to Canal Drawbridge. Crawl Bear up bridge, Bear Crawl down bridge. Ltnt Dan across bridge. Mosey to Zwanandale. Bring Sally Up Arms Challenge. Mosey to end 2nd Street. Bring Sally Up Squat Challenge. Mosey back to Primis.
F3 Message: Q1 Get Right: https://f3nation.com/2019/02/02/get-right-q1/
Joys: Building on the F3 message, Wildwing shared experience of flipping a sailboat 40 years ago but successfully making it ashore with wife and mother-in-law. Only casuaty was pair of suglasses.
Chairman mom had successful surgery and does not have to have 4th surgery in 2 weeks.