4 4 7 of Diamonds


Q Sharkbait 

Pax Psyc, Cleveland Rocks & Burgundy 



Copperhead Squats 30

Imperial Walkers 30

The Thang

Four count Burpee’s 10 reps

   Sumo Squat hands in

   Chest to ground elbows tight to body

    Sumo squat


Seven of diamonds

7 Burpees 

14 four count flutter kicks

21 Merkins

28 Squats

21 four count Imperial Walkers 

14 four count Freddie Mercury’s 

7 Burpees 

Performed on a large diamond (i.e. a square); we use the outside of a baseball field, but any large area will work. For the first round, do 7 reps of an exercise (burpees) at each of the 4 corners with a mosey (or sprint) in between corners. Each round, increase by 7 reps with a different exercise each round, for a total or 4 rounds. Round 2, 14 four count flutter kicks at each of the 4 corners. Round 3, 21 merkins at each of the 4 corners. Round 4, 28 squats at each of the 4 corners. If time allows, continue for a total of 7 rounds, decreasing the reps by 7 for each of the last 3 rounds with exercises of the Q’s choice. We will do some rounds own your own, then wait for the six each round; and some rounds we do as a group. Q’s choice.


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