Covid lock-down was broken today for YHC with a return to the AO.
Great to see the turnout. 11 strong.
Warm Up : 25 SSH. Yup, that was it.
The Thang: Bear Crawl 100 yards Walk to 10, do 10 gas pumps… walk to 20, do 20 gas pumps … all the way to endzone…. 25 Merkins, crawl bear to 100 yards Walk to 10, do 10 squats… walk to 20…. you get it Crab walk to 10, 10 burpees…. walk to 20…. Pax getting tired – stop at the 50. Walk to 10, 10 Monkey Humpers…. walk to 20….etc. to the 50 Wrap it up with 1 air press / 1 merkin every 5 yards and ending with 10/10.
What can YHC say. It was great to be back and hope the pax enjoyed it.
Burgundy on the call Thursday pointed out that YHC will be the only one of the 5 left in Monterey by the end of the year. It has been very humbling to have known those for the time we have spent together in Monterey. YHC is a bit reserved and had YHC not come out to Carmel High on 12/29/2018 there would have been no time getting to know any of the PAX. The PAX has lifted YHC. And for that, YHC is grateful.
Speaking of 12/29/2018… 609 days ago… Burgundy and YHC started F3 on that day – So let’s take a trip down memory lane:
9 beat the fartsack this a.m. for a Croc snotwoggle! Best weather across @F3Nation today! Welcome 3 FNGs Burgundy, Mr. Rogers and Cleveland Rocks!!
We started this morning off with a Patirot Run to church. PAX lined up behind 2 shovel flags and we took off in a friendly manner to the back field at the church. We posted flag in the middle of the church field and completed bear crawl ring of fire
Bear Crawl Ring of Fire
Combines exercises we have all come to love/hate. Circle up around shovel flag. Begin by bear crawling around in circle until Q says stop. Upon stopping, first Pax completes 10 merkins while other Pax plank, then next pax in line completes 10 merkins while other pax plank. Keep going around until all pax have completed the 10 merkins. The suck factor greatly increases the more pax you have (longer planks). PAX circled up and we bear crawled in a cirlcle until Q shouted HALT. We then planked it up while each HIM (19 of us uggg) completed the merkins. in between sets we recovered to our 6 to complete an ab exercise.
1st round _10 merkins, DR W AB exercise- Dr. W is a sufferable 8-count ab exercise that combines Dolly, Rosalita, and the W; often within the 6MOM. Always a #CrowdPleaser. 1 is legs apart like a Low Dolly, 2 is legs together, 3 is raise the legs to Rosalita position (45-60 degrees-ish), 4 is spread ‘em, 5 is The W (hands together and stretching forward between your legs), 6 is the return to your back (legs still up), 7 is legs together, 8 is legs down. 5-8 Dr. W’s is a good start to get the pax coordinated with the counting. 10 is a magic # that most build up to 15 is just dumb and torture #FetalPositionMaker Qtip – We always emphasize that the W is on the 5 count. Kinda breaks down the motions and gives a 2nd starting point.
2nd round 10 diamond merkins, 10 IC Seated Flutter Kicks with hands raised in Hallelujahs. Move immediately to hands behind you. 10 IC slightly reclined flutterkicks. Move immediately 10 IC normal flutter kicks.
3rd round 10 werkins, Toy soldier set, 60 LBC, 30 E2K each leg, and 15 BBSU
F3 message was inserted here, it will be at the end of the backblast
FInal Round- 10 ranger merkins. We recovered to our feet once we finished the Bear crawl ring of fire, and lined back up to head back to the AO.
once we got back to AO the real final round was 15 burpees to wrap things up.
Number o rama- 19 HIM beat the fartsack and faced the Gloom.
Name o rama- we welcomed 2 FNGs to the group and named them Waterboy, and Cowbell
Circle of trust- we ended like we always do in strength we circled up and offered prayers to JESUS.
Third F message
A few weeks ago it was RovingRuckfest and it was at broadkill Beach. Just so happens Chappie was on vacation so naturally I was alone for this trip. I kept thinking, im going to go home and go back to sleep, but I didn’t. I decided to pray ruck. I hit the beach with 20 lbs in my ruck and a 40 lb sandbag, and I’m praying, and rucking. It was fabulous. The moon lit the sky and the tide had recently passed for the night leaving the beach entirely deserted.. There wasn’t a single foot indentation on the whole beach. I reminisced as if in a daydream about a poem. I’m sure we have all heard the poem, footprints in the sand”. I chuckled to myself as I turned around to my surprise, there was but 1 set of footprints in the sand. I said “Lord I see 1 set of footprints here and this Ruck is getting heavy. His reply to me was, how do you think I feel, these footprints you see behind you are my footprints. You see we tend to carry on our shoulders, to much weight. We cary stress, worries, failures, disappointments, and it weighs us down and restrains us from doing what God has truly called us to do. When we carry these things, just like the Ruck it slows us down, it holds us back, it weighs on us heavily and God already paid the price. I reluctantly carried on, with a new appreciation about my day. We are not alone, Life may seem hard at times but with faith in Jesus we will endure the race that has been set before us. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.”
3 PAX jumped into action at the Grit Mill (1-yr-old AO) after winning TFB (THAT FIRST BATTLE…the fight with the fartsack) and posting for a Chappie beatdown. Nothing re-invented here but a good one (mumble chatter says) with the 4 x 4 borrowed from the CHOP. The 4 x 4 is a simple tour around the block, executing 4 exercises on each of the 4 corners, with select transitions in between. YHC introduced this routine a few years ago at the CHOP AO in Milton; it has since become a bit of a measurement for PAX to determine personal progress. YHC brought it to the Grit Mill…well, because it requires grit!
WARM-O-RAMA • SSH – 18 IC • Low-Slow Squat – 10 IC • Calf Raises – 15 OYO • Calf Raises – Suzanne Somers style 15 OYO • Grit Millkins (Hold plank for cadence, down/up for rep) – 18 IC • Superman/Rip-cord – 3 rounds each (10 count)
THE THANG – Grit Mill 4×4 (4 corners x 4 exercise each for total body workout)
Corner #1: Upper body • Drydocks – 5 • Wide-arm – 10 • Regular – 15 • Derkins – 20 Transition to corner 2: Lt. Dan
Corner #2: Abs • Hooch Nightmares – 9 each leg IC (Borrowed from F3Naperville) • 4-Count Freddie’s – 18 IC • X’s & O’s – 18 OYO • American Hammers – 18 IC Transition: Bearcrawl/Crawlbear to pedestrian sign, Karaoke rest of the way to corner 3
Mid-Point break in action for 3rdF — An updated version of message from a few years back; here’s what YHC shared:
The words, “O well” were the trademark words of DS Allen, one of my Drill Sergeant’s in basic training. DS Allen was a SFC (platoon sergeant) and any time there was an issue or we got ourselves into a pickle of sorts, that’s what DS Allen would say…”Oh well, private!” He always said it real slow and cool, of course.
DS Allen taught me to walk circumspectly and to be watchful–a good discipline for all leaders…for all HIM.
Once while we were in the field the chow hall had trucked hot food out to us for lunch, a precious commodity especially in that stretch of winter where for about 2 weeks the average windchill was about -30. After eating chow I went to dump my trash in the trash-can, and as I was doing that, I kind of had my head down and wasn’t paying much attention to who else was around me. Another soldier came up and starting stuffing his trash into the can, but he was stuffing it down in between the trash-bag and the trash can instead of inside the bag. I distinctly remember trying to stop the guy, saying with a commanding voice, “Hey! Hey! Hey!” The other soldier put his hand firmly on top of my Kevlar helmet and promptly lifted my head. It was at that point that I discovered the “other soldier” was DS Allen! Oh man, I must have turned 10 shades of red or white as a ghost! I’m not sure. And while I was close to it, I’m still glad I didn’t come up swinging!
And DS Allen, well, he just stood there looking at me face to face, eye to eye. He cracked a “possum eatin’ crap” grin and then without saying a word, he turned and walked away. In that moment he taught me a lot about being a good leader, he could’ve really busted my chops but didn’t (he wasn’t worried about his own ego). Also without saying a word, he taught me yet another lasting leadership lesson: Walk circumspectly, be watchful and alert. Know who’s around you and what’s going on around you at all times.
Here’s how this applies: In Galatians 5:16 Paul wrote, “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.” Here the Greek word for walk is “peripateo“; it is from this that we get our English word parapet: A barrier which is an extension of the wall at the edge of a roof or terrace. This is a protective wall that keeps one from going over the edge. Paul was likening that to the Holy Spirit who the Lord has given to help us to walk circumspectly, to keep us from going over the edge.
Here’s what is really neat: In the same chapter in v. 25, he goes on to say “If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.” But in this verse he uses a different word for walk. Here it is “stoicheo.” This word means to proceed in a row as the march of a soldier; to go in order. So the Bible says that living and walking by the Spirit is like marching precisely in formation, staying in step with the One who is leading us, the Spirit of God.
In both cases the Bible says, Walk this way. But in both instances in the passage, it is a walk that offers both the protection and leadership of the Spirit of God. Just some crucial things to think about which will help us to be the HIM God has called us to be. But whatever you do, don’t say, “Oh, well!”
Back at it for the final stretch…
Corner #3: Legs • Sumo Squats (real ones) – 18 OYO • Mexican Jumping Beans – 18 OYO • Monkey Humpers – 18 IC • Smurfjacks – 18 IC
Transition: Prison Break to corner 4
Corner #4: Full body • Burpees – 18 OYO • Mt. Climbers – 18 IC • Flying Squirrels – 18 OYO • Mule kicks – 18 OYO …Ouch! Transition: Mosey return to AO
Announcements: Family Day at Bridgeville Rifle & Pistol Club is this Sat., 9/29 from 10-5; Leadership Pow-Wow Wed. 9/2 at Summit’s from 6:30 till (Dogs/Chips/Snacks, RSVP to Chappie ASAP)
Prayers: For F3 First State PAX and families; for Waterfall & Felicia as they work to resolve challenges with Dietrich; for YHC’s nephew, Aaron who is currently deployed; etc. God is good, what YHC forget, God did not–He’s got it covered.
The 4 x 4 proved it’s worth at the Grit Mill as well. Great push by the PAX, especially near the end to finish strong. Afterall, its not how you start, it’s how you finish.
Chappie, out!
Post Workout Trip Home – who would want to miss this?
Bolt 45’s IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down. 15 squats halfway to full down. 15 full squats.
Mountain Climbers – 25 IC
Cherry Pickers – 20 IC
Moroccan Night Clubs – 25 IC
Mosey .48 miles to Food Lion Shopping Center
The Thang
Pax performed a quick Mike Tyson set of 7’s in the alley between Walgreens and Dollar Tree utilizing a bear crawl to traverse the distance between the walls. Once complete Pax went right at a set of B.O.M.B.S. which consist of 50 Burpees, 100 Overhead Claps, 150 Merkins, 200 Big Boy Sit-ups, 250 Squats. PAX partnered up and worked on the set while their partner ran a lap around the Walgreens approximately .11 miles switching off after each lap. Each PAX were asked to try to complete their half of the listed exercises. Q suggested that any unfinished exercises be completed as homework.
Mosey .48 miles back to CHOP
F3 Message 08/11/20 – From Ron Hutchcraft Ministries
STUBBORN DIRT AND A STRONG SHOWER – #2993 Years ago, I was at a youth conference where we needed to raise some money for a camp scholarship fund. So we challenged the kids to buy their counselor into this Friday night food fight. Oh, well, the kids found the money all right! So Friday night all of us leaders showed up on the field of battle with the campers watching like these sadistic spectators at the Roman Coliseum. Now, for starters, we got hosed down so everything would cling to us. I’m embarrassed about the food we wasted, frankly, but I’m at least glad we paid for a few kids to get to camp.
Well, Round 1 was flour. The campers got their money’s worth as we redecorated each other with this blizzard of flour, followed by eggs, then fudge sauce – you get the idea? The last round was the worst – lard. From our hair to our toes, we were totally gross by the end of this massacre. Our only satisfaction was at the end when we went after those kids to give them a big, gooey hug. I couldn’t wait to get to a shower. And I was there a long time, especially with my new coat of lard. I’ve never felt dirtier – but clean has never felt better!
Well, I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You about “Stubborn Dirt And A Strong Shower.”
If you’ve ever felt real dirty, you know how much you enjoyed that shower that made you clean again. If only there was a shower that could make us clean on the inside – where we carry the guilt, and the regrets, and the dirt of the things we wish we’d never done – or the things we should have done and didn’t. Unfortunately, there is no medication, no therapist, not even a religion that seems to be powerful enough to remove the dirt on our soul.
That’s why our word for today from the Word of God is such good news. Acts 3:19 – “Repent and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” Now look at this, all the sins of your life can be wiped out – erased from God’s records. God says you can be clean – that you can have a new beginning. He’s offering a cleansing spiritual shower for those who repent and turn to Him. Now, that means you acknowledge the wrongness of what you’ve done and that you’re ready to turn from your sin-choices – and to Him for a new beginning.
We all have things we’re ashamed of – there are things we’re not proud of – things that make us afraid of what God will do when we meet Him on Judgment Day. According to the Bible, the sins of our life will, in fact, make it impossible for us to ever enter God’s Heaven because there’s no sin there. Our only hope is if somehow God will forgive a lifetime of choices that have left Him out.
And there’s only one place where a spiritual shower like that is available – at Jesus’ cross – the place where every sin of yours was paid for. You carry all the garbage of your life up that hill – you give yourself in total trust to the One who paid for your sin on that cross – and you leave your sin at that cross forever. You may have started this day guilty – but you may go to sleep tonight forgiven and finally clean. God’s promise: “Everyone who believes in Jesus receives forgiveness of sins through His Name” Acts 10:43. There is nothing you’ve done that is so bad that Jesus didn’t pay for it on His cross.
Today can be the day you are finally clean. If you’ve never trusted Jesus to be your own Savior from your own sin, would you tell Him you’re doing that right now? Your sins will be erased – and you will never carry them again – or face them when you meet God. And the only thing that would keep you from heaven will be gone.
That day I felt so gross, it was an awesome feeling to stand in that shower and have all that accumulated junk get washed away. That’s what Jesus wants to do for your heart, right now. It is an incredible feeling to finally be clean.
After Warm-o-rama PAX moseyed to the desired workout location, on the way we found 2 Milford Police officers in a nice sized parking lot and decided to change direction to workout in front of the police. We began by doing 30 Monkey humpers in front of the cops, one got out and tackled Chappie, lol jk we did not do monkey humpers and chappie did not get tackled, but we had a blast in the parking lot, this is where we completed the Spartan.
PAX line up and sprint 100 yrds, do 10 exercisesat the finish and walk back to the start all together. Q starts each sprint race with a verbal call. Continue until you have done 30 x100 yrd sprints and 10×30 = 300 exercises. PAX will be nursing home walking for several days.
30 burpees
30 merkins
30 squats
30 flutterkicks
30 ssh
30 lbc
30 hand release werkins
30 lunges
30 American hammers
30 shoulder taps
30 mountain climbers
squat potato
With 2 minutes remaining in the GLOOM QIC Gump grabbed a sandbag and we completed the squat potato.
Hot potato in squat position. PAX form a circle with everyone facing out. PAX then pass a heavy object around the outside of the circle while in squat position until the Q says halt. Add more objects in depending on the size of the circle
F3 message
“If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also. But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin. He who hates Me hates My Father also. If I had not done among them the works which no one else did, they would have no sin; but now they have seen and also hated both Me and My Father. But this happened that the word might be fulfilled which is written in their law, ‘They hated Me without a cause.’
10 HIM got better, faster, stronger and a little fatter (thanks to YHC’s Coffeeteria, complements of Dunkin. Hey, the coffee was good!). No worries, PAX got fatter in fellowship too! Bonus: The impromptu car show was cool! Big welcome to FNG’s Timmy Rogers (n.k.a. F3 Biddie) and Luke Maloney (n.k.a. F3 Bolt). Among 16 PAX on our Q list YHC was super excited to be able to Q 2x in less than a week. Here’s the break down from a very muggy Saturday morning:
• SSH – 18 IC
• Sealjacks – 30 IC
• Crabflippers – 18 IC
• High knees (in place) – 18 IC
• Compass Squats – Jump Squat & turn N, E, S, W (1 rotation = 1 rep) – 10 OYO (a new crowd-pleaser for sure, based on the mumble chatter
• MNC – 10 IC
PATRIOT RUN to North Bedford Street Park
THE THANG – Blackjack 21’s – Merkins/Reverse LBC’s
• “Hit me!” option from the F3 Workout Deck – 5x deal/per PAX
(21/Blackjack = a pass)
(Other draws = #of exercise on the cards)
(Sandbags = 4 sandbags/10 PAX. Never pass 1 by, carry to middle or end)
Keep track of your rounds. YHC was able to get to 9 Merkins/12 Reverse LBC’s/Gas Pumpers before time ran out
PATRIOT RUN – Return to AO
3rdF shared about mid-workout:
SUA SPONTE LEADERSHIP YHC first heard of Sua Sponte leadership years ago from an illustration shared by Greg Laurie, making the point that Christ himself was a Sua Sponte leader.
Many, following the movie The Passion of the Christ, were claiming the film was anti-semetic. People were pointing fingers faulting the Jews, the Greeks and Romans, and everyone but themselves for the death of Christ. Fact is, he died for each of us as sinners and I’ve heard people say that if you were the only person who needed saved, Christ still would’ve died for you. In fact, 1 Timothy 2:4 says, “God…desires all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.”
He died in our place on the cross. He was arrested, beaten, tried and killed ALL FOR US and FOR ALL OF US. In reality, it was all my fault that he died! But as we bear the guilt or lay the blame on others (It was the Jews! It was the Romans! It was the Greeks!) the sinless Savior Himself was practicing Sua Sponte leadership, as He stated in John 10:18 – “No one takes it [my life] from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from the Father.”
He chose to die for you and for me…of His own accord!
The book, QSource, by one of F3’s founders, Dredd, says, “Sua sponte is Latin for of his own accord. [A man] acts Sua sponte when…he takes the initiative to act on his own accord. Sua sponte is also the motto of the U.S. Army’s 75th Ranger Reg. It is a recognition that to become a Ranger a man must be a triple volunteer: first the Army, then Airborne School and finally the Ranger Regiment. Rangers aren’t drafted, they must make the choice themselves–3x! The Rangers are elite because every man there is taught to be a Leader and every leader is directed to take the initiative to do what is necessary to accomplish the unit’s mission. (I.e. “I got this!”)
In F3, a Sua sponte leader is a man who has been freed to Lead. He is a Leader who exercises Individual Initiative (I2) by taking action in furtherance of his group’s articulated purpose WITHOUT SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS. He initiates movement toward advantage for his group in the absence of explicit authority because he is the rare man who will Lead with or without another Leader to direct him. He is That Somebody.
F3 could not function without HIMs willing to be That Somebody.”
F3 is an organization that was created in order to invigorate male community leadership. THAT is our mission. Carrying out that mission, whether it be communication, Site-Q’ing, organizing a 2ndF or 3rdF outreach opportunity, just plain old Q’ing, keeping each other accountable, stepping up to take someone’s place to Q, planting, growing, serving, etc., means each of us must be That Somebody, it means we must practice Sua sponte leadership…just like the Rangers, like many others before us, like Jesus Christ himself! (Quotes adapted from: Qsource, 189)
Tools of the Trade
A shameless plug for the tools of the trade in the above pic: Both are available at where you can click on the Gear button to pick up your own.
Announcements: Q schedule is out and includes a leadership Pow-Wow scheduled for Wednesday evening 9/2 @ 6:30 pm. Summit volunteered to host, details TBA. All invited!
Naming of FNG’s: Welcome again to Bolt & Biddie
Prayer: Prayer offered for a few PAX’s marriages. For Brineball, having a doc look at a nerve issue. For Chattahoochee. And a few others which slip YHC’s mind as of this writing, but they never slip God’s mind.
Lawn Chair Coffeeteria: YHC invited all PAX to stick around the circle after the COT for coffee/munchkins. Good times. Camaraderie.