- Pax: Burgundy, Cleveland Rocks, Kidogo, Pupusa, Sharkbait
- Posted In: Monterey, CA

5 strong 💪 to honor Lazarus from F3 Memphis. We never met him and yet what happened towards the end of the beatdown was like he was with us.
Warm Up
Michael Phelps IC
Arm Circles IC
The Thang
We did this in a parking lot exactly how it was described by Gus from F3 Memphis. A parking lot with lines between two grass islands. Called Point A and Point B.
At Point A 1 burpee. Bear Crawl to Point B. 2 burpees. Return via Bear Crawl to Point A and add a burpee. Escalate to 15 then deescalate to 1.
A great beatdown and one that we will do again.
We had Smiley stop by at the end of our beat down. He was a maintenance worker for the City of Monterey who used to wave or briefly chat with us as he was checking out the parking lot and beach area in the early mornings. 76 years old and he just retired. A Vietnam war veteran with 3 tours. He shared words of wisdom with us. “Tomorrow is never guaranteed.”
Here’s to you Lazarus.
YHC and Q: Cleveland Rocks