- Pax: Beach, Californication, Cleveland Rocks, Great Clips, Sharkbait, ThisOneTime
- Posted In: Monterey, CA

6 PAX came out to Carmel High this morning for an upper body beatdown. Welcome FNG ThisOneTime and sort of FNG Californication
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Armies IC, Batwings IC, Imperial Walkers IC, Gorilla Humpers IC, Hello Dollies IC, LBCs IC, 1/4 mile fun OYO.
The Thang:
Grab a coupon and partner up
1 partner bear crawls to 25 and back while partner does Elf on a Shelf with the coupon. Once partner gets back from bear crawls switch places. Repeat again.
20 count
Bears and Blocks – 1 partner bear crawls to 25 pulling coupon along the way while other partner crab walks to 25. Switch at 25 and go to 50. Switch back to 25 and switch again to goal line.
20 count
John Cusak – everyone holds coupon above their head and walks 100 yards. 20 count. Repeat back.
Partner up. One partner planks while other partner does as many LBCs as they can – then switch. Repeat for Moantain Climbers, Merkins.
Morocon Night Clubs IC to finish out the day.
Words of wisdom: “If you don’t know where you are going, you will wind up somewhere else.” Yogi Bera