East Coast on the West Coast

Conditions: Gloomy, 54*F

QIC: kobayashi

SSH (in Cadence)
Shoulder Taps (in Cadence)
American Hammers (on my call)

The Thang:

Race to 100
Max effort pull-ups. When you drop, do 25 flutter kicks (counting only 1 leg). Repeat until you reach 100 pull-ups.
1st PAX to get to 100 calls recover.

Race to 200
Max effort merkins. When you drop, do 25 flutter kicks (counting only 1 leg). Repeat until you reach 200 merkins.
1st PAX to get to 200 calls recover.

Race to 300
After every 50 squats, do 25 heel taps.
1st PAX to get to 300 calls recover.

Plank for the remaining 4 minutes.


Flea, Shark Bait, Priorities, Cleveland Rocks, KT (FNG), Kobayashi

Cookout this Saturday
Need more things to announce.

What an honor to be allowed to lead a workout for another F3 location.

F3 Monterey accepted my request to Q with no questions or hesitation. I bet you they will think twice next time.

The Tabletop is an interesting little area with houses all around and people out running, jogging, and walking dogs. Perfect opportunity to call out and invite men to an ongoing workout. So that’s just what I did. Good thing too because that’s how KT joined our little group of 5 with 15 minutes to spare.

You never know when a guy is going to answer an invitation to join.

Until next time…

TClap |

It Ain’t Over

Date: 06/01/19

AO: Aegis, Georgetown, De.

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 20 IC

Chilly Jacks – 15 IC

Cherry Pickers – 15 IC

Bolt 45’s IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down.  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

Mountain Climbers – 15 IC

Windmills – 15 IC

Dips – 15 IC

The Thang

Mosey to County Building Steps.  Each PAX crosses the steps without skipping any steps.

Mosey to Armory steps and completes Aiken legs – 20 squats, 20 box jumps, 20 lunges (10 each Leg), 20 split Jacks (10 each Leg).  The twist is that each PAX will take each step up and each step down at the Armory before performing each exercise.  Rinse and Repeat.

Mosey to Library and complete the Burp & Merk – Burpee with ascending merkins up to 10.  Each PAX will Bear Crawl to each parking space line (parallel parking spaces) and complete a Burpee with a hand release merkin.  Bear Crawl to the next space and complete a Burpee with two hand release merkins. Bear Crawl to the next space and complete a Burpee with three hand release merkins. You see the pattern now….:)…..Continue until completing a Burpee with ten hand release merkins over the course of 10 parallel parking spaces. @250 ft. 

Mosey to School and complete the bottom feeder/deconstructed toy soldier set exercise.  Crab walk to first sidewalk and complete 50 LBC’s.  Crab walk to second sidewalk and complete 15 E2K’s each side.  Crab walk to third sidewalk and complete 15 E2K’s each side.  Crab walk to fourth sidewalk and complete 20 big boy sit-ups. The overall length of the exercise area was approx. 435 ft.

F3 Message – See below

Mosey back to Aegis.  PAX completed @.9 mile mosey excluding the pain stations.

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, Naming of FNG (Welcome Kaisy !!) and the Circle of Trust.  Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayer. 

F3 Message 06/01/19

Ron Hutchcraft Ministries

IT AIN’T OVER! – #2581
“Well, some of us had to wait almost 20 years for it – but the 1996 New York Yankees finally won the World Series. Now they had to be the champs to do it – the Atlanta Braves. And after the first two games of the best-of-seven series, I thought the Yankees had gone into a coma – they got creamed. Ah, but that’s when it got exciting – they came back to win next two games. The series was tied at two games apiece, of course – and the then Yankees appeared to doze off again in Game Five – they were behind 6-0! Speaking of dozing off, that’s what at least one Yankee fan did – including the guy I heard buying a newspaper the next day. He saw the headline announcing that the Yankees had come back and won that game 8-6! He grabbed that newspaper, saw the outcome of the game, and then said some things I can’t quote – after which he said, “I can’t believe it! I gave up on them in the seventh inning and went to sleep!” He missed a great victory.

Well, I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about “It Ain’t Over!”

Our word for today from the Word of God is a verse we need at least several times a year, I think. Maybe this is one of your days for it and God knew that. Galatians 6:9 – “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

God is challenging the mistake we make so often that costs us His best – we give up too soon. Like that sleeping Yankees fan. He looked at the way the game seemed to be going, decided it was as good as over, and he missed a great victory. Well, God doesn’t want you to make that same mistake with something you’ve been hoping for – something that looks like it just isn’t going to happen. You’re tempted to give up. But God is flagging you down to say, “Don’t become weary in doing good – the harvest you’ve hoped for is coming.” Like Yogi Berra said, “It ain’t over ’til it’s over.”

The problem is we look at the score right now and lose hope. But on God’s scoreboard, it’s only the third inning, or maybe the sixth or the seventh. But, you may be saying, “There just isn’t enough time for it to happen now,” or “I can’t see any way it could happen now” – be careful. You’re underestimating your all-powerful God – the One who delivered an entire nation from Egypt in one night!

But we tend to assume what the final score will be based on the score in the middle of the game. And that’s when we give up and start taking God’s will detours – we panic, we put together some patchwork solution of our own, we start leaning on our own understanding instead of trusting in the Lord with all our heart, or we just stop hoping, or praying, or working for it.

Which leads me to that wonderful challenge I heard years ago from a seasoned old saint – “Never doubt in the darkness what God has told you in the light.”

Or, don’t give up in the middle of the game, or don’t give up even if it’s near the end of the game. You can’t tell what God is going to do for a wonderful finish to this game. God has a way of hitting a bases loaded, grand slam home run in the bottom of the ninth with two outs – if you don’t give up before that harvest comes! I just hope you don’t miss that grand finish because you gave up on the game too soon!” From Ron Hutchcraft Ministries #2581″

Dawn and I were blessed with the opportunity to share an incredible blessing with a terminally ill seven year old.  He had an inoperable brain tumor.  We attended a Phillies game through a great organization where Dawn coordinated the efforts on the families behalf.  The young man and his family are huge Phillies fans.  The game we attended happened to be the ring ceremony for 2008 World Series champions, but the 2009 Phillies had yet to win.  Down 10 – 3 in the seventh the Phillies put together an improbable rally that included four walked in runs by the Atlanta Braves.  I’ve coached little league teams that haven’t matched that feat.  I’m not convinced that God is a Phillies fan, but I choose to believe that he may have answered a very sick little boys prayers on that day.  We were blessed to have been a part of that special game, and to share in comforting that very brave young man before the Lord took him home. 

Respectfully Submitted,


TClap |

Pre-Spartan Beatdown

Q: Flea


Abe Vigodas – 15 IC
Cherry Pickers -15 IC
Sun gods -10 IC
Imperial Walkers – 15 IC

Today’s workout was designed to be flexible enough the PAX could adjust the level of difficulty to suit their needs and give those going to the Spartan today a little break although that’s not quite how it turned out…

It was broken up into 5 stations with exercises repeated for 10 minutes at each station. PAX were given the option of a ten-minute repeating timer or 30-sec interval timer and ten-minute station switch timer and this is where the confusion began. The intent with the 30-sec timer was that some stations had 30 sec/1 min workouts, but that message was not conveyed quite accurately enough and there was some confusion at the beginning that every workout was 30 seconds without rest.

Group counted off by 5s and were broken up into different stations. We were a little behind schedule after the warmup so the final station was only about 7 minutes in length.

Station #1
15 burpees
20 reverse lunges/side
10 merkins
20 LBC’s
10 Tricep Dips

Station #2
30 sec Mountain Climbers
30 squats
10 Overhead Shoulder Press w/ Coupon
20 Freddie Mercuries
10 plank with hip dips

Station #3
30 SSH
30 Alternating Lunges
30 Bicep Curls
20 Plank Jacks
30 sec Plank Right Side
30 sec Plank Left Side

Station #4
45 Calf Raises
1 min wall-sit
1 min Jog in Place
15 Reverse Lunges Each Leg
30 Squats

Station #5
15 bicep curls each side w/ coupon
15 tricep dips
30 mountain climbers
30 plank w/ alternating shoulder taps
1 lap around track

Ended with Number-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COTCoffeeteria

Several Second F events on the way! See e-mails!
Today’s words of wisdom revolved around the vagueness of the workout and the original intention of allowing for allowing flexibility for the PAX to adapt it to their own needs. I’ve recently been studying the Old Testament of the Bible, because I think sometimes Christians have a bad habit of simply ignoring that part of the Bible due to its complexity and immense cultural differences.

The verse that specifically popped into my today during the workout was Gen 12:1 “Now the LORD said to Abram, ‘Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.’

The instruction was vague but Abram followed the instructions given to him. Sometimes in life we receive vague instructions from God or our leaders and it is our job to continually ask for guidance and direction as to how to proceed with a little bit of our own gifts and ingenuity.

LEXICON: Word of the day- 
BLACK SWAN – Thriving in the chaos of the unpredictable.

TClap |