- Posted In: Harrisburg PA
BACKBLAST: 10/26/19
Reservoir Park, Harrisburg PA
Saturday, 7:00 AM, 1 PAX HK Hershey Kiss
Here is how it went down: The 3300!

High knees – 20ic
Butt Kickers – 20ic
Hip gate swing, open – 10 ic
Hip gate swing, close – 10 ic
Arm circles large forward x 10 ic
Arm circles large backwards x 10 ic
Arm circles small forward x 10 ic
Arm circles small backwards x 10 ic
Motivator 10-1
THE THANG: The 3300!
Mosey moderate to high pace – 1100 meters
Pull-Ups – 100 strict (no swing, no kip)
Mosey moderate to high pace – 1100 meters
Merkins – 200 strict (no snaking back/body; lock elbows)
Mosey moderate to high pace – 1100 meters
Total Meters Mosied: 3300
Total Strict Strength Reps: 300
Originally we were hoping to join F3 Lanco in solidarity by doing their partner/coupon 2-year manniversary workout here in Harrisburg while the other PAX were working their tails off in Lanco. Due to illness, athletic away meets, and other factors, several PAX were unable to post and a partner workout was not possible.
In solidarity with our F3 Lanco brothers, I had to get the work in and get after it with some of the exercises that are toughest for a 240 lbs. “husky” man like myself: running, / fast mosey, strict pull-ups, and strict Merkins.
The 3300 meters of mosies – I mostly blocked these out of my mind; just head down, breathe, and grind. According to google maps, 1100 m is the distance on-foot from the middle of the parking lot, to the columns at the other end of Reservoir, back to the 5 flights of stairs, up to the pavilion, and back down and around to the middle of the parking lot
The 100 pull-ups – Started with a few sets of 5 strict in a row. These quickly deteriorated into strict sets of 3 + 2 (drop to ground & 1 deep breath in-between), followed by about 70-80 single, strict reps. Strict, slow, and steady. The tortoise wins every time I read the book.
The 200 Merkins – Started with sets of 10. Around 70 reps, started to feel the bodyweight. Then sets of 4 + 3 + 3 (3 deep breaths in between) until all 200 were done. Again, strict, slow, and steady.
3300 meters & 300 reps, done!
Handed out some flyers, invited some park patrons to join next week, and even jumped the vehicle engine for a potential FNG across the street from the parking area on my way out.
I hope my sweat (and tears???) approached the level of those among our brothers in Lanco.
In solidarity!
2+ miles and all the reps. That’s a strong hour’s worth of work brother. Keep at it, can’t wait to see Harrisburg take off!