- Posted In: Harrisburg PA
BACKBLAST: 10/31/19
Reservoir Park, Harrisburg PA
Thursday, 5:30 AM,
2 PAX: Flintstone & HK Hershey Kiss (Q)
Burpee Burnin Calories
10 burpees ic
1 minute wall sit
10 burpees ic
25 air squats ic
10 burpees ic
5 hand stands against wall 10 sec count ( facing out or facing in/ballz to the wallz)
10 burpees ic
10 Elevated / decline Carolina dry docks (toes up on bench while body is in angle/pike position)
10 burpees ic
Mosey back to shovel flag
Prayers for the group to grow, for several health concerns, and for our brother Fridge and his family at F3 Lanco

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