- Pax: Burgundy (Respect), Cleveland Rocks, Flea, Glee, Pigs_Heart, Psyc, Sharkbait, ThisOneTime
- Posted In: Monterey, CA

8 strong and two 2.0s posted today at Carmel High. YHC & Q Cleveland Rocks came up with a few games to rally (trick) the PAX into working out harder. Some of the games went off successfully, others failed. YHC promises to recover from this failure and keep moving forward as this is F3 and F3 is not a destination but a process to keep being better every day.

We started 1 minute late (failure)
The Warm Up: Armies, Armies Fast, Armies Faster (IC), Cherry Pickers (IC), Imperial Walkers (IC), Copper Head Squats (IC), Overhead presses (IC), Crab (IC) SSH while YHC grabs items from van that he forgot to bring (failure)
Game One: Pax splits into teams. Two pax pulls while bear crawling a third who is on moving pads holding a rope. At 20 yard line stop, 20 monkey humpers for the pullers and 20 merkins for the person being pulled. Fourth pax is jumping rope (failure as one rope was way too small for adults) while the three pax return. Game called in middle of second round as it just was not working (failure.)
Game Two: YHC left chalk in the car for the next game (failure). Mosey to YHC’s minivan (Failure that YHC has a minivan? YHC doesn’t think so as minivans are awesome!) Mosey to ping pong table for a single elimination tourney.
While two pax play best of 3 points other pax do:
* During point 1: Burpees
* During point 2: Side Straddle Hops
* During point 3: Al Gores
I won’t tell you who won but I will say YHC was very happy with the results. Final game went down to the third point and Burgundy (respect) went in for the kill with a huge windup shot that missed YHC’s side of the table.
Mosey to track. The night before YHC looked up ‘Best F3 workout ever’ and this came up:

5 burpees, run 1/8th mile.
5 burpees, 10 merkins, run 1/8th mile
5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBCs, run 1/8th mile
5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 plank jacks, run 1/8th mile
5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 LBCs, 20 plank jacks, hold plank 1 min, run…

We finished it off with some last man sprints and finished on time.
Great COT / BOM prose from Psych.
YHC and Q: Cleveland Rocks