- Pax: Burgundy, Cleveland Rocks, Flea, Same As Yours, Sharkbait
- Posted In: Monterey, CA

26 Feb 2020
Q : Flea
SSH – 50
Abe Vigoda – 20
Imperial Walker -20
Sun god – 10 IC – Sides,Front,OHD
The Thang:
Light Pole Suicides/SQUATPOCALYPSE
Run to the first light pole, do 5 squats, run back to start
Run to the second light pole, do 10 squats, run back to start
Run to the third light pole, 15 squats, run back to start
Made it to seven light poles, for a total of 140 squats
Light Pole Ladders
Execute Merkins, LBC’s, Flutter Kicks, Plank Jacks in the following method
Run to first light pole, do 2 reps of each (DO NOT RUN BACK TO START)
Run to second light pole, do 4 reps of each (DO NOT RUN BACK TO START)
Run to third light pole, do 6 reps of each (DO NOT RUN BACK TO START)
Went up to 12 reps of each exercise and worked our way back down, returning to start
Execute 10, 9, 8, 7, 6…etc. of given exercises
Front Lunge (1/side for time)
Freddie Mercury
Gas Pump
Got to about 8
Moleskin: Announcements in Newsletter
Ended with Number-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COT