- Pax: Blockbuster, Chappie, Chattahoochee, Chauffeur, Drago, Fireplex, Gump, quattro, Ruxpin, Semi, Streudel, TRex, Whirlybird, Woodstock
- Posted In: CHOP, Milton, DE
QIC: Chappie
DATE: 2/10/22

14 PAX hit THE button to win that first battle and posted for something Postal. Here’s how QIC Chappie broke it down…
- SSH – 18 IC
- IW – 18 IC
- Windmill – 18 IC
- Crab Flippers – 18 IC (a local favorite)
- Low Slow Squat – 18 IC
MOSEY/WOSEY TO POST OFFICE: Litter-Carry the Sandbags – 1 40lb & 1 20lb (60lbs total per littler). PAX have to work together…tiny synchronized steps fellas, tiny synchronized [double-time] steps.

THE THANG: (Count off by 4’s = 4 teams, 3 PAX each, with 2 remaining PAX to start in the middle)
- 2 PAX at a time will rotate into middle: 10 Sandbag Burpees
- Other PAX located around the circle at 4 STATIONS:
- Curb-side Shoulder Tap Merkins 5/5 (Rinse & Repeat, AMRAP)
- 20lb Jump Squats (feet in/feet out) AMRAP Word on the street: This one was an unexpected killer!
- Ascending Curb Crawl – 1 Merkin, Bearcrawl to opposite curb, 2 Merkins, Bearcrawl back, 3 Merkins, etc. (Rinse & Repeat, AMRAP)
- Gas Pumpers (Rapido) AMRAP
GOAL: Get all PAX thru SB Burpees at least once. (goal accomplished)
Mosey/Wosey back to AO, litter-carrying the sandbags (free-loaders!)
Good Problems: More Q’s equal less QIC opportunities, so YHC was glad to get back in the saddle at the CHOP AO. Always eager, Aye!
- Announcements: Watch the horizon for a leadership pow-wow. Planting locations to be discussed. Planning for Memorial Day mini CSAUP, etc.
- Prayers: YHC lifted up several requests: Fireplex’s dad; Nugget’s aunt’s family; employee and friend of Woodstock, Rob, recovery and healing from brain surgery. Most of all that God would allow us and empower to be HIM, superior to our younger self, in our homes, workplaces and the communities in which we serve. (For more details check out the 3rdF below – conspicuously shared after our 3rd round.)
Chappie, out!
3rdF Shared After the 3rd Round:
Earnest Hemingway said, “There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.”
For anyone who’s got a competitive nature, which is just about every man I know, that might sound bit counter-intuitive (my favorite words this week for some reason). I mean, who doesn’t strive to run farther and faster than the other guy? Who doesn’t want to have their hand raised in the center of the ring/mat as victor after a hard-fought battle for superiority? Who doesn’t want to blow their competition out of the proverbial water? Yet Hemingway says, “There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.”
I think we might understand better what Hemingway was getting at if we rephrase his statement using F3 terminology: “It’s you against you!”
Now if we tend to think about that only in terms of physical superiority, eventually we’re going to come up short. I’d like to think at age 54, I can still kick the tail of the younger version of myself–shoot, that’s part of what motivates me to workout with you guys and why I’m thankful for F3! But truth be told, eventually I’m going to age-out of being able to do that physically. I don’t know where that line is or when I’ll cross it, but eventually I know I will.
The same is true whether we’re talking about superiority over others or ourselves. And, again, just in terms of physicality there will always be some other competitor who is superior. Yes, we can (and should) engage in healthy competition, it sharpens us. But in terms of being superior to your former self, and, it being “you against you,” the superiority must also (and even more so) include your character and your nature. It must include superiority over yourself in terms of mind, will, emotions AND SPIRITUALITY!
- Are you stronger than your former self?
- Are you better at handling your finances than your former self?
- …better at raising your kids than your former self?
- …better at loving others than your former self?
- …a better husband than your former self?
- …a better employee or employer than your former self?
- Are you better at handling your anger or other emotions than your former self?
- Are you wiser than your former self?
- …more patient than your former self?
- …more faithful/faith-filled than your former self?
- …more enduring than your former self?
- Are you a better leader than your former self?
- And the list goes on…
You see, the comparison between you and others is more often than not out-of-place, and it’s utterly misguided and misguiding! The real competition is within. We CANNOT compare ourselves with others. The comparison is actually more personal. “True nobility is being superior to your former self.”
Galatians 6:4 says “Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else.”
Today, in your home, in your workplace, and in the community in which you serve, work on being superior to your former self. It’s you against you!