- Posted In: Georgetown
Doodle, Pick, Bolt, Woodstock, SinkO, @quattro, Schwartz, Peddles, Bunt, Wood, @semi, @trex, @ruxpin, @toy-soldier, @chattahoochee, Chauffer, @chappie, Probe, @fireplex, Bubba, and @yukon posted for a Hurricane of Pain on a moist Saturday morning beat down.
Warm-O Rama
- 20 Side Straddle Hops-in cadence
- 20 Cherry Pickers-in cadence
- 20 Mountain Climbers-in cadence
- 20 Windmills-in cadence
- Mosey to Georgetown Middle School front lawn
The Thang (partner up)
- Phase 1: Partner #1 does AMRAP Mountain Climber while partner #2 Jail Breaks to next sidewalk and completes 10 Burpees. Partner #2 then does AMRAP Mountain Climber while partner #2 Jail Breaks to sidewalk and completes 10 Burpees. Hold Plank for the 6.
- Phase 2: Partner #1 does AMRAP LBC while partner #2 Bear Crawls to next sidewalk and completes 10 Iron Mikes. Partner #2 then does AMRAP LBC while partner #1 Bear Crawls to sidewalk and completes 10 Iron Mikes. Hold 6″ for the 6.
- Phase 3: Partner #1 does AMRAP Jump Rope while partner #2 Duck Walks to next sidewalk and completes 20 Merkins. Partner #2 then does AMRAP Jump Rope while Partner #1 Duck Walks to sidewalk and completes 20 Merkins. Hold 6″ for the 6.
- Phase #4: Partner #1 does AMRAP Side Straddle Hops while partner #2 Crab Crawls to last sidewalk and completes 20 Gas Pumpers. Partner #2 then does AMRAP Side Straddle Hops while partner #1 Crab Crawls to sidewalk and completes 20 Gas Pumpers. Plank for the 6.
- For a little breather we Mosey’d around the front lawn on the sidewalk following Bunt’s lead then circled up for the Third F.
- We then reversed the exercises to get back to the other side of the lawn.
- For a little breather we Mosey’d around the front lawn on the sidewalk again following Fireplex’s lead.
- As a unit NUR to third sidewalk. AMRAP Squats for 6.
- As a unit Jail break to second sidewalk and standing long jump to first sidewalk. AMRAP Squats for 6.
- As a unit Side Shuffle to third sidewalk. Al Gore for 6.
- As a unit Side Shuffle to first sidewalk. Al Gore for 6.
- Mosey back to circle (long way…of course) for Number Rama, Name-O Rama and Circle of Trust.
Third F
The Right Thing is often the Hard Thing. In F3 we often say, “Do the hard things!” More often than not the hard thing is the right thing. David had been annointed as the King of Israel as King Saul had stepped out of God’s favor. It came to pass that as King Saul was searching for David in order to kill him David was hiding in a certain cave. King Saul entered the cave to relieve himself. David’s men told him he should kill Saul and claim his kingdom. David did not follow the instruction of his men, but waited on God’s timing to inherit the throne. The easy thing to do would have been to kill Saul while he was unsuspecting and in no position to defend himself and take the kingdom. We too are faced with taking the easy road or the right (hard) road. When faced with decisions in our day-to-day we can choose the easy (wrong) thing or the right (hard) thing.
100 Posts for TRex

21 HIM posted on this lovely Saturday morning!