- Pax: Chappie, Gump, Ruxpin
- Posted In: Milford, The Grit Mill
DATE: 8/27/20
QIC: Chappie
3 PAX jumped into action at the Grit Mill (1-yr-old AO) after winning TFB (THAT FIRST BATTLE…the fight with the fartsack) and posting for a Chappie beatdown. Nothing re-invented here but a good one (mumble chatter says) with the 4 x 4 borrowed from the CHOP. The 4 x 4 is a simple tour around the block, executing 4 exercises on each of the 4 corners, with select transitions in between. YHC introduced this routine a few years ago at the CHOP AO in Milton; it has since become a bit of a measurement for PAX to determine personal progress. YHC brought it to the Grit Mill…well, because it requires grit!
• SSH – 18 IC
• Low-Slow Squat – 10 IC
• Calf Raises – 15 OYO
• Calf Raises – Suzanne Somers style 15 OYO
• Grit Millkins (Hold plank for cadence, down/up for rep) – 18 IC
• Superman/Rip-cord – 3 rounds each (10 count)
THE THANG – Grit Mill 4×4 (4 corners x 4 exercise each for total body workout)
Corner #1: Upper body
• Drydocks – 5
• Wide-arm – 10
• Regular – 15
• Derkins – 20
Transition to corner 2: Lt. Dan
Corner #2: Abs
• Hooch Nightmares – 9 each leg IC (Borrowed from F3Naperville)
• 4-Count Freddie’s – 18 IC
• X’s & O’s – 18 OYO
• American Hammers – 18 IC
Transition: Bearcrawl/Crawlbear to pedestrian sign, Karaoke rest of the way to corner 3
Mid-Point break in action for 3rdF — An updated version of message from a few years back; here’s what YHC shared:
The words, “O well” were the trademark words of DS Allen, one of my Drill Sergeant’s in basic training. DS Allen was a SFC (platoon sergeant) and any time there was an issue or we got ourselves into a pickle of sorts, that’s what DS Allen would say…”Oh well, private!” He always said it real slow and cool, of course.
DS Allen taught me to walk circumspectly and to be watchful–a good discipline for all leaders…for all HIM.
Once while we were in the field the chow hall had trucked hot food out to us for lunch, a precious commodity especially in that stretch of winter where for about 2 weeks the average windchill was about -30. After eating chow I went to dump my trash in the trash-can, and as I was doing that, I kind of had my head down and wasn’t paying much attention to who else was around me. Another soldier came up and starting stuffing his trash into the can, but he was stuffing it down in between the trash-bag and the trash can instead of inside the bag. I distinctly remember trying to stop the guy, saying with a commanding voice, “Hey! Hey! Hey!” The other soldier put his hand firmly on top of my Kevlar helmet and promptly lifted my head. It was at that point that I discovered the “other soldier” was DS Allen! Oh man, I must have turned 10 shades of red or white as a ghost! I’m not sure. And while I was close to it, I’m still glad I didn’t come up swinging!
And DS Allen, well, he just stood there looking at me face to face, eye to eye. He cracked a “possum eatin’ crap” grin and then without saying a word, he turned and walked away. In that moment he taught me a lot about being a good leader, he could’ve really busted my chops but didn’t (he wasn’t worried about his own ego). Also without saying a word, he taught me yet another lasting leadership lesson: Walk circumspectly, be watchful and alert. Know who’s around you and what’s going on around you at all times.
Here’s how this applies: In Galatians 5:16 Paul wrote, “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.” Here the Greek word for walk is “peripateo“; it is from this that we get our English word parapet: A barrier which is an extension of the wall at the edge of a roof or terrace. This is a protective wall that keeps one from going over the edge. Paul was likening that to the Holy Spirit who the Lord has given to help us to walk circumspectly, to keep us from going over the edge.
Here’s what is really neat: In the same chapter in v. 25, he goes on to say “If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.” But in this verse he uses a different word for walk. Here it is “stoicheo.” This word means to proceed in a row as the march of a soldier; to go in order. So the Bible says that living and walking by the Spirit is like marching precisely in formation, staying in step with the One who is leading us, the Spirit of God.
In both cases the Bible says, Walk this way. But in both instances in the passage, it is a walk that offers both the protection and leadership of the Spirit of God. Just some crucial things to think about which will help us to be the HIM God has called us to be. But whatever you do, don’t say, “Oh, well!”
Back at it for the final stretch…
Corner #3: Legs
• Sumo Squats (real ones) – 18 OYO
• Mexican Jumping Beans – 18 OYO
• Monkey Humpers – 18 IC
• Smurfjacks – 18 IC
Transition: Prison Break to corner 4
Corner #4: Full body
• Burpees – 18 OYO
• Mt. Climbers – 18 IC
• Flying Squirrels – 18 OYO
• Mule kicks – 18 OYO …Ouch!
Transition: Mosey return to AO
- Announcements: Family Day at Bridgeville Rifle & Pistol Club is this Sat., 9/29 from 10-5; Leadership Pow-Wow Wed. 9/2 at Summit’s from 6:30 till (Dogs/Chips/Snacks, RSVP to Chappie ASAP)
- Prayers: For F3 First State PAX and families; for Waterfall & Felicia as they work to resolve challenges with Dietrich; for YHC’s nephew, Aaron who is currently deployed; etc. God is good, what YHC forget, God did not–He’s got it covered.
The 4 x 4 proved it’s worth at the Grit Mill as well. Great push by the PAX, especially near the end to finish strong. Afterall, its not how you start, it’s how you finish.
Chappie, out!