- Pax: Beach, Cleveland Rocks, Detective, DPR, GRS, Potato Chip
- Posted In: Monterey, CA

I swung most of this one from the hip this morning so hopefully the below is accurate.
Warm up:
Grady Corn
Moroccan Night Clubs
Calf Raises
Tea Pots
The Thang
Line up on goal line. Crawl Bear to other goal line. Any pax that takes a knee and entire PAX does 5 burpees. First one to goal line calls it. No one wanted to do burpees and DPR crushed the Crawl Bears to call it.
Mosey to north end of school.
Jump over curbs x10, 10 LBCs (4 count) and reduce by 1 each time.
Mosey to middle of school
5 dips each row of amphitheater going down
going back up – 5 mike tysons & 5 decline merkins
Mosey back to north side of school
10 hops over curb & 10 rowers, reduce by 1
Mosey back to field, bear crawls again & 5 burpees for any knee for PAX. We did one set of burpees before DPR again crushed the crawl bears to call it.
6 mins left. 1 min of LBCs, 1 min of cherry pickers, a little rest and 3 minutes of plank to wrap it up.
YHC and Q Cleveland Rocks
Welcome FNG Detective.