- Pax: (FNG) Blue Blocks, Baaa, Bubba, Bunt, Chappie, Chattahoochee, Chauffeur, Drago, Fireplex, Focker, Probe, Ruxpin, Sherlock, Spreader, Toy Soldier, TRex, Whirlybird, Wildwing, Wooly
- Posted In: CHOP, Milton, DE
Date: 8/2/22
QIC: Chappie
YHC took liberties to request being today’s Q for two reasons: 1) He wanted to jump start August’s Burp to School Challenge, and 2) He wanted to bring in his double-nickel birthday by serving up a stout offering of Burpees. However, not to be out-done Wildwing chimed in for his first “Triple Respect.” The guy is amazing! He’s been posting with a busted up ankle and a newly fused back that resulted from a head on collision in which he lost the love of his life (5/29/22). Tclaps and prayers, brother.
So here’s how it all went down:
- SSH – 10 IC
- Crab Flipper – 10 IC
- Windmill – 15 IC
- Lanco Special – 10 IC
- Merkins – 55 OYO
To-Go Order: The rest of Warm-O-Rama was done on the way to H.O.B. Elementary. Since our mouths were full of water, the trick was to watch the Q and do what he was doing since YHC could not talk with his mouth full (that’s what mama said). On the way YHC led with Mosey, Nur, Butt Kickers, Karaoke one way, Karaoke the other, Mosey, High Knees, Toy Soldiers and Mosey. Those who reached the destination with water still in their mouth were awarded with 18 Burpees (freebies for PAX to withdraw from their August Burpee account). Shout out to all the victors, especially to Fireplex for the first-time win! Here’s a glimpse at what August will look like for F3 First State…

And now…
After winning PAX did their 18 Burpees, YHC shared his 3rdF message (see below). Then PAX paired up and did the infamous “Burp Back Mountain” on the side hill of the storm pond: Partner 1 runs to the bottom then Nurs back to the top, while Partner 2 is doing Burpees. Rinse and Repeat until all PAX pairs reach a cumulative 100 Burpees. Keep moving; as the sign said, “No Stopping, No Standing, No Parking. (To this point PAX potentially completed a total 68 Burpees.)
Wosey to the school entrance. Mosey back to the AO.
Once back the PAX took to the parking lot lines for Line Dance Burpees: Did 5 Burpees, jumping across the line between each rep. 2 Rounds of 5 (5-5) totaling 10 Burpees. Shout out to all the PAX who brought school supplies; keep up the good work men!
Total Burpees on the day = 83. PAX get to withdraw the amount equivalent to the school supplies they brought. The 2nd Annual Burp to School Challenge is on!

That’s a wrap! PAX circled up…
- Number-Rama : 19 PAX (including FNG Blue Box)
- Name-O-Rama
- Announcements/Prayers: Prayers for Fireplex’s dad, battling cancer; for Blockbuster, facing a big test today referred to as “the widow maker.”
- YHC stood in for Semi today to transfer the CHOP shovel-flag today to new Site-Q Whirlybird. Welcome to the leadership circle, brother! And Tclaps to Semi for doing a great job as Site-Q and planting the shovel-flag for the last 2 years. Thanks brother!

Always a privilege to Q, especially when celebrating a berfday AND when launching the 2nd annual Burp to School Challenge. Great Coffeeteria followed as YHC’s M threw down with some of the best coffee cake on the planet!!
Chappie, out!
For today’s 3rdF, see the following…
Shared Pain Builds Trust (DREDD, Q Source, 137)
“About my 3rd week of Ranger School the instructors marched us to a pond in the outback of Ft. Benning. There in the water was a narrow ladder that ascended 40′ to a 4×4 Plank that spanned 40′ above and across the pond. The idea was to climb the ladder, walk the Plank and drop from the rope into the water, which was nasty and cold. There was no safety line–if you fell, you fell. It was dirty and dangerous. And, although it would’ve been an easy thing to do were it only 5′ off the ground, walking that forty feet of Plank forty feet above the water was one of the most difficult things I had ever done at that point in my life. It only took about 2 minutes to walk that Plank, but it felt like two hours.
In truth, I didn’t want to do it. I’m certain that very few of my fellow Ranger School students wanted to do it either. And some men, maybe 5%, didn’t do it. They wanted to graduate from Ranger School just as much as the rest of us, but something within them just would not let them climb that ladder, walk that plank and drop into that water. The stress was too much.
But the others, the ones who were able to overcome the dirt, danger, and difficulty, we learned something about ourselves and each other that dramatically strengthened the TRUST between us. It only took 2 minutes, but such is the power of dirty, dangerous, and difficult things to bond men together. Shared pain builds trust.
F3 has an acronym for the dirty, dangerous, and difficult things we do to build Trust. We call them CSAUPS, which stands for…. This satirical on our part because a CSAUP is neither stupid nor pointless, it is a very efficient way to share pain. A CSAUP can be an obstacle race, a GORUCK challenge, or a GROWRUCK weekend or anything else that provides the opportunity for dirt, danger, and difficulty. Completing it together tells the participants something about themselves and each other–that they are men upon whom others may safely rely. The nature of the event is not important. What matters is that the Q uses the CSAUP to apply stress to his Team to build the Trust-relationship between its members.”
YHC’s addition: I’ve never been one of those who teaches that if you just accept Jesus, your life will be perfect. The Scriptures say too much about suffering to think that way.
1 Peter 1:6-7 say, “In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith–of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire–may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.”
Though this month’s Burp to School Challenge may seem Completely Stupid And Utterly Pointless it is neither stupid nor pointless: It’s a way for F3 First State to share pain AND to do something good in the midst of it (provide school supplies)…plus, we’ll all get stronger.
- Trust is an essential element of shared leadership
- Stress testing build reliance
- Shared pain builds trust.