DATE: 12/27/22
QIC: Chappie
19 PAX won that first battle and posted at CHOP to take part in YHC’s 200th Post celebration with a good old fashioned stations workout. Truth be told YHC’s been working on this one for weeks, brainstorming and adding items to the 3×5 card on his desk as his Q crept closer. Here’s the 411, the skinny, the low-down…
- SSH – 25 IC
- Seal Jack – 21 IC (or, something like that; got rep-jacked by PAX who wets himself every time SSH’s are called)
- Swartzjack – 18 IC
- Crab Flippers – 16 IC
YHC took a brief to explain the stations
Partner Up – Work through stations at each cone.
The WHOLE Idea: KEEP MOVING! thru the 10 STATIONS: (not necessarily in this order, follow instructions on paper at each cone)
- 20 Abyss Merkins
- Firehose Pulls (partner resist, cone to cone) Safety brief: Resisting… DO NOT faceplant partner!!
- 20 Partner Big Boys (interlock/hold ankles)
- Chairman Lap: 0.27 miles
- 10 Swerkins
- 40 Curls for the Girls (w/Cindy)
- 10 Compass Squats (THE crowd pleaser of the day)
- 20 Patty Cake Merkins
- Sandbag Steps (single leg over parking blocks – down & back)
- 10 Sandbag Burpees
CHANGE IT UP! Big Dice, 3 Options…
+ ROLL SNAKE EYES: No Burpees/No run
+ ANYTHING but SNAKE EYES = 18 Burpees/Long Run (a 0.50 mile mosey around the block)
+ NO ROLL, JUST RUN: Choose the hard thing & do it. No gambles, no negotiations. Just a choice.
3rdF Shared Near End of Workout
TRex asked on Saturday how we did over the past year in achieving our goals. Not many of us responded. Unfortunately that’s probably more often the case than not. In fact, many won’t set goals because they know they’re not likely to keep them, and, therefore, won’t even take the time to seriously think through setting goals.
I can’t say that Ruxpin’s goal was to post for 200 workouts this year. Personally, it was in the back of my mind and perhaps a small’ish goal, but YHC’s real goal was simply to be consistent. Consistency meant working out after being all night helping 2.0’s with issues and dead tired, working out with a head full of snot, working out in the rain, the snow, the hot, the cold, or working out when I just didn’t feel like getting out of the Fartsack. I said it before, and I’ll say it again, I post because I know you guys will be here. I honestly wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for knowing you’re all going to be here. The patch for 100 workouts or 200 workouts isn’t the real reward, CONSISTENCY itself is the reward! I love that F3 is a community of consistency! I heard the quote recently that, “Commitment gets you started, but consistency takes you to the finish.”
So maybe last year you committed to some goals, but came up short because you lacked the consistency to follow through. Keep in mind we have to live out consistency exactly where God has placed us. Maybe things got changed up in the past year. Doesn’t matter, live it out where God placed you. That may mean sacrifice, serving others, or stepping in somewhere to make a difference. (Somewhere uncomfortable and unfamiliar, but nonetheless where you’re called to make a difference.)
Consistency isn’t a once-and-done thing; not once a month, not once a week, but everyday…and sometimes even hourly or moment by moment, depending on the curveball life throws at you. I’ve talked about consistency in posting for workouts, and while consistency here is great and you will benefit by it in Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith—you become stronger, gain endurance, and lose weight; you build deeper and lasting camaraderie; and your belief system/faith is shored-up on a firmer foundation—all of these are only a microcosm of what’s going on in the real world. So consistency, as we’re heading into a 2023 may require making some changes or taking some new steps. Maybe not New Year’s resolutions per se, but commitment to more attainable goals. Goals which are not “possible”, but are better labeled instead as “probable.”
Make changes and take steps that’ll help you live consistently for the Lord, your family, your workplace and for the communities in which you live and serve. That way when crisis comes, your consistency will trump its challenges, there will be no need to panic. You’ll stay committed to family, job, friends, to achieving your goals…especially if you’re first commitment is to the Lord and consistency in your daily walk with Him. Start 2023 by intentionally renewing your commitment to Him. But don’t forget: Commitment only gets you started, consistency takes you to the finish! Be HIM and be consistent.
Each group finished up their last station(s) and YHC called it a wrap: (All made it through the stations at least once)
- Number-Rama – 19 PAX said, “There’s a heatwave; it’s back up to 24 degrees so I’m posting!”
- Name-O-Rama
- Announcements: SLT (Shared Leadership Team meeting scheduled for Thu. evening Jan. 12, 2023 for strategic planning, etc. Details/Location/Agenda TBD). YHC honored to be among the 2 @f3firstState PAX to earn the 200 Posts patch. #earnednevergiven
- Prayer: No specific personal; requests offered up besides prayer for those in our Armed Forces away from home over the Holidays and for our first responders.

Always love Q’ing. Thanx to all the men who stuck around to help put gear away.
Chappie, out! Aye!