FNG Week in Monterey!!


Q: Priorities

Pax:  Croc, Sharkbait, Priorities, Sawdust (FNG)  –  Tuesday

Pax: Croc, Ballcock (F3 Bluffton), Priorities, Rhymes (FNG) – Thursday

First of all, YHC has got to be better at posting backblasts.  Period.  Believe it or not, YHC may have been called (and not it a nice way…) the backblast police, back in F3 Hampton Roads.  If only I still had a job where I could sit at a computer and follow all things F3 nation and weasel shake to my hearts content.  Ah, the good ole days…

Tuesday –

Warmup –

SSHs x25 IC, Don Quixotes x10 IC, Imperial Walkers x15 IC, Merkins x15 IC

The Thang:

Standard issue Dora 1-2-3 teaching the FNG how to count.  For a Marine, he wasn’t too bad…

Next was a little exploring of the AO as the pax found yet another soccer field in the neighborhood.  Pax again partnered up at the center of the field.  In this variation, one partner ran to one of the benches surrounding the field and did 5 Dips and 5 Derkins while the other partner did AMRAP Burpees until partner returned.  Switch, rinse and repeat until all pax hit each of the 5 benches.

We mosey on.  Running uphill, seemingly forever, the pax found the only pull up bars in the AO.  Our FNG proved not only could he count but was also the champion of the pull up bar.  Running out of time, it was AMRAP pull-ups and then back to the flags.  YHC would have had the pax back to flag right on time if we hadn’t attempted a shortcut to a locked gate, having to back track a couple hundred feet and scaring a school janitor half to death…  In the end, everyone got 3 minutes of bonus work in.

Ended with numbers/names and a closing prayer to be better husbands, fathers, sons, co workers and men.  Welcome FNG Sawdust!


Pax hit the beach for a variation of the B.L.I.M.P.S. marathon idea stolen from YHC’s visit to F3 Twin Cities.  First, a short warm up of SSHs, IWs, DQs and an indian run on the beach to the pier.  Then we turned around and took off on a mosey.  Every quarter mile or so, the pax stopped and did a part of the BLIMPS, starting with 5 burpees and adding a letter and 5 more reps at each stop.  Final stop was 5 Burpees, 10 Jump Lunges (Iron Mikes), 15 IWs, 20 Merkins, 25 plank jacks and 30 squats.  In the interest of time and distance, all running was away from the flags except for the final leg before we hit S.  After that it was a Mosey all the way back.  The pax exited the beach for the running path for a sprint back to the flags, about 200 yards, just in case you needed to stretch yours legs after a couple miles on the sand.

Back at the flags it was names, numbers and a prayer to get better.  Welcome Ballcock, down range from F3 Bluffton!  Great to have our first F3 traveler since our first week!  Thanks for coming out!  And welcome to FNG Rhymes.  After much deliberation, it was decided that although seemingly too easy, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity for someone with the last name Busta to have the F3 name Rhymes. Welcome!


  • Big plans for a Halloween beat down on Tuesday morning.  It’s possible we could have 2 FNGs and as many as 8 pax!  Let’s make that happen.  Also, posting in costume will not be discouraged…
  • If you’re ready to Q, get signed up here.  This Priorities guy is running out of new and creative ideas…  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NrxXB-7ZGblGuGwYscXguzzWtnu-CUxiJY2V8Lrte2M/edit?usp=sharing

Priorities out




TClap |