Pax:  Flea, Burgundy, Sharkbait, ADT



Mountain Man Poopers – 20 IC
Hairy Rockets – 20 IC
Overhead claps– 10 yards


Kicking off Thanksgiving with a “TURKEYS” inspired workout. I wanted to use frozen turkeys as coupons…but Flea talked me out of it, something about salmenolla….

After grabbing our coupons.


Thrusters x 15

Upright-Rows x 15

Rock-ee x 10

King of Heart suicides (run forward to the first cone, then backward run to the sideline, then fwd to the second cone, etc. rinse and repeat till an entire set of suicides was accomplished).

Elf on a Shelf x 10 each side

Yoke walk to opposing sideline and back

Star jacks x 10

. The mumblechatter was that everyone seemed to hate the Elf on the Shelf…I’ll have to come up with a different “E” exercise for the next holiday.

Words of Wisdom

“It is too easy to concentrate on your misfortunes instead of your thanksgivings…” Ended with Number-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COTCoffe

TClap |

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