- Pax: Beach, Burgundy (Respect), Cleveland Rocks, Flea, Psyc, Red Light, Sharkbait (Respect), ThisOneTime
- Posted In: Monterey, CA

So it has been 364 days since YHC’s first workout with F3 Monterey. There were 3 FNGs that day – Burgundy, Mr. Rogers, and Myself. Mr. Rogers went on to star in movies but Burgundy and YHC are still at it. YHC still remembers walking up to a few of the OG standing near a shovel flag and asking “Is this the free workout group?” and Sharkbait welcoming me with a huge & very friendly “yes, WELCOME!”… That morning YHC got beat to hell by the Q Croc. But YHC came back for more and more. It’s been a great ride. Thank You F3 Monterey!
7 posted today at Carmel High. Sunny with a little chill in the air. Welcome FNG Red Light!
Disclaimer Given,
Warmup: 20 armies IC,30 Moroccan Night Clubs IC, 20 arm presses IC, 20 Imperial walkers IC, 20 Wind Mills IC, 10 lemon squeezes IC, 20 LBCsIC
The Thang:
Go to hill near pool…
5 burpees… run up
5 burpees (plank until all complete) then 10 wheel of merkins… run down
5 burpees, 10 w of merkins, 15 mtn climnbers… run up
5 burpees, 10 w of merkins, 15 mtn climbers, 20 SSH… run down
5 burpees, 10 w of merkins, 15 mtn climb, 20 SSH, 25 plank jacks, … up
5 burp, 10 w of merk, 15 mtn climb, 20 SSH, 25 plank jacks, 30 monkey humpers.. run down
PAX getting beat… last man sprints to cool down then back to the hill…
5 burpees, 10 w of monkey humpers, 15 mtn climb, 20 SSH, 25 plank jacks, … up
5 burpees, 10 w of gorilla humpers, 15 mtn climbers, 20 SSH… run down
5 burpees, 10 w of monkey humpers, 15 mtn climbers… run up
5 burpees then 10 wheel of monkey humpers… run down
5 burpees… run up
Still time on the clock, Line up on Goal line and Bear crawl or Crab Walk to 50 with 5 SSH every 10 yards.
We circled up with 5 minutes left and each PAX called out an excersise which we did for 10 reps IC.
Count, Name, BOM, Coffee (Thanks for coming to coffee Flea!
YHC & Q = Cleveland Rocks