Gotta Love Them B.L.I.M.P.S.

Date: 01/09/2021

AO: Aegis, Georgetown, DE.

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 30 IC

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

Bolt 45’s IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down.  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

Windmills – 20 IC

Toy Soldier Set – 50 LBC’s, 25 E2K’s (each side), 15 Big Boys

Mosey .47 miles to the School. 

The Thang

PAX completed the Hindenburg BLIMPS routine from the exicon. We modified the sprint portion to a straight line between FOUR light poles that were approx. .02 miles apart. Perform exercise at pole #1, sprint to pole#2 & perform exercise, sprint to pole#3 & perform exercise & lastly to pole #4 & perform exercise. Plank it up until all PAX are in. That completes Round #1. Reverse directions and perform the second exercise working back to the pole where it all started. Rinse and repeat until all 6 Rounds are complete. Round # 1 – 10 Burpees, Round #2 – 20 Lunges (10 each leg). Round #3 – 30 Imperial Walkers. Round #4 – 40 Merkins. Round #5 – 50 Plank Jacks. Round #6 – 60 Squats.

F3 message –The 3rd F was shared after completing round #4.

Mosey .47 miles back to the Aegis.  

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers. Welcome to FNG F3 Klick.

F3 Message 01/09/21 – Gleaned From Ron Hutchcraft Ministries


January 8, 2021

Every once in a while the sun just decides to take a vacation for a few days. Not too long ago, we had one of those stretches of weather when we didn’t see the old boy for the better part of a week. It was just like one rainy day after another. Everyone around here and everything around here was soaked. I was running into our headquarters one morning on a day like that, as one of my co-workers was, and we were both trying to avoid getting drenched in the process. I made some comment about the relentless rain, but he was looking at a little bigger picture than I was. Remembering last summer’s withering drought, he said, “This is going to be good for us later on.”

I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about “When the Rain Just Won’t Stop.”

You might be going through one of those seasons in your life when the “rain” never seems to stop. It’s been stress, bad news, struggle, disappointment, grief, confusion. We all take our turn facing those seasons when we keep waking up to another rainy day.

Our word for today from the Word of God has been, for 2,000 years, a bright light for dark days. The well-worn words of Romans 8:28 have helped millions of believers see a bigger picture when it seemed as if it would never stop raining. As familiar as you might be with these words, they may literally have your name on them for this particular season of your life. So, listen to them with your heart; “We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”

One great saint described Romans 8:28 as “a soft pillow for a long night.” I hope you will let it be that for you. Because it gives you God’s ironclad assurance that there is meaning in what you’re going through; there is a holy purpose for God either sending or allowing those things in your life. His purpose for our dark times is seldom explained, but it’s always there. It doesn’t say everything is good. No, it says everything is being worked together for good. For your good, if you’re one of those “who love Him.”

So you can say, no matter how many days it’s been raining, “This is going to be good for us later on.” God simply wouldn’t let this happen if it wasn’t going to be good for you later on. Romans 8:29 tells us that the ultimate good God is going to bring out of this is to make you more like His Son. I believe God shapes and allows the circumstances to come into your life that will best develop some quality of Jesus in us. There’s nothing greater God could do for you than to plant in you the way Jesus loves people, the way Jesus treats people, the way Jesus is patient with people, the way Jesus understands what a hurting person is going through, and this kind of bondedness is what Jesus had with His Father.

And that may take a lot of rainy days for God to make you the man or woman He created you to be and redeemed you to be. He’s toughening you, or maybe He’s tenderizing you, purging you of old ways of doing things, squeezing you into new and better priorities, sensitizing you to people that maybe you’ve hurt or neglected, moving you to burn some old bridges or to treat some old wounds. What gets you through the rainy days is the calm assurance that “God is working all this together for my good to make a better me.”

Are you going to enjoy one rainy day after another? Not necessarily. But it sure helps to see them in the big picture perspective. God is using these days to prepare you for better days ahead. So if you got up this morning and found that it was raining again, lean hard on Romans 8:28 and say, with all the confidence of a blood-bought child of God, “This is going to be very good for us later on.”

Respectfully Submitted,


TClap |

Post “One-Niner” Debut

Well it didn’t quite feel like, as Madonna sings, “the very first time,” but its been more than a month since YHC Q’d thanks to COVID 19–THE “One-Niner” and it was great to be back! Had the opportunity to Q, thought long and hard about it, then jumped in headfirst.

Here’s the skinny:


  • SSH – 18 IC
  • Swartzjacks – 10 IC
  • Smurfjacks – 10 IC
  • Splitjacks – 10 IC
  • Windmill – 10 IC
  • Cherry Pickers/Hairy Chiggers/Crab Flippers – 10 IC

Chairman lap mosey around the short block


PAX walked perimeter of church building (safety brief walk around), as they would mosey this route between exercises.

Pretty simple…spell your full name, taking laps around the church between each letter. See image below. (For those who Fartsacked this is an easy one to catch up on; it’ll take you about 45 minutes.) Check it out:

Somewhere in the middle of the middle names PAX took a breather for the following 3rdF:

F3 is about leadership. In fact, our F3 Mission Statement is: to Plant, grow, and serve small workout groups of men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

That means what we do here on a micro scale is to spill over into our homes, workplaces, and into the communities in which we live. It means that what we do as a group must spill over into the communities in which we exist: Milton, Milford, and Georgetown.

We’ve done a little of that over the past few years, collecting toilet paper and cooking breakfast for residents at the Home of the Brave, collecting crayons for the young girl distributing crayons to sick children at AI, collecting peanut butter for the Milton Food Pantry, painting the future shelter near Lowes, bringing food to the collection container on the Georgetown Circle, etc.

I’m bringing this to your attention to say that we need to be even more attentive to opportunities for us to lead [together] in our communities during 2021.

I’m also bringing it up today to refer back to a word that has been added to leadership in F3 circles in recent years (at least as far as YHC knows). This is for personal application and its a word mentioned in Dredd’s book Q Source. It is the word virtuous. Virtuous Leadership. That is a very particular kind of leadership.

Virtuous is defined as: Having or showing high moral standards. F3 exists to bring about leadership in men which is marked by its high moral standards.

We can look all around us in the world and see leadership which is absent of moral standards. The political realm is one place this is easily seen. Truth be told, in the end, leadership absent of high moral standards isn’t really leadership at all!

This was the substance of the statement by President John Adams when he stated: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.”

Virtuous leadership means we’re not just leading in our homes, workplaces, and in the communities in which we serve, but that in each of those areas we are LEADING RIGHT.

In that vein the Bible says that leaders must “be above reproach…not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not addicted to wine, not pugnacious (quick to argue, quarrel or fight), not fond of sordid gain, but hospitable, loving what is good, sensible, just, devout, self-controlled.” (Titus 1:7-8)

This is the standard for leadership in Scripture because as go the leaders, so goes the home, the workplace, and the communities in which they serve.

In 2021 let us be HIM by striving to be men who practice virtuous leadership.

Names spelled in full, it was time to circle up:


  • Number-Rama
  • [Full] Name-O-Rama
  • Announcements: Just be smart and use common sense concerning how you feel and whether you post or not (see write up on GroupMe
  • Prayers: For those on IR and those in our community out of action due to Corona virus, get well soon; for the State of Georgia and their run-off elections today; for the nation (march & Trump rally in D.C. tomorrow, 1/6); etc.

Well, it didn’t feel like a Virgin Q, but physically, it felt like it was the first time YHC worked out in years–a full month of the “One-Niner” has ransacked YHC’s legs and lungs. Still, thankful for all the men who posted, humbled to have good health, and grateful to be back!

~Chappie out!

TClap |

10 years and a day

5 strong 💪 today for a modified version of the first F3 workout done on 1/1/2011. Thanks to OBT for posting it here. YHC felt it, along with the rest of the 43 minutes of the workout, was one of the best beatdowns YHC has Q’d in a while. Thank you to the PAX for showing up today. It was awesome.

Disclaimer given

Run to 100 and back
10 Merkins IC 
Hold Plank
10 Merkins IC
Run to 100 and back

Mosey to visitor bench
10 Knee Ups , switch legs
Mosey to field
Flutter Kick IC
Run to side line and back
SSH IC (Oops… we missed this but did it later)
Squat thrusts – 8 count IC
MTN Climber IC
Run to side line and back
Mosey to goal line
Speed Humpers (60 seconds of Monkey Humpers as fast as possible)

That’s a take off of the first F3 workout, but modified a bit.

Line up on goal line
Run to 100, do 10 Rowers & 10 LBCs… then run to 90 and do 9, …. Etc
Run to 100, do 10 Merkins & 10 second plank…. etc.
Run to 50, do 5 Squats & 5 burpees
Run to 70, do 7 starfish (actual name of exercise unknown) & 7 plank jacks

Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama

YHC & Q Cleveland Rocks

TClap |

BOMBS for the new year

QIC- Chattahoochee

14 HIM beat the fartsack and made it out for the first Saturday workout for 2021. All though there was some chatter among the packs and maybe a couple jokingly threats of bodily harm to the Q we all made it through to look forward to many more beatdowns in the upcoming year

Warm-o-Rama- 30 SSH, 25 Windmills, 20 Imperial Walkers, 20 Cherry pickers, 20 Smurfjacks, 20 MNC all IC.

The Thang- Mosey to the old NAPA for a short pain station stop 10 Jimmeny Crickets,and a Toy Soldier set 40 LBCs, 20 E2KS each side, 15 big boys. Back to a Mosey to the school for some BOMBS partner up PAX #1 runs from end sidewalk to center sidewalk of front schoolyard and back while PAX #2 performs excercises then switches out until team reaches said number of excercises combined as a team

50 burbees, 100 overhead hand claps, 150 Merkins, 200 bigboys, 250 squats. All PAX held plank until 6 was in.

BOMBS were followed by a short 3rd F then a nice friendly mosey back to the AO. Once we reached the AO and fireplex demonstrated his dancing abilities thanks to music from the gentleman on the Harley. we finished up with a round of HOWLING MONKEYS all PAX held monkey humper position while all PAX 1 at a time performed 10 monkey humpers

3rd F Proverbs 27:17

Iron sharpens Iron so one person sharpens another at f3 first state the Q is physically sharpening all PAX that post in return all those PAX are sharpening the Q’s leadership abilities. At the end of the beatdown we all come together in a COT were we all come together and sharpen each other physically, mentally and emotionally

TClap |