- Pax: Cleveland Rocks, Johnny Bench, Potato Chip, Sharkbait (Respect)
- Posted In: Monterey, CA

4 strong 💪 for the beat down today. Weather was perfect once we started moving. About 99.999% of the country seems to be below freezing and without any power right now. A bit of this beatdown came courtesy of Kobayashi’s back blast from his visit a few years back. Only two remaining members of the Pax are qualifying for the February ‘tide pod challenge’ to post at all the beatdowns in February and Q twice. 4 more posts left in the month. Can they make it?
Warm up
Grady Corn
Shoulder Taps
Heal Raises
Sun Gods
Cherry Pickers
The Thang
Mosey to parking lot.
10 LBCs and bear crawl to do 10 rowers. Walk back, repeat reducing 1 each time. First person to 1 calls it for the pax.
Mosey… we did a little parkour at the boat ramp and then stopped for some Squats & Al Gores (in cadence.)
Mosey some more to wharf sea wall for some hand stands against the wall and planks. Then some wall sits and more planks.
A few minutes left and we strolled down the beach.
YHC and Q: Cleveland Rocks