- Pax: Chappie, Chattahoochee, Doubtfire, Fireplex, Looney Tunes, quattro, Ruxpin, Semi, Streudel, SweetE, Woodstock
- Posted In: CHOP, Milton, DE

Date: 03/18/2021
AO: CHOP, Milton, DE
QIC: Fireplex
Warm up
SSH – 30 IC
Cherry Pickers – 20 IC
Bolt 45’s – IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down. 15 squats halfway to full down. 15 full squats.
Windmills – 20 IC
Mosey .5 miles to Oh Hill No
The Thang
The Super Sheldon Cooper on old “Sam Hill” with a few of my friendly animals – Complete 10 Burpees, 10 Squats, 10 Merkins & 10 Big Boys. Nur up the hill and mosey down and complete 9 Burpees, 9 Squats, 9 Merkins, & 9 Big Boys. Dragon Crawl up & mosey down and complete 8 Burpees, 8 Squats, 8 Merkins, & 8 Big Boys. Nur up the hill and mosey down and complete 7 Burpees, 7 Squats, 7 Merkins, & 7 Big Boys. Crawl Bear up & Bear Crawl down and complete 6 Burpees, 6 Squats, 6 Merkins & 6 Big Boys.
Time did not allow us to finish, but below are the remaining evolutions as planned if you want to make your own trip back to Oh Hill No.
Nur up the hill and mosey down and complete 5 Burpees, 5 Squats, 5 Merkins, & 5 Big Boys. Inch Worm up the hill and mosey down and complete 4 Burpees, 4 Squats, 4 Merkins, & 4 Big Boys. Nur up the hill and mosey down and complete 3 Burpees, 3 Squats, 3 Merkins, & 3 Big Boys. Boo Boo Bear Crawl up the hill and mosey down and complete 2 Burpees, 2 Squats, 2 Merkins, & 2 Big Boys. Nur up the hill and mosey down and complete 1 Burpee, 1 Squat, 1 Merkin, & 1 Big Boy.
Mosey .5 miles back to CHOP
F3 Message
Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust. Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers
F3 Message 03/18/21

March 16, 2012
I’ve lost my shamrock tie, and I’m bummed. Of course, everyone else is thrilled. I loved wearing it for St. Patrick’s Day every year to celebrate the part of me that’s Irish. In spite of the fact that people insensitively described the color as “barf green.” It doesn’t seem that anyone’s missing it but me.
I’m not sure what old St. Pat would make of the holiday named for him – pouring green dye into the Chicago River and parades full of green-dressed celebrants. I do know that Patrick – who’s pretty much obscured by the festivities – was quite a guy with quite a story.
His first trip to Ireland wasn’t his choice. He was 14 and got kidnapped and carried off to Ireland where he became a sheep-tendin’, pig-sloppin’ slave. But while he was there, he realized that Jesus died to forgive his sins, and he put his trust in Him to do just that. Patrick finally escaped and got back home to Britain where he, presumably, swore he’d never wear anything green!
But his second trip was his choice. A choice that should give a lot of us something to think about.
As Patrick told it, he was asleep one night when he saw Victor, his former Irish captor, in a vision. He “appeared to have come from Ireland with an unlimited number of letters.” Patrick said that the letters seemed to shout with one voice: “We ask you, holy boy, come and walk once more among us.” He “was cut to heart and could read no more.”
And Patrick did walk among them. Spreading the Good News about Jesus that had changed his life. He introduced thousands of Irishmen to Jesus. Patrick reflected on the legacy of his life this way: “I am greatly a debtor to God who hath vouchsafed me such great grace that many people by my means should be born again to God.”
People in heaven. That’s St. Patrick’s ultimate legacy. It’s like the Apostle Paul said about some folks he’d introduced to Jesus: “What is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of the Lord Jesus when He comes? Is it not you? Indeed, you are our glory and joy” (1 Thessalonians 2:19-20).
Which raises the question all of us Jesus-followers should be asking: “Who will be in heaven, because of me?”
God let Patrick know He was counting on him to bring Jesus to people he had “walked among.” Which raises another question: “Who are my ‘walk among them’ people?” They’re the folks who are part of the daily network and experiences of my life. We’ve all got them – the ones who God is counting on us to rescue. He says if “you do not speak out…I will hold you accountable for his blood” (Ezekiel 33:8). Why? Because I knew what that person needed to know to get to heaven – and never told them.
We don’t need a vision. We’ve got orders. “You will be my witnesses, telling people about Me” (Acts 1:8).
Patrick was biographically credentialed to tell the Irish about Jesus. His life had apparently been crafted by God to make him a man who understood them, who they would listen to because of what he had experienced. But that’s not just true of the “shamrock saint.” Every Jesus-follower has been biographically credentialed to share Jesus with folks. Because of what you’ve experienced. Your personal story is your point of entry to ultimately tell them how His story changed your story forever.
So you may be able to celebrate “that many people by my means” were “born again to God.”
Patrick was in a very hard place when he made the greatest discovery of his life – a personal relationship with Jesus. By giving his life to Jesus, he stepped into a greatness he could have never otherwise imagined. It may be that the hard place you’re in right now is where you’ll finally find what you’ve spent your whole life looking for – that love relationship with Jesus Christ. If you want to know how to get started with Him, I encourage you to go to our website, YoursForLife.net, and step into God’s great plan for your life.
Respectfully Submitted,