Date: 7/28/20
QIC: Chappie
YHC had the privilege to stand in the gap for Chattahoochee while he’s following quarantine protocol after he kissed a girl and he liked it. Got you covered brother…”I got this” if you know what I mean Quattro.
Today’s workout called for pulling out the stack of pavers in YHC’s shed–they haven’t been out since WBOC posted and did a Delmarva Life story on F3 First State, so YHC dusted them off, chalked them up with some new motivational messages, and put ’em to work again in the hands of 11 strong PAX.
• SSH – 18 IC
• Swartzjacks – 18 IC
• IW – 10 IC
• Prisoner Squats – 15 IC
• Shoulder Tap Merkins – 10 OYO
Patriot Run (around short block)
(Partner Up)
Paver Pass
• American Hammers/Plank & switch (til each team does sandbag transfer – 2 sandbags opposite ends of parking lot, partners run and switch bags to other ends all while everyone else is doing AH’s or in Plank)
Paver Drive
• 1 PAX drives paver, other runs cones/ switch (4 rotations)
☆ Cone 3 to 4:
Dragon Crawl,
Inchworm Merkin
Shout-out to Fireplex (who bowed out to respond to the fire call, but gave us a good piece from the Night Train as they were going by). Monkey Humpers…next time! To all the men and women of Milton Fire 85, thank you for all that you do to keep our community safe.
Paver Overhead Squat Press
• 1 PAX POSP, partner runs to Cone 3
☆ 8, 6, 4, 2 Burpees per round …great push on the extra credit Burpees Waterfall!
Paver Sunday Drive – Done as bonus (not punishment) by teams who finished early — it pays to win!
• PAX Wosey “Drive” w/paver
3rd F shared mid-workout – First, PAX took the time to read the motivational message on each paver, then…
Thomas Edison said, “If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.”
Back in May YHC watched an episode of one of the ESPN E60’s. It was titled Cliff Diving, but it wasn’t about cliff-diving at all. Instead it was about a man named Cliff Devries, diving.
Cliff is the diving coach at Rochester Institute of Technology. He says in the documentary, “You might see me walking down the road and think ‘Man, he’s got it rough,’ but there’s more…which is a little beyond what you think right now.”
In high school Cliff was the Empire State Games diving champion and selected as an All-American in his junior and senior years. That led to a scholarship to dive for the University of Kentucky with Olympic dreams.
As a diver he was always pushing himself to get better and to do harder, more complicated, dives. He was a competitor! But then he noticed his movements were getting worse. I’ve seen some of the videos of this highly skilled diver, flopping on his back. Something was going wrong.
An MRI revealed that a 6″ tumor in his spinal column was the cause of the loss of movement in his shoulder and arm. At 21-yrs-of-age, complications during surgery to remove the tumor, left him with severe trauma to his spinal chord. Totally paralyzed on his right side, he was told he’d be in a wheelchair the rest of his life.
Cliff grew tired of hearing that and determined he’d walk again.
His walk would leave you with some impressions, but he does walk. He has been coaching at RIT since 1999 and has always longed to get back on the diving board. A few years ago Cliff Devries did just that, and it has now became his annual tradition to dive on his birthday. He slowly climbs the 10M ladder, shuffles to the end of the spring board and dives in to the applause of his family, his team, and the crowd watching.
Such an inspiration, as he’s telling his story he states:
• “There’s always more to you; there’s always more to what YOU CAN do.”
He reiterates, “You might see me walking down the road and think, ‘he’s got it rough,’ but when you look beyond what’s on the surface, there’s always more!”
Hw says, “You’re not gonna find alot of beauty in what I do; it’s alot of hard work, alot of emotion, all balled up into a half-second fall into the water.
But then he asks a series of inspiring questions: “When you see my dive, what else can YOU do? What can you find in yourself? And this question is even more key: What can you find in others? When you look in the mirror, what else is there? What more can you bring out–which is a little beyond what you think right now?
All of this brings to mind the familiar verse from Philippians 4:13, which says, “I can do all things through [Christ] who strengthens me.” That verse is meant to inspire us in a variety of life’s situations where we cannot seem to find strength to go on, or to do what we need to do; it’s meant to carry us through in stating that we can, in fact, find whatever strength is necessary, both in highs and lows, by trusting in Jesus Christ.
I think as leaders, as High Impact Men (HIM), husbands, fathers, and brothers we ought to be asking ourselves (and those around us) the same questions: When we look in the mirror we have to be inspired to ask: What else is there? What else do you have? What more can you bring out…which is a little beyond what you think right now?
- Announcements:
- All PAX invited to join YHC & Gump this evening in Georgetown for RuckingChallenges “Scav Ruck”. Friday Gloom will be the “Suns Out Guns Out” ruck, all PAX also invited to join the fun: Step off @ 2 a.m. for first 7 miles at Primis in Lewes, final 3 miles will be part of Roving RuckF3st Friday.
- YHC reiterated that the COT is just that, a Circle Of Trust and that the GroupMe is an extension of that. Just a maintenance issue to continue to build our trust with one-another and to lock shields.
- Prayers: YHC prayed for PAX to be able to live out the inspiration heard from Cliff Devries. Prayed for Chattahoochee. Prayed for Semi’s family traveling to and from GA. And Praised for Fireplex and others who serve as VF in our communities.
Special thanks to Chattahoochee for the opportunity to stand in the gap. Honored to Q. Humbled to lead. Always grateful for those who won that first battle (over the fartsack) and posted to get better and get stronger and there’s never any regrets for doing that! Well..almost never. You lapped those who slept.
~Chappie, out!