- Pax: Chairman, Chappie, Chattahoochee, Doubtfire, Flipper, FNG (Woodstock), Gump, Leatherman, Ruxpin, Streudel, Trion, Vanilla, Waterfall, Wildwing
- Posted In: CHOP, Milton, DE
QIC: Chappie
DATE: 03/10/20
14 HIM beat the lag from the new hours of Daylight Savings Time and posted at CHOP in Milton, DE for some ab work. Plus, the PAX got in their fair share of Merkins for March Merkin Madness (actually only 147 total).
WARM-O-RAMA: (Intended for Phyfe but he couldn’t make it because of working the Blue Light Special today – no worries, we’ll get him on the schedule again.)
- SSH – 18 IC
- Swartzjack – 18 IC
- Smurfjack – 18 IC
- Plankjack – 18 IC
- Crabflippers – 18 IC
PAX lined up single file at the edge of the field which had 6 cones lined up evenly from one end of the field to the other (lit up with chem-lights – you gotta admit it was cool looking!)
- RR Tracks to the far cone (approx. 175 yards)
- Cone #1 – COP Hello Dolly – 50 IC (…and the mumble chatter begins)
- Mosey to parking lot – 6 Merkins OYO
- First 3 guys back to lot had to grab a Restrictor Plate (Sandbag)
- Mosey out to Cone #2 – COP X’s & O’s – 18 OYO
- Mosey to parking lot – 12 Merkins OYO (from here on Restrictor Plates were voluntary, at least for the most part. Well, see what happened was…instead of mumble chatter there was some “mumble yelling” by the enforcer, Leatherman, to get everyone to step up and shoulder 1 of the 3 sandbags (i.e. some guys appeared to be bypassing the bags)
- Mosey out to Cone #3 – COP 4-Count Freddies – 25 IC
- Mosey to parking lot – 18 Merkins OYO
- Mosey out to Cone #4 – COP Box Cutters – 30 IC
- Mosey to parking lot – 24 Merkins OYO
- Mosey to Cone #5 – COP Dying Cockroaches – 30 IC
- Mosey to parking lot – 30 Merkins OYO
- Mosey to Cone #6 – COP American Hammers – 30 IC
This is how it went…back and forth like suicides, only for abs instead.

PAX circled up for 3rdF:
One of the more popular Bible verses referred to in F3 circles is Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
Most of us have shared that verse as part of a 3rdF, and if not, all of us have at least heard it because it’s been shared regularly.
Iron sharpening iron is a pretty simple concept. We all get it—I think that’s why its included in the Book of Proverbs—its masculine practicality speaks to the hearts of all men!
I’m referring to it today in terms of the leadership principle/practice of ACCOUNTABILITY. By very definition, without accountability there’s no iron sharpening iron. Having no accountability makes you about as useful as the file hanging by itself on a hook in my shed. (P.S. – proper use is critical!)
The question I want to pose is this: In an age when there is so little accountability (i.e. men refuse accountability) do you have someone to whom you’ve MADE YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE—willingly? I’m not talking about your workplace, where you’re subordinate to a supervisor or to someone who holds your paycheck. But I’m talking about a brother in the Lord, a brother in this circle, or another man, who, in any given circumstance can not only encourage you but call into question a decision, a motive, a response, a reaction, or a path you’ve taken? Have you made your heart receptive to the counsel of someone who might even wound you so that you’ll continue to grow and mature as a man, a husband, a father, and friend? Earlier, Proverbs 27 also says, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend…” (27:6). If you don’t have that other piece of iron in your life (I think Mr. T’s words might be for you: “I pity the fool!)
The term ACCOUNTABILITY as its defined in our F3 lexicon is: “Submitting to a standard through enforcement and consequence. To practice Accountability, there must be a STANDARD (and objective measure of performance or behavior…p.s., you’re NOT it!), ENFORCEMENT (an external force to apply that Standard), and CONSEQUENCE (the result of the Enforcement of the Standard). This is certainly a larger definition by context than just a friendship with a brother from another mother, yet it still applies to iron sharpening iron.
That verse means that when iron is rubbed against another piece of iron it SHAPES and SHARPENS it. Similarly, we as men, can help each other become better by our discussions, criticisms, suggestions, ideas, and accountability. As HIM we should not only provide that kind of influence, whether good or bad, but we MUST welcome it as well!
The verse implies both the pleasure and advantage of accountability. Accountability means you have wise and profitable discourses by which you sharpen and are sharpened. I.e. something is added—you are filed, made smooth, or are given a good edge by accountability with another High Impact Man (HIM)…or other High Impact Men (plural). One last question: Do you have the MORAL COURAGE to make decisions for which you will be held accountable?
(Sources: QSOURCE by DREDD, F3nation.com Lexicon, & TBKC)
PAX moved to the wall for a short game of Merkin Dice. PAX took turns rolling the BIG dice to determine the number of Merkins to be done between 10-Count BTTW’s. It went a little something like this:
- Roll #1 – 10 reps
- BTTW – 10 Count
- Hand Release Merkins – 10 OYO
- Roll #2 – 5 reps
- BTTW – 10 Count
- Tempo Merkins – 5 IC
- Roll #3 – 6 reps
- BTTW – 10 Count, courtesy of Leatherman. Recount courtesy of Doubtfire
- Prison Cell Merkins – 6 OYO
Times up…and good thing because somebody’s pain was starting to become “special.” Lol. Plus, PAX had to have time to name our FNG>
- Number-Rama
- Name-O-Rama
- Naming of FNG – Welcome FNG Jeff Chorman, now known in F3 circles as Woodstock
- Announcements:
- Softball games Saturday in Milton to raise support for Delaware Food Bank: Bring your non-perishable food items to the ball fields (Suggestion: You could ruck them to the ball fields.)
- 2nd Annual Shamruck: Family Ruck this Sunday (3/15). Stepping off from the Big Lot’s parking lot in Milford at 3:17 p.m. Rucking 1 mile to McDonald’s for Shamrock Shakes. Rucking 1 mile to return to parking. Bring a ruck (40 lbs if you weigh over 150, 20 lbs if you weigh under 150. If the kids can’t ruck pull ’em in a wagon, bring friends, etc. Let’s just enjoy some time together under ruck and having some quality 2ndF and giving our families the opportunity to get to know one another.

- Prayers: Stafford Family, effected by cancer. Family of Trion’s M’s uncle, Roger. YHC’s friend, undergoing brain tumor removal tomorrow. Other PAX’s families battling for the marriages, etc. P.S. – don’t forget to pray for Quattro, who is sick.
Grateful for the beautiful weather and the amazing full moon to workout under. More than anything, YHC is grateful for the HIM who posted and the accountability that is available (for all who are willing) through this special esprit de corps among F3 brothers. Thanks for posting men!
~ Chappie, out!