4/6/19 AO:Thunderdome
Football Indian Run (around both fields 2x)
Run to front, throw to back, catch ball run to front, repeat
Anytime ball drops, shout drop, everyone drops and does 5 merkins
Tortoise and the Hare B.O.M.B.S. (around basketball courts)
Partner 1 – Coupon Run,
Partner 2 – Exercise until complete and catch partner 1, swap
Burpees 5 each x4 (20 total)
Outlaws 10 each x 4 (40 total)
Merkins 15 each x 4 (60 total)
Big Boy Situps 20 each x 4 (80 total)
Squats 25 each x 4 (100 total)
Bricker of Fire (tennis courts with coupons and callout cones in center of each half)
8 stations rotate when station 1 finishes run around all four courts
1. Coupon Run
2. Curls
3. Overhead Press
4. Tricep Extensions
5. Derkins using coupon
6. Blockees
7. Elf on a Shelf (alternating)
8. Chest Presses
20 E2Ks – on your six, right ankle over left knee, left elbow to right knee, switch.
20 Captain Thors – sit-up with 4 hammers at the top of each