Date: 07/09/20
QIC: Chappie
Us four and no more cut through the soupy fog to post at the Grit Mill and cut through the soupy humidity–all the way around it was a thick soupy Gloom!
- SSH – 10 IC
- Albatross Wings – Single Count IC
- 20 x Forward Arm Circles
- 20 x Backward Arm Circles
- 20 x Seal Claps
- 20 x Overhead Claps
- Swartzjacks – 10 IC
- IW – 20 IC
- Compass Squats – 10 IC (Squat while jumping to turn N, E, S, & W = 1 rep.)
- Cherry Pickers – 20 IC
Patriot Chase to Milford Church of God (Parking Lot) – 1 PAX ran ahead with the Shovel-Flag, while rest of PAX did 3 Burpees. PAX would then run to catch the flag, and slow down til all PAX caught up. PAX rotated through carrying the Shovel-Flag and doing Burpees (rinse & repeat) til destination was reached. Soupy Patriot Chase!
The Thang: (Had to break out the brand-new Workout Deck purchased during the quarantine–YHC couldn’t wait any longer…)
Upon arriving at the MCOG parking lot, PAX did mosey variations (Mosey, Nur, Side-Shuffles, etc.) back and forth across lot, taking turns drawing cards from the F3 Workout Deck (i.e. “Deck of Death”) at the starting point each time.

YHC Shared the following 3rd Word (3rdF) somewhere around mid-workout:
In Mark 10:17-22, we read: “As Jesus started on his way, a [rich] man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” “Why do you call me good?”Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone. You know the commandments: ‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, you shall not defraud, honor your father and mother.’” “Teacher,” he declared, “all these I have kept since I was a boy.”
This portion of Scripture is not just about a [rich man]. Too many people read it and conclude, “I’m not rich, so it doesn’t apply to me.” But the passage is about so much more: As the man approaches Jesus, he’s got one thing very wrong. He wants to know what he must do. (I.e. what he can do to gain eternal life.)
After Jesus points him to God and begins to list the commandments, the man grows perturbed. His response: “Teacher all these I have kept since I was a boy,” tells us he was oozing with self-righteousness. He’s worked hard; he’s kept all the rules; he’s tried his best.
But Jesus sees things differently. Jesus’ response is key: “Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” At this the man’s face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth.”
YHC wants you to see what Jesus’ love looks like in this story: He loves the man too much to allow him to continue in his self-deluded little world of sweat, hard work and determination. He is not willing to stroke the man’s ego and tell him how wonderful he is. Instead, Jesus issues a command. It’s a very poignant moment: Jesus loves the man–and He lets him walk away. He doesn’t chase after him or lower the bar. He doesn’t negotiate and settle on a lower figure that the man will be willing to give. Jesus demands it all.
That is the command and there’s no budging. It’s not just hard. It is an impossible command. Jesus set the bar so high precisely because He loves this man. The point is this, and it is the point for us all: The man had reduced eternal life to SOMETHING HE COULD ACHIEVE, that it was within his power to gain–yes, I can do that!
But now he was confronted with something that was absolutely beyond him. He was brought to a place of realizing he could not do what he thought he could do.
Jesus loves us too much to stroke our egos as well, and tell us how fabulous we are. Instead, He issues commands that are far beyond our ability to obey in order to drive us to him.
Don’t run from that. It doesn’t feel comfortable; it doesn’t give us warm fuzzy feelings about how great we are. But in that moment, in that place of weakness, we can learn to whisper these two words: I can’t. And THAT honors God far more than you’ll ever know.
The man’s right response to the command would be to fall on his knees and speak the words, “I can’t do it.” Only then, with his self-confidence and self-righteousness in tatters and his heart exposed, would he be ready to receive the kingdom of God like a little child. (Mark 10:15)
Perhaps the best summary YHC can give you of what I’m sharing today, is found in Titus 3:8, “He [God] saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of His mercy.”
Truly, HIM have whispered these two words: I can’t. And in that very moment they’ve not only expressed trust in God, but have found Him to be the One who can!
With that, we got in a couple more rounds, then us four and no more mosey’d back to the AO. It’s a wrap!
- Announcements – PAX invited to get in on the “Suns Out Guns Out” ruck this month.
- Prayers: Chappie’s mom; Chairman; etc.
Soupy day with the fog and the humidity/heat, but the PAX showed up and cut right through it like a deck of cards–a Workout Deck, that is! PAX didn’t quite make it through the deck so it was only kinda a Deck of Death. No worries, YHC will break it out again soon!
Always grateful for the opportunity to Q!
~Chappie, out!