Some of the OG has moved on, long live the OG

15 pax made it out to Carmel High today including 3 FNGs.

Warm up:

Armies, High Claps, Moroccan Night Clubs, Imperial Walkers, Copper Head Squats, SSH all IC. Follow me… run a lap…. wall lean…

The thang:

Hand stand nuggets to the wall until you can’t take it any more than more wall lean.

Run to steps, Side walk plank to other side, then crab walk back.

Follow me…. circle up.

IC do little baby crunches IC. Once you can’t do any more you run a lap… first person around lap calls recover UNLESS just two more pax doing LBCs in which case its a show down to see who lasts the longest.

Repeat for Plank Jacks

Repeat for Merkins

Repeat for American Hammers


Line up on goal line and partner up. One person planks while other bear crawls to 20 and planks while other person bear crawls to 20 to meet partner. Then first person crab walks another 20 while partner planks… etc. to other end zone.

Shout out to the OG… contest to run backwards 100 yards. Winner (it was FNG Geronimo) gets a prize.

Circle up at center field… Chumbawamba to my very old iPhone which no one could hear.

Run 2 laps – last man sprints.



Sharkbait Respect:

Words of wisdom: People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. (Maya Angelou)

Huddle up (BOM)… We miss you OG,and others that aren’t with us any longer and thanks to the OG still around.

Welcome FNGs Denim, Jorts, and Geronimo

TClap |

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