- Pax: Burgundy (Respect), Californication, Cleveland Rocks, Hogs breath, Screech, Sharkbait (Respect)
- Posted In: Monterey, CA
Your legs will be smoked after this sprint workout!
Q: Hogs Breath
Pax: Sharkbait, Burgundy, Cleveland Rocks, Californication, Screech
Some mumblechatter, the Carmel boys swim team was warming up on the opposing side line. So these old men took this as a challenge and lined up to ‘compete’ against these young whipper-snappers!
SSH – 35 IC
Hairy Rockets – 25 IC
Cairoca to the 20 yard line and back.
Originally this was planned for down the field, however the Q modified to go sideline to sideline. This was to avoid the Carmel High swim team, we didn’t want a game of chicken developing!
-Partner coupon sprints. One pax would walk the coupon to the opposing sideline, gently set the coupon down and sprint as fast as they could back to the sideline. Once pax 1 reached the starting sideline, pax 2 would sprint to the coupon; retrieve said coupon and carry the coupon back to the starting sideline. All pax experimented carrying the coupons in different fashions, such as goblet, overhead, arms straight out, and shoulder carries. Lather rinse and repeat till all pax had completed 10 iterations.
-200 cumulative partner goblet squats with the coupon.
-Inch worm suicide / mosey. Starting at the 50 yard line all pax would inch worm 10 yards, then mosey back to the 50 yard line, then inch worm 20 yards, mosey back to 50 yard line. Lather rinse and repeat till all pax had completed inch worming 50 yards.
-COP with a round of failure to launch. Failure to launch is a slow 8 count copperhead squat, with a squat jump, we completed 8 rounds before the first pax was unable to launch off the ground.
-50 yard all out sprints, followed by a 50 yard walk back to the starting line. Lather, Rinse and Repeat for a total of 5 sprints.

Words of Wisdom
“Honesty is a very expensive gift, don’t expect it from cheap people…[don’t be cheap yourself]” Warren Buffet
Ended with Number-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COT, Coffeeteria