Suzanne Somers leg burner

Mosey to the opposite goal line and back… round-a-bouts 200 yds
Mountain Man Poopers – 20 IC
Hairy Rockets – 20 IC
Alligator Merkin – 10 yards
World’s greatest stretch – one min each side. Got to get those hammy’s warmed up!


Five Rounds:
10 Coupon Thrusters
20 Coupon Swings
30 Coupon Goblet Squats
-After each round, all pax ran to the opposing goal line and back. Lather, Rinse, Repeat for 5 rounds.

Then to continue our leg burner. Walking Lunge Suicides!!!!
Start by walking lunge to the 10-yard line, then run backwards to the goal line. Then walking lunge to the 20-yard, backward run back. We followed by increasing the distance by 10 yards each time until we reached the 50.

Still having some time left, but wanting to incorporate some rest time….We performed coupon partner, run walk suicides!!!
Partnered up, the first pax would walk the coupon to the 10 yard, then sprint back to the goal tagging his partner. The second pax would then sprint to the coupon, retrieve the coupon and walk this back to the goal. While the one pax was sprinting, the other pax was able to get some rest. The distances would successively increase by 10 yards. We were able to squeeze in the full 100 yard football field!!! Just in time to circle up!

Words of Wisdom
Paraphrased Ghandi “Strength does not come from physical capacity it comes from an indomitable will!”

Ended with Number-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COT, Coffeeteria

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Buckeye dominance

8 posted today at Carmel High including 1 FNG. Welcome Uncle Buck! 4 native North East Ohioans added a nice mid-west hometown feel to the group. Go Buckeyes!

Warmup – Armies, Moroccoan Night Clubs, Windmills (fast and slow), Cherry Pickers, LBC all IC

The thang – Block and Bear suicides every 20 yards. Plank at end.

Parkour thru Carmel High while carrying your block (running, going under things, stairs, hills etc.) A few Wall sits, sideways bear crawls, lunges at the amphitheater.

Back to track and its time to do last man sprints with the bricks. Finally, block and bear back back to the other endzone to finish it off.

Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama, Coffeeteria

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HIIT Monday Hard

Q: Flea


SSH – 20 IC
Imperial Walkers – 20IC
Hillbillies – 20IC
Sun Gods – 10 IC 
Immediately into 10 Morrocan Nightclubs

Mosied over to the playground and did the following 4X

Each exercise was conducted for 45sec in order with a 15sec rest inbetween and 1 min rest between sets.

Air Squats
Al Gore
Tricep Dips
Planck (High or Low)
Step Ups
Mountain Climbers

Ended with Number-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COT, Coffeteria

-2nd F at British Bulldog Pub on 24 Oct, 5pm -whenever
-This week marks the launch of the F3 Impact Challenge. Find out more here:
-Veteran’s Day Volunteering opportunity with Great Clips
-2nd F on November 21st – location to follow

LEXICON: Word of the day- 
10/90 – The general premise that 10% of the people in any Community or Organization will account for 90% of its IMPACT.

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12 pax did some parkour around Carmel High for a Cleveland Rocks beat down.

LBCs, burpees, merkins, duck walks, jumping, running… we did a lot.

An honor to host Sharkbaits dad today! 74 years and going strong. Respect Cow Bell!

Love everyone.

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Broken wheelbarrow

Disclaimer Given

Armies IC, Batwings IC, Cherry Pickers IC, LBCs IC, Plank Jacks IC

The thing:

Partner Up. Plank Claps IC. Broken wheelbarrow to the 25, switch legs, go to 50.

Burpee with jumps over line… ciabiata.

Other partners turn for broken wheelbarrow to the 25 and to end zone.

Gas pumps… ciabata.

2 laps last man sprints.

With partner full wheelbarrow, stopping every 10 yards to do 3 to 5 derkins. End zone to 50, switch, back to other end zone.

50 SSH.

1 lap last man sprints.

Plank to failure than run lap. End once 1 person has planked to failure twice and hence run 2 laps.

“If you have a chance to make a connection with someone… don’t pass up the opportunity.”

Welcome FNG Mig and from Rocklin 88!

Count, BOM, Coffee…

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Smoked Drumstick!

Your legs will be smoked after this sprint workout!

Q: Hogs Breath
Pax:  Sharkbait, Burgundy, Cleveland Rocks, Californication, Screech


Some mumblechatter, the Carmel boys swim team was warming up on the opposing side line. So these old men took this as a challenge and lined up to ‘compete’ against these young whipper-snappers!
SSH – 35 IC
Hairy Rockets – 25 IC
Cairoca to the 20 yard line and back.

Originally this was planned for down the field, however the Q modified to go sideline to sideline. This was to avoid the Carmel High swim team, we didn’t want a game of chicken developing!

-Partner coupon sprints. One pax would walk the coupon to the opposing sideline, gently set the coupon down and sprint as fast as they could back to the sideline. Once pax 1 reached the starting sideline, pax 2 would sprint to the coupon; retrieve said coupon and carry the coupon back to the starting sideline. All pax experimented carrying the coupons in different fashions, such as goblet, overhead, arms straight out, and shoulder carries. Lather rinse and repeat till all pax had completed 10 iterations.
-200 cumulative partner goblet squats with the coupon.
-Inch worm suicide / mosey. Starting at the 50 yard line all pax would inch worm 10 yards, then mosey back to the 50 yard line, then inch worm 20 yards, mosey back to 50 yard line. Lather rinse and repeat till all pax had completed inch worming 50 yards.
-COP with a round of failure to launch. Failure to launch is a slow 8 count copperhead squat, with a squat jump, we completed 8 rounds before the first pax was unable to launch off the ground.
-50 yard all out sprints, followed by a 50 yard walk back to the starting line. Lather, Rinse and Repeat for a total of 5 sprints.

Words of Wisdom
“Honesty is a very expensive gift, don’t expect it from cheap people…[don’t be cheap yourself]” Warren Buffet
Ended with Number-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COTCoffeeteria

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Hindenburg BLIMP(s)

Q: Flea


Sun Gods – 10 IC 
Weed Pickers – 20 IC
4 count Calf Raises -20 IC
Copperhead Squats – 20 IC


B.L.I.M.P.S. Burpees, Lunges, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, Plank Jacks, Squats

Do 10 Burpees on each corner of a field, mosey between corners
20 Lunges ( 10 each leg) each corner
30 Imperial Walkers (15 each leg) each corner
40 Merkins each corner
50 Plank Jacks each corner

Ran out of time to do S

After each round, the first person to arrive back at the flag picked the exercise to wait for the six.

Ended with Number-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COT, Coffeteria

Tough Mudder
Some Sort of 2nd F to come
e-mail to follow!

LEXICON: Word of the day- 
COFFETERIA – Post-Workout gathering of the PAX for mutual mockery, lying and coffee-drinking.

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F3 Monterey-Iron Pax Challenge Week 4

Date: September 28 2019

Participants: ThisOneTime, Sharkbait (respect), Bergundy (respect), Psyc, Screech, BreuHaha,

Warm up: sidestraddle hops, imperial walkers, and arm circles

  • The workout (3 rounds for time)
  • 100 merkins and/or squats
  • 100 yard coupon carry out and back (200 total)
  • 100 coupon swings and/or Bonnie blairs
  • 100 yard coupon carry out and back (200 total)
  • 100 coupon thrusters and/or traveling lunges
  • 100 yard coupon carry out and back (200 total)

Result: Workout called at 0800. Recorded times: Burgendy at 52:50 (Respect!)

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Challenge week 3

Disclaimer given

Warmup armies IC, arm circles IC, imperial walkers IC, cherry pickers IC

Iron Pax Challenge Week 3 workout….

10 Man Makers, 20 over head presses, 30 kettlebell swings, 40 goblet squats, 50 incline merkins.

Run 4 laps, repeat above and run again reducing 1 lap each time.

Count o Rama, Name o Rama, BOM, Coffee!

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9/9/2019 BackBlast – TableTop

Q: Beach

Pre Warm-up Mumblechatter: Burgundy greets Q with reminder of how the Huskers choked on Saturday. Scab picked open. Salt poured in wound. Q may never recover.

Disclaimer: Given

Warm up: SSH 50 IC, Copperhead Squats 20 IC, Abe Vigoda 10 IC, Imperial Walkers 20 IC

The thang:

30 each: Chilcutt Peter Parkers, Merkens, LBCs f/b Lunges to mid-field f/b Burpees or High Knees running in place (PAX discretion) until everyone catches up. Repeat exercises with Lunges to opposite sideline.

30 each: Mtn Climbers, Squats, Sleeping Hillbillies(flapjack) f/b Lunges to mid-field f/b Burpees or High Knees running in place (PAX discretion) until everyone catches up. Repeat exercises with Lunges to opposite sideline.

Mosey around soccer field

30 each: Big Boy Sit Ups, Plank with Leg Lift, Gas Pumps f/b Lunges to mid-field f/b Burpees or High Knees running in place (PAX discretion) until everyone catches up. Repeat exercises f/b Lunges to opposite sideline f/b Burpees/High Knees in place until everyone catches up. Repeat exercises, no Lunges this time, Burpees/High Knees until everyone catches up. Sharkbait requests reward for doing extra Gas Pumps.

Karaoke from sideline to sideline, flapjack at midfield. Sharkbait rewarded with his choice of exercise at the finish line. Sharkbait chooses Imperial Walker/Squat hybrid exercise. Hogs Breath arrives Full Starsky with coffeeteria supplies and mumblechatter.

Announcements: Great Clips goes for surgery 9/11. Dirty Jobs is healing post-op. You Betcha is recovering from an ankle injury. Keep them in your thoughts. Tough Mudder is approaching, Oct 5.

Words of Wisdom: “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Number-rama, Name-O-Rama, Beer Biscuit welcomed to F3Monterey & receives F3 name, COT, Parking Lot Coffeeteria

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