- Pax: Beach, Bruhaha, Burgundy (Respect), Chip, Cleveland Rocks, DPR, Flea, Mr. Brady, Pig Heart, Psyc, Same As Yours, Sharkbait (Respect)
- Posted In: Monterey, CA

12 strong, including 2 FNGs, make it out to Carmel High today and it was fun.
Disclaimer Given
We jumped right into and only paused for a few sips of water.
Run a lap. Circle up, 50 SSH, 40 Seal Jacks, 30 Plank Jacks, 20 Low (elbow) Plank Jacks, 10 Smurf Jacks
Run 2 laps, last man sprints with the last man doing 5 SSH before they catch up.
Line up on goal line, run to 30, 5 Mtn Climbers, run back to goal line and do 1 burpee. Increase burpees by 1. First person calls it.
Last man plank sprint – Line up shoulder to shoulder. Everyone holds plank. First person runs to end of plank line and planks. Do this from goal line to the 50.
Do the same on the way back to the goal line but PAX is doing SSHs.
Line up on goal line, bear crawl to 15, do 5 squats, crawl bear (shout out to Dirty Jobs) back to goal line and do 1 LBC. Repeat increasing LBC by one. First person to 10 LBCs calls it.
Circle up, on your own: 1 arm raise, 1 merkin. Repeat to 10/10. Then hold al gore. Question from FNG DRP … “That’s it, just an arm raise, no jumping or anything?” Oh the zeal of the FNGs… you have to admire it! Pick up the 6 at the end.
Name-o-rama, BOM, Coffeeteria
YHC and Q = Cleveland Rocks