- Pax: Bruhaha, Burgundy, Chairlift, Dab, Flea, Gyro, Honest Abe, Peaks, Priorities, Sawdust, Sharkbait, You Betcha
- Posted In: Monterey, CA
Q: Flea
Abe Vigodas – 15 IC
Cherry Pickers -15 IC
Sun gods -10 IC
Imperial Walkers – 15 IC
Today’s workout was designed to be flexible enough the PAX could adjust the level of difficulty to suit their needs and give those going to the Spartan today a little break although that’s not quite how it turned out…
It was broken up into 5 stations with exercises repeated for 10 minutes at each station. PAX were given the option of a ten-minute repeating timer or 30-sec interval timer and ten-minute station switch timer and this is where the confusion began. The intent with the 30-sec timer was that some stations had 30 sec/1 min workouts, but that message was not conveyed quite accurately enough and there was some confusion at the beginning that every workout was 30 seconds without rest.
Group counted off by 5s and were broken up into different stations. We were a little behind schedule after the warmup so the final station was only about 7 minutes in length.
Station #1
15 burpees
20 reverse lunges/side
10 merkins
20 LBC’s
10 Tricep Dips
Station #2
30 sec Mountain Climbers
30 squats
10 Overhead Shoulder Press w/ Coupon
20 Freddie Mercuries
10 plank with hip dips
Station #3
30 SSH
30 Alternating Lunges
30 Bicep Curls
20 Plank Jacks
30 sec Plank Right Side
30 sec Plank Left Side
Station #4
45 Calf Raises
1 min wall-sit
1 min Jog in Place
15 Reverse Lunges Each Leg
30 Squats
Station #5
15 bicep curls each side w/ coupon
15 tricep dips
30 mountain climbers
30 plank w/ alternating shoulder taps
1 lap around track
Ended with Number-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COT, Coffeeteria
Several Second F events on the way! See e-mails!
Today’s words of wisdom revolved around the vagueness of the workout and the original intention of allowing for allowing flexibility for the PAX to adapt it to their own needs. I’ve recently been studying the Old Testament of the Bible, because I think sometimes Christians have a bad habit of simply ignoring that part of the Bible due to its complexity and immense cultural differences.
The verse that specifically popped into my today during the workout was Gen 12:1 “Now the LORD said to Abram, ‘Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.’
The instruction was vague but Abram followed the instructions given to him. Sometimes in life we receive vague instructions from God or our leaders and it is our job to continually ask for guidance and direction as to how to proceed with a little bit of our own gifts and ingenuity.
LEXICON: Word of the day-
BLACK SWAN – Thriving in the chaos of the unpredictable.