- Pax: Beach, Cleveland Rocks, Dozer, DPR, GRS, Happy Feet, Happy Gates, Hazard, Leafy Greens, Noble, puck, Stone Cold
- Posted In: Monterey, CA
12 strong today. Weather was perfect. DPR even commented on the run how awesome it was to be running in the mist. We are truly fortunate to have our AO where we do. We also welcomed FNGs Puck and Noble.
Disclaimer given
Warm Up
Hill Billies IC
Mt. Man Poopers IC
Jump Rope
The Thang
Run Track 1 lap
Bear Crawl 456 yards: 456 yards = 1368ft which was the height of tower 1 of the World Trade Center.
Run Track 1 lap
Circle up:
Last man IC activities: Gas Pumps, LBC, Freddy Mercury, Planks, etc.
Name and Count-o-rama
Moment of silence for the victims of 9/11 and the service personal who past in the line of duty.
YHC wanted to do something to mark the 20th anniversary of the attacks. The 456 yards bear crawl did just that. I think it will be repeated going forward.
YHC should have told stories of the people he knew lost on 9/11 but YHC feels like he honors them by remembering them in his memories.
YHC and Q Cleveland Rocks