Q on 9/11

12 strong 💪 today. Weather was perfect. DPR even commented on the run how awesome it was to be running in the mist. We are truly fortunate to have our AO where we do. We also welcomed FNGs Puck and Noble.

Disclaimer given

Warm Up
Hill Billies IC
Mt. Man Poopers IC
Jump Rope

The Thang
Run Track 1 lap
Bear Crawl 456 yards: 456 yards = 1368ft which was the height of tower 1 of the World Trade Center.
Run Track 1 lap
Circle up:
Last man IC activities: Gas Pumps, LBC, Freddy Mercury, Planks, etc.

Name and Count-o-rama

Moment of silence for the victims of 9/11 and the service personal who past in the line of duty.

YHC wanted to do something to mark the 20th anniversary of the attacks. The 456 yards bear crawl did just that. I think it will be repeated going forward.

YHC should have told stories of the people he knew lost on 9/11 but YHC feels like he honors them by remembering them in his memories.

YHC and Q Cleveland Rocks

TClap |

300 yards + 3 FNGs + A Guest from F3PugetSound 4/17/2021

F3Monterey welcomed Ferrari from F3PugetSound to the gloom. Except Ferrari says that 55 degrees does not qualify as gloom. We had 13 pax post on this Saturday, including 3 FNGs who were EH’d by Dragon.

Q: Beach

Disclaimer: given

Warmups: Sidestraddle Hops x 50 IC; Imperial Walkers x 20-30 IC; Hillbillies x 20-30 IC; Copperhead Squats x 20 IC; Cherry Pickers x 15 IC; Bat Wings x 20 IC. Q asked pax for some good jokes during Bat Wings. Instead, Happy Gates told a bad joke.

The Thang: Line up on goal line. Lunge walk to the 10. Stop to do 1 calf raise and one Absolution. Lunge walk to the 20. 2 calf raises, 2 Absolutions. Rinse and repeat to the opposite goal line with 10 each of calf raises and Absolutions. Early finishers pick up the 6.

Repeat, except this time with Bear Crawls, Mike Tysons, and 4 count LBCs.

Repeat, except this time with Crab Walks, 4 count Squats, and 4 count Air Press (ie. Shoulder Press).

2 Laps around the track of Last Man Sprints f/b Sidestraddle Hops x 35 f/b 1 minute Plank.

COT, Counterama, Namerama. Ferrari offered a 3rd F opportunity to work at the Concorso Italiano car show in August to raise funds to support Jacob’s Heart Children’s Cancer Support Services. Sharkbait reminded us about the upcoming Murph Challenge and the Del Monte Beach Clean-up today. Sharkbait stated the F3 motto.

Break for coffeeteria at Starbucks where Ferrari told us more about the Concorso Italiano and Jacob’s Heart.

TClap |

Flying EH 4/10/21

The morning started off with @sharkbait putting a last minute flying EH on FNG (@Maestro) seconds before disclaimer was given.

Q: Beach

Disclaimer Given

Warmup: Sidestraddle Hops x 50 IC; Imperial Walkers x 20 IC; Hillbillies x 20 IC; Cherry Pickers x 10 IC; Bat Wings x 20 IC

The Thang: 7 of Diamonds using corners of end zone and 50 yard line, plank until the 6 completes each exercise: Chilcutt Peter Parkers x 7 each corner; Bobby Hurleys x 14 each corner; LBCs x 21 (4 count) each corner; Squats x 28 each corner; Hand-Release Merkens x 21 each corner; Lunges x 14 (4 count) each corner; Absolutions x 7 each corner.

Circle up: Shoulder Press x 20 IC; Sidestraddle Hops x 35 IC; Big Boy Situps x 25 OYO; Calf Raises x 30 OYO

My bat senses told me that Cleveland Rocks was disappointed that he missed out on Bat Wings in warmups. So the last 2 minutes were delegated to Cleveland Rocks to lead us in Bat Wings IC. 🦇

COT, Counterama, Namerama, Welcome Maestro (FNG), F3 mission stated by Sharkbait, Announcements, Coffeeteria

TClap |

Old Rock

15 strong 💪 at Carmel High this morning. Gloom was nice. A little cool, over cast, perfect after the hot days that were hitting us hard during the week.

3 FNGs today including Never Mind who said he likes old rock (IE Music I grew up on.) I thought he was going to say bands from the early 60s when he said old rock. I guess time keeps on ticking into the future….

Disclaimer Given (a few times actually as we had a lot of stragglers today.)

Warm up
Prisoner squats (hands behind head)
T pots

The thang
Run a Lap – line up on goal line
Bunny hop to 25, 10 merkins.  Bunny hop back, 10 merkins.  6 times.  First person calls it
Bear Crawl walk to 25, 10 hello dollies 4 count.  Crab walk back… 10 hello.  6 times. First calls it
Crawl bear to 25, 10 gas pumps 4 count… First calls it

Run a Lap – line up on goal line

At goal line:  

Run to 25 – 10 monkey humpers, at 50 – 10 groiners ,  at 25 – 10 Mike tysons & at goal line 10 Rowers  – pick up the six… / plank…
Reduce the above by 2 each time. Once at 0 do it 1 more time at reps of 10.

Run lap, 10 minutes of mary including:
Hello Dollies
Run 2 laps or do 20 burpees – your choice

Welcome FNGs Never Mind, Renaissance , Dragon

YHC and Q: Cleveland Rocks

TClap |

Hop, Hop, Hop & a Guy From Eugene

5 strong 💪made it out to Carmel High this morning. The beat down was a little more timid as we mostly stayed in place hopping over (and over and over) our imaginary curbs. It was great to see our friend Burgundy in town from Eugene!

Disclaimer Given

10 sun gods
10 windmills
10 hill billies
10 SSH
10 MTN Climbers

The Thang:
Crawl Bear to 50 and back or modify with bear crawl, crab walk… 

At goal line:  
10 merkins, hop over goal line & back, 9 merkins… go to 1 (Once finished option to hold Plank, Al Gore, or ask the person next to you what number they are on and complete exercise with them)
Repeat with 10 plank jacks 4 count…
Repeat with 10 LBCs 4 count

Run lap around track

Again with with 5 burpees & hopping down to 1
Repeat with 5 bobby hurleys
Repeat with Rowers 

Run lap around track

Again with 10 American hammers & hop down to 1
Repeat with 10 squats

Timer went off. Pax asked “Are we done?” and YHC said yes… done with that but there’s time to for another Crawl Bear to the 50 and back. What fun!

Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama, COT


YHC and Q = Cleveland Rocks

TClap |

How do you put 60 into 30?

YHC can’t stay the full 30 on Saturdays so YHC must figure out a way to pump a 60 min workout into 30 minutes and then wish the PAX farewell as they continue on with the pain. YHC thinks he pulled it off with in the “warm-up” with 100 reps of some of our common warm-up exercises.

Also, we welcomed our first FIA today. Welcome Mac Attack! We hope this helps grow F3 and FIA in the area so that we can all get better!

Disclaimer Given

The “warm-up”
100 Moroccan Night Clubs
100 Imperial Walkers
100 Seal / Overhead claps
50 Copper head squats
50 LBC (4 count) 
50 Fairy jacks
Welsh Dragons, starting at 5 reps (Merkins, Plank Jacks, and Shoulder Taps) and counting down

The thang
Run to 50 
15 Burpees OYO
Run to Other Endzone
15 Burpees OYO
Run to 50 
15 Burpees OYO

Repeat above with 10 Absolutions.  

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COT (I think, I was not there)

YHC and co-Q = Cleveland Rocks

TClap |

Country Music Beatdown: Lovin, Hunting, Fishing everyday

8 strong at Carmel High today. Welcome FNG Happy Gates.

YHC has been telling everyone he knows about F3 and with so many soft commits it was nice to see one come out today. I have a feeling he will be a regular having said he heard about the group on the Art of Manliness podcast a while back and was interested in joining up a while ago.

Disclaimer Given

Buy me a boat warm up
10 neck rolls / reverse
20x Seal Claps
Shoulder rolls
Calf raises
Jump rope

Lovin Hunting Fishing – SSH and burpee with 3 pushups every time Luke Bryan says Lovin Hunting Fishing 

Run to other endzone.

Live like you were dying tim mcgraw 

Something to be proud of
On all 4s.  Reach arm up 10 each side
Shoulder blades together
Then left arm / right leg – out to the side and down 4 count
On belly – left head and arms 

Live like you were dying: LBCs and every time it says “Live like you were dying” do a bobby hurley (5 in a row at the end)

Team up 50 / 50.   Crawl bear 50 and back.  If one team member has to put knee or elbow down (IE not on all 4s) then entire team does 5 burpees – even on the turn around.

Stay in team:  Everyone does Big boy situps  – at top do a thrust up at bottom do a thruster (alabama prom date) while one person from team runs to 30 and back.  4 rounds.

Stay in team:  Absolution (Up plank, low plank, Groiner,, Chilly Jack (plank jack on elbows), back to high plank)   one person runs to 30 and back 2 rounds

Cirlce up again 

IC – Q calling it – 10 Merkins ./ 10 air presses… to 2… but then at end do 10

Not-So Lazy Boys – We only did a few… was not working for the Q

Run football field a few times, Plank until end of time.

YHC and Q = Cleveland Rocks

TClap |