AO: Lincoln Hills Golf Club Parking Lot
Q: ’88 (YHC)
Pax: Hobo, Rabbit, Ponch, Captain, Sparky, Fizz Stick, FNG Hydro, FNG Jacapo
This week’s smokefest was moved to the nearby city of Lincoln due to 5 pax running in the Lincoln PACE Race 5K & 10K. We had just finished the warm up and a guy innocently walks up and we invite him to join us. Turns out it was FNG Hydro who had signed up for the race on our team. I wish I could retell his EH story it is pretty amazing. Think along the lines of hearing about Ferris Bueller’s sickness…”My best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with this girl…” He jumped right in and we are glad he did.
Capri lap around parking lot
Follow the leader style
20 Frankensteins
Inch worms back
10 Broad Jumps
Bear Crawls
20 wheelbarrel steps with partner
Switch back
Evens to 12
Crunchy Frogs
Monkey Humpers
Circle of Pain
Planks. 60-45-30-15
Bat Wings:
20 Forward Arm Circles IC-Hold
20 Reverse Arm Circles IC- Hold
20 Overhead claps IC- Hold
20 Seal Claps IC
Lap around parking lot
Pax choice: 20 of an exercise including:
- Mountain climbers
- Al Gore
- Spell numbers to 20
- More that I cannot recall.
What a great Saturday. 9 pax total with 2 more FNGs which makes 4 weeks in a row now. For those keeping score at home that is 6 FNGs in the past month! Keep giving it away and let’s grow this thing. Fizz Stick and FNG Jacopo showed up in a fancy clown car. Fizz Stick’s wife had just earned a new certain car of German engineering. He also came bearing actual fizz sticks for the pax.

Race report: 5 of our pax ran the Lincoln PACE race. Ponch, Rabbit, Hobo and ’88 ran the 10k and Hydro ran the 5k. All in all a great representation of F3 Rocklin in the race. Ponch and Rabbit both placed in their age divisions like they did at the Run Rocklin event in April. Great job guys!
- F3 Dads has been postponed so we can get more pax available to participate. Stay tuned for a new date.
- Ponch has the Q for 5/18