- Pax: Burgundy (Respect), Cleveland Rocks, Flea, Free Samples, Mr. Brady, Psyc, Sharkbait (Respect), ThisOneTime
- Posted In: Monterey, CA
8 strong posted today at Carmel High. The AT&T golf tournament is in full swing (ha!) and YHCs call out to visitors on twitter bought out 0 FNGs. Too bad for them as they missed a great one today. These HIMS really pushed hard today for a beatdown like no other. YHC was super proud of the effort today.
YHC drove to the workout with a lot on his mind but did not share it with the Pax during the workout. YHC doesn’t know why. With the passing of F3 Noonan, a few of YHCs family members over the years, and YHCs 2.0 friend last January he was thinking of sharing words of wisdom of not sweating the small things (as YHC often does.) YHC will first try to take the advice himself and then at a workout down the road, if YHC has mastered it, share it then.

Disclaimer Given.
Warm up: Some Armies IC, SSH IC, then some Batwings IC.
YHC decided to do a little foreshadowing with 10 x modified Absolution IC. Modified Absolution being a combination of a merkin, Mahktar N’Diayes and a Chilly Jack. (Turns out we did the absolution wrong – should have been a groiner instead of a markin.)
Run 1 last man sprint lap.
The thang 1: Line up on goal line, run to 30 and do 5 Mahktar N’Diayes. Run back to goal line for 1 Crowd Pleaser (1 merkin + 1 groiner.) Repeat the run & Mahktar N’Diayes and add 1 crowd pleaser each cycle until the first person has completed 10 crowd pleasers.
The thang 2: Repeat the above but with 5 lemon squeazies and 1-10 burpees.
Run 1 lap last man spring.
The thang 3: Repeat again but with 5 left side zombie crunches, 5 LBCS, and 5 right side zombie crunches and on the goal line 1-10 gorilla humpers. Mumble chatter started up on this one so I guess the pax thought it was toooooo easy.
The thang 4: Repeat again but with 5 gas pumps (thanks Flea!) and 1-10… you guessed it… Absolutions.
We had a minute left so we did 30 SSHs IC.
YHC thought it was one of the one of the top beatdowns he had come up with in some time.
YHC and Q = Cleveland Rocks