- Pax: Cleveland Rocks, Hogs breath, Sharkbait (Respect)
- Posted In: Monterey, CA, Uncategorized
Q: Hogs Breath
Thanks – O – Rama
Pax: Cleveland Rocks, Sharkbait, Hogs Breath and 2.0
SSH – 20 IC
Mountain Man Poopers – 20 IC
Hairy Rockets – 20 IC
This was a Thanksgiving “Pop Up” and impromptu workout. We decided together prior to the big meal and burn some calories. We began by kicking off Thanksgiving with a “TURKEYS” inspired workout. Still didn’t use the frozen turkeys.
A single round “TURKEYS”
Thrusters x 10
Upright-Rows x 10
Reverse Crunch x 10
King of Heart suicides (run forward to the mid-line of a soccer field, then backward run to the sideline. Then forward run to the opposing sideline, and backwards run back to the start)
Elf on a Shelf x 10 each side
Yoke walk to opposing sideline and back
Star jacks x 10
Then we loaded up the 2.0 into a jogging stroller, as a restrictor plate and mosey down the hill. At the bottom the 2.0 asked if we could “alligator” walk so we did about 20 yards of Alligator Merkins.
Then we mosey’ed some more. We found a park and did 25 dips, and 25 calf raises. Then we mosey’ed back to the shovel flag.
We played a round of “F, F, Goose….” Where all pax are in a circle in the plank and the ‘it’ tags each pax calling out “Duck, Duck…” eventually choosing a “Goose” who had to beat the “it” around the circle and back into the plank. Wet dewy grass made for some slippery fun!
After this we called the workout!
In Lieu of Words of Wisdom…. Words of Thanks
Sharkbait – Friends and family, and living in Montery.
Cleveland Rocks – Friends
[Hogs Breath’s] 2.0 – Friends and Family
Hogs Breath – Finding F3 and fighting off the sad clown.
Ended with Number-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COT, Coffeeteria served tailgate style!