Caterpillar / Fuzzy Wuzzy Leg-o-rama


SSH – 30 IC… I think I lost count and just kinda went with it!
Goofball – 25 IC
Mountain Man Poopers – 15 IC

We began with a Caterpillar routine: formed a line in the plank position. The last pax would box jump over the remaining pax. This continued in the same a la fashion of an Indian run.

Once on the other side of the soccer field, we returned back via “Fuzzy Wuzzy” this was a bear crawl Indian run routine back to the starting sideline.

Howling Monkey: this was a COP where all pax grapped their ankles, the first pax began 10 monkey humpers, as soon as he was finished the next pax began 10 monkey humpers, this continued around the circle for a total of three times!

Not to lose the soreness in our legs, we mosey’d to the bottom of the hill.

We performed a few rounds of Sun Gods.

Then 125 squats, OYO. Immediately once the pax was down with the air squats he mosey’d back up the hill to shovel flag.

We still had about 7 mins left, so we began a “7 mins of Mary”

LBC, plank jacks, atomic sit-ups, and gas pumps. After each exercise all pax would sprint to the opposing sideline and back to the starting sideline.

Words of Wisdom
“A man is nothing else but what he makes of himself”

Ended with Number-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COTCoffeeteria

TClap |

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