- Pax: Brother At-Law, Burgundy, Cleveland Rocks, Croc, Flea, Hogsbreath, Kobayashi, Priorities, Shark Bait
- Posted In: Monterey, CA
Conditions: 50* F, Sandy, and Gorgeous
QIC: Kobayashi
Disclaimer: Given.
Warm up:
100 SSH (in cadence)
10 Shoulder Taps (in cadence)
10 Don Quitoxes (in cadence)
The Thang:
Mosey to Fisherman’s Wharf wall and grab a seat.

Part 1
PAX take turns bear crawling to a line in the sand (approx 60 ft), do 25 Monkey Humpers, and Crab Crawl back until all PAX have been out and back.

Part 2
PAX assume Ball to the Wall position.
PAX (2 at a time) take turns Lunge Walk to a line in the sand, do 20 Squats, and Broad Jump back until all PAX have been out and back.

Part 3
It was at this point that my written workout ended and I started shooting from the hip.
The water looked really inviting so mosey to the water. Let PAX know that those who don’t want to get wet probably shouldn’t get in the water.
20 Flutter Kicks (in cadence)

Mosey down the beach a little bit and circle up.
20 SSH (in cadence)
20 Flutter Kicks (in cadence)

Mosey back down the beach.
20 SSH (in cadence)
60 sec count Superman’s
Go back in the water for some Windshield Wipers (on my call)
20 Flutter Kicks (in cadence)
1 Merkin

Count-o-Rama: 9
Name-o-Rama: Shark Bait, Croc, Burgandy (respsect), Flea, Priorities, Borther at-Law (down range), Cleveland Rocks, Hogs Breath, Kobayashi
An Honor to lead this group of men. Thanks for the hospitality you’ve shown while I’ve been on the West Coast. Y’all have a beautiful place.
Sorry for the 100 in cadence SSHs. I got very distracted looking out of the ocean while calling cadence and just kept going. I hope y’all didn’t mind too much.
Glad to have Brother at-Law join us from Nashville. You performed like a true Southern Gentleman and killed this workout.
Shark Bait is a beast and had the most vertical BTTW of any of the guys out there. It was almost as Impressive as Cleveland Rocks hand over hand walking down the wall and then hanging from his toes.
I wanted to get this BB out while every thing was still fresh in my mind but work travel got in the way and I’ve forgotten the remainder of the stuff I wanted to put in here.
Great JOB guys. Keep Growing and Pushing one another. I look forward to seeing you soon.