364 days

So it has been 364 days since YHC’s first workout with F3 Monterey. There were 3 FNGs that day – Burgundy, Mr. Rogers, and Myself. Mr. Rogers went on to star in movies but Burgundy and YHC are still at it. YHC still remembers walking up to a few of the OG standing near a shovel flag and asking “Is this the free workout group?” and Sharkbait welcoming me with a huge & very friendly “yes, WELCOME!”… That morning YHC got beat to hell by the Q Croc. But YHC came back for more and more. It’s been a great ride. Thank You F3 Monterey!

7 posted today at Carmel High. Sunny with a little chill in the air. Welcome FNG Red Light!

Disclaimer Given,

Warmup: 20 armies IC,30 Moroccan Night Clubs IC, 20 arm presses IC, 20 Imperial walkers IC, 20 Wind Mills IC, 10 lemon squeezes IC, 20 LBCsIC

The Thang:

Go to hill near pool…

5 burpees… run up

5 burpees (plank until all complete) then 10 wheel of merkins… run down

5 burpees, 10 w of  merkins, 15 mtn climnbers… run up

5 burpees, 10 w of merkins, 15  mtn climbers, 20 SSH… run down

5 burpees, 10 w of merkins, 15 mtn climb, 20 SSH, 25 plank jacks, … up

5 burp, 10 w of merk, 15 mtn climb, 20 SSH, 25 plank jacks, 30 monkey humpers.. run down

PAX getting beat… last man sprints to cool down then back to the hill…

5 burpees, 10 w of monkey humpers, 15 mtn climb, 20 SSH, 25 plank jacks, … up

5 burpees, 10 w of gorilla humpers, 15  mtn climbers, 20 SSH… run down

5 burpees, 10 w of  monkey humpers, 15 mtn climbers… run up

5 burpees then 10 wheel of monkey humpers… run down

5 burpees… run up

Still time on the clock, Line up on Goal line and Bear crawl or Crab Walk to 50 with 5 SSH every 10 yards.

We circled up with 5 minutes left and each PAX called out an excersise which we did for 10 reps IC.

Count, Name, BOM, Coffee (Thanks for coming to coffee Flea!

YHC & Q = Cleveland Rocks

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pax is shrinking

We lost a few pax to graduation. We wish them the best and know a few are going to post at their new AOs.

5 pax and a single 2.0 posted today at Carmel High.

Disclaimer given.

15 Armies IC, 100 Moroccan Night Clubs… yes, 100. 5 SSH and then 10 OYO in silence. If you don’t stop exactly on 10 you do 5 burpees. The Q was the only one that messed up the count and had to do 5 burpees while the rest of the Pax watched. Windmill IC and the ground was wet again and the Q didn’t want to get wet so on to hillbillies IC.

The Thang:

In honor of Burgundy we did a KSBW workout. It is hard to find an exercise that starts with a K so we did planK jacKs for the K.

12 plank jacks, run 1/4 track, 12 SSH, run 1/4 track, 12 Burpees, run 1/4 track, 12 Wheel of Merkins…. repeat 11… 10…. etc. Oh,,, and the Q brought a tire that one of the Pax had to carry on the runs.

When we got lower in the count we moved over to the hill and ran up backwards, and then back down doing KSBWs.

Frog suicides to finish it off.

Count, Ball, Coffee.

YHC & Q = Cleveland Rocks

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Pax:  Flea, Burgundy, Sharkbait, ADT



Mountain Man Poopers – 20 IC
Hairy Rockets – 20 IC
Overhead claps– 10 yards


Kicking off Thanksgiving with a “TURKEYS” inspired workout. I wanted to use frozen turkeys as coupons…but Flea talked me out of it, something about salmenolla….

After grabbing our coupons.


Thrusters x 15

Upright-Rows x 15

Rock-ee x 10

King of Heart suicides (run forward to the first cone, then backward run to the sideline, then fwd to the second cone, etc. rinse and repeat till an entire set of suicides was accomplished).

Elf on a Shelf x 10 each side

Yoke walk to opposing sideline and back

Star jacks x 10

. The mumblechatter was that everyone seemed to hate the Elf on the Shelf…I’ll have to come up with a different “E” exercise for the next holiday.

Words of Wisdom

“It is too easy to concentrate on your misfortunes instead of your thanksgivings…” Ended with Number-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COTCoffe

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Wide world of sports

Welcome FNG Cosell.

A beautiful morning out at Carmel High. We didn’t stop moving from 7-8 with a lot of running, merkins, SSH, Burpees, bobbing and weaving. That’s what happens when you watch a David Goggins video the night before.

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Caterpillar / Fuzzy Wuzzy Leg-o-rama


SSH – 30 IC… I think I lost count and just kinda went with it!
Goofball – 25 IC
Mountain Man Poopers – 15 IC

We began with a Caterpillar routine: formed a line in the plank position. The last pax would box jump over the remaining pax. This continued in the same a la fashion of an Indian run.

Once on the other side of the soccer field, we returned back via “Fuzzy Wuzzy” this was a bear crawl Indian run routine back to the starting sideline.

Howling Monkey: this was a COP where all pax grapped their ankles, the first pax began 10 monkey humpers, as soon as he was finished the next pax began 10 monkey humpers, this continued around the circle for a total of three times!

Not to lose the soreness in our legs, we mosey’d to the bottom of the hill.

We performed a few rounds of Sun Gods.

Then 125 squats, OYO. Immediately once the pax was down with the air squats he mosey’d back up the hill to shovel flag.

We still had about 7 mins left, so we began a “7 mins of Mary”

LBC, plank jacks, atomic sit-ups, and gas pumps. After each exercise all pax would sprint to the opposing sideline and back to the starting sideline.

Words of Wisdom
“A man is nothing else but what he makes of himself”

Ended with Number-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COTCoffeeteria

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A Veteran’s Day Military Beatdown

11 Nov 2019

Q : Flea



4 PAX showed up today for a VERY foggy beatdown.

Weed Pickers – 20 IC
SSH – 50 IC
Hill Billies – 20 IC
Morrocan Night clubs – 25 IC


Exercises below were performed AMRAP for time. We ended up getting through it about 4X. PAX could complete the exercises in any order of their choice., but there were 5 exercises, representing the 5 branches of the military.

1 Lap around the field
21 Merkins
21 Step-Ups (each leg)
21 Burpees
21 WWII Sit-ups
21 Squats

After the first set was complete and we started the 2nd set. I asked all PAX to think of a Veteran in your life and how they’ve impacted the man you’ve become. During the 3rd set, PAX were asked to think of the days a veteran had impacted their own faith journey, whatever their beliefs may be. Finally, during the last set, PAX were asked to think about a time they pushed themselves further than they thought possible because of a veteran.

Ended with Number-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COT, followed by Coffeteria.


A couple of events coming up. Expect an e-mail soon and think about a holiday Q if you can!

Veterans Day has been observed since 1954 by the U.S. and its origins date back to Armistice Day 1918, which marked the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front in WWI. Veterans Day preserves the historical significance of the 11/11/1918, but also focuses attention on the important purpose of Veterans Day: A celebration to honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good.

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Suzanne Somers leg burner

Mosey to the opposite goal line and back… round-a-bouts 200 yds
Mountain Man Poopers – 20 IC
Hairy Rockets – 20 IC
Alligator Merkin – 10 yards
World’s greatest stretch – one min each side. Got to get those hammy’s warmed up!


Five Rounds:
10 Coupon Thrusters
20 Coupon Swings
30 Coupon Goblet Squats
-After each round, all pax ran to the opposing goal line and back. Lather, Rinse, Repeat for 5 rounds.

Then to continue our leg burner. Walking Lunge Suicides!!!!
Start by walking lunge to the 10-yard line, then run backwards to the goal line. Then walking lunge to the 20-yard, backward run back. We followed by increasing the distance by 10 yards each time until we reached the 50.

Still having some time left, but wanting to incorporate some rest time….We performed coupon partner, run walk suicides!!!
Partnered up, the first pax would walk the coupon to the 10 yard, then sprint back to the goal tagging his partner. The second pax would then sprint to the coupon, retrieve the coupon and walk this back to the goal. While the one pax was sprinting, the other pax was able to get some rest. The distances would successively increase by 10 yards. We were able to squeeze in the full 100 yard football field!!! Just in time to circle up!

Words of Wisdom
Paraphrased Ghandi “Strength does not come from physical capacity it comes from an indomitable will!”

Ended with Number-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COT, Coffeeteria

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“Cause in my dreams, it’s always there”

NOV 2 2019
Q: Flea


Cherry Pickers – 20 IC
Abe Vigoda – 20 IC
Imperial Walkers – 20 IC
Straight into Hill Billies – 20 IC
Arm Circles – 10IC – Infront [Forward/Backward] – Overhead [Forward/Backward] – Sides [Forward/Backward]
Straight into Morrocan Night clubs – 20 IC


The BEAST (6 reps – 25yd run – 6 reps – 25 yd run – 6 reps)

Used the great F3 Beatdown Deck to determine the workout, extremely wet turf as we just had rain the previous day. Small Note: The following are not in order.

High Knees [4 counts]
Side-Straddle Hops
Freddie Mercury [4 counts]
Ranger Merkin
Calf Raises [4 count]
Smurf Jacks [4 count]
Standing Lunge [4 count]

DORA 1-2-3s

Two partners performed this workout, one would be exercising while the other did a 400m lap.

100 – Aussie Merkins
200 – WWII Situps
300 – SSSH

We had about 3 minutes left and finished with some “I Bet You Can’t do This”

Ended with Number-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COT, followed by Coffeteria WHERE GREAT CLIPS SHOWED UP FOR A LATE FULL STARSKY!

Some photos from today.

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HIIT Monday Hard

Q: Flea


SSH – 20 IC
Imperial Walkers – 20IC
Hillbillies – 20IC
Sun Gods – 10 IC 
Immediately into 10 Morrocan Nightclubs

Mosied over to the playground and did the following 4X

Each exercise was conducted for 45sec in order with a 15sec rest inbetween and 1 min rest between sets.

Air Squats
Al Gore
Tricep Dips
Planck (High or Low)
Step Ups
Mountain Climbers

Ended with Number-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COT, Coffeteria

-2nd F at British Bulldog Pub on 24 Oct, 5pm -whenever
-This week marks the launch of the F3 Impact Challenge. Find out more here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puIFL5o4wHY
-Veteran’s Day Volunteering opportunity with Great Clips
-2nd F on November 21st – location to follow

LEXICON: Word of the day- 
10/90 – The general premise that 10% of the people in any Community or Organization will account for 90% of its IMPACT.

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12 pax did some parkour around Carmel High for a Cleveland Rocks beat down.

LBCs, burpees, merkins, duck walks, jumping, running… we did a lot.

An honor to host Sharkbaits dad today! 74 years and going strong. Respect Cow Bell!

Love everyone.

TClap |