- Pax: Beach, Bruhaha, Cleveland Rocks, DPR, Natty, Potato Chip, Seafood, Seco, Sharkbait (Respect), Stone Cold
- Posted In: Monterey, CA
10 strong 💪 this morning at Carmel High. Weather was fantastic. A cool 55 degrees and foggy. Basically like every summer morning here in Carmel.

It was great to see Natty downrange from F3 Knoxville join us and come to coffeteria, too. Also great to see Bru Ha Ha (MIA since July 2020), whom YHC mistook for his younger brother Jagger. Sorry Bru Ha Ha!
Disclaimer given
Warm Up:
10 Michael Phelps
50 SSH
100 Grady Corn (yes! we made it to 100! Only a few moans from the pax. The batwing king loved the grady corns.)
20 Cherry Pickers
10 heel raises
The Thang:
On Track…
For 2 laps:
2 merkins, Run ¼ track, 4 merkins, run ¼ track, 6 merkins, run ¼ track 8 merkins for 4 laps. If first at ¼ mark do 2x exercise, if you are 2nd, do 1.5x exercise. If last, skip exercise and keep running. Sorry for the complex math!
Repeat: Burpees, Absolution, Situps
Great to watch Beach and Natty duke it out on the last 1/4 mile run. Natty took it.
Line up on goal line. Crawl bear 50, run back, crawl bear 25, run back. YHC thought that would take longer than it did so lets Crawl Bear to the 100 and run back.
Still time…
Freddy Mercury’s, Rosalitas, 6 inches….
* Contact Beach SOON! about F3 Shirt order… 10% discount and free shipping
* Contact Sharkbait about F3 Monterey custom shirt order
* RSVP to YHC if you are coming to Dinner at YHC house. Pizza, etc. Priorities will be in town and joining us.
Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama
YHC and Q: Cleveland Rocks